Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

innovation DAILY

Here we highlight selected innovation related articles from around the world on a daily basis.  These articles related to innovation and funding for innovative companies, and best practices for innovation based economic development.


The logistics industry has undergone a major transformation as several factors such as technology, reforms, and the efforts of players continue to change the landscape of the sector. Multiple new-age startups have sought to disrupt the sector by digitising and automating the processes. But, the ones that stand out, primarily focus on innovation.

To discuss how innovation in logistics is helping D2C brands in India, Praful Poddar, SVP of Product Development at Shiprocket, shared his views on the evolution of the logistics sector and what makes Shiprocket a favourite logistics partner for most D2C brands in the country. Here are a few key highlights of his fireside chat with YourStory.


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Mobile payment 2021 08 26 22 39 54 utc

The pandemic has affected few businesses as dramatically as those in the restaurant sector. Many players in the quick-service restaurant (QSR) industry have spent the past two years investing in off-premise channels, digital tools and enhanced efficiency to remain profitable as they work to maintain the health and safety of customers and employees alike.


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Last week, I attended the “Driving Innovation to Advance Plastics Circularity” webinar. The discussion covered practical solutions to address gaps in the plastics value chain, and how collaboration, innovation and investment can help to power the transition.

It was moderated by Suz Okie of GreenBiz in discussion with Andy Postlethwaite, Senior Vice President, Performance Materials Asia Pacific, BASF South East Asia; Emily Rogers, Co-Founder, Reath; and Martyn Tickner, Chief Advisor, Project Strategy, Sourcing & Development, The Alliance to End Plastic Waste (The Alliance).


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Colorful zippers 2021 08 27 15 54 32 utc

Rarely does a company sustain its global industry leadership for more than a few decades, and most that do so are very well-known global brands. YKK, an 88-year-old Japanese manufacturer of zippers, is not a household name, yet it has quietly, and impressively, stayed atop of the global fastener industry for decades. It has remained relevant and preserved its leadership globally and in the U.S. market.


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Back to life goal list concept 2021 09 03 07 04 47 utc

So, you have this goal...well, perhaps an idea for a goal or something that sounds really cool. You’ve been adding it to your “need to achieve” list year after year, but never actually accomplished it. You may not have even told anyone about it because you are afraid that if you do it might just come true, or that you might fail along the way. 

No one benefits from being average, from playing it small… from not accomplishing goals. So, this year, it’s finally time to go after that big dream and actually accomplish what you set out to do!


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Artificial intelligence 2021 08 31 09 47 01 utc  1

Companies in a wide range of industries are trying to integrate analytics and data to improve their operations, with decidedly mixed results. What are top performers doing differently — and better — than others? In general, leading companies did an honest assessment of where they were, formed a vision of where they wanted to be in three or four years, and looked for ways to rack up quick wins.


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Kid saves money put money in a piggy bank 2021 10 31 01 26 02 utc

JERUSALEM, Feb 28 (Reuters) - Venture capital firm Cyberstarts said on Monday it raised $200 million for a new fund to invest in early stage Israeli cyber security companies and planned another fund this year for more seed round investments to support the sector's rapid growth.

Cyberstarts, which started in 2018 and is backed by Sequoia Capital and other investors, said it has invested in some nine cyber startups in its initial $54 million seed fund and six more companies in a subsequent $100 million seed fund.


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Young contemporary cyber security manager typing i 2021 12 09 20 56 00 utc

RICHMOND, Va. (AP) — Russia has some of the best hackers in the world, but in the early days of the war in Ukraine, its ability to create mayhem through malware hasn’t had much of a noticeable impact.

Instead, it's Ukraine that's marshalled sympathetic volunteer hackers in an unprecedented collective global effort to make the Kremlin pay for making war on its neighbor. It’s a kind of cyber free-for-all that experts say risks escalating a moment already fraught with extraordinary danger after Russian President Vladimir Putin put his nuclear forces on alert.


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Saving money in piles of coins on white background 2021 08 30 08 38 45 utc

February saw the announcement of yet another corporate venture fund, prompting CNBC reporter Jordan Novet to quip, “If your company has no corporate-venture arm, what is it even doing?” Novet’s comment came on the heels of MongoDB’s new fund (disclosure: I work for MongoDB), but the intentional irony strikes home because it comes on the heels of recent announcements from Databricks (December 2021) and Snowflake (November 2020), joining larger tech companies that launched their own venture funds years ago, including Salesforce (2017), Microsoft (2016), Google (2009), Red Hat (2000), and Intel (1991).


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Businessman using a laptop 2021 09 02 06 03 06 utc

The Rest of the Story was a Monday to Friday radio program originally hosted by Paul Harvey. Beginning as a part of his newscasts during World War II and then premiering as its own series on the ABC Radio Networks on May 10, 1976, the broadcasts always concluded with a variation on the tag line, “And now you know...the rest of the story.” The show aired from 1942-2008.

Mr. Harvey was noted for his beautiful presentation style and his conservative but individualistic opinions on current events. He enjoyed an almost unparalleled longevity as a national broadcaster. Baby boomers remember Paul Harvey well.


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A question mark on a wooden cube on a computer key 2021 08 29 10 30 03 utc

This IDC Survey Spotlight examines the attributes that are most important when evaluating a digital commerce platform with artificial intelligence (AI) capabilities. The data shown in this study comes from IDC's 2021 AIPath Survey, which surveyed over 1,920 organizations (158 respondents are shown in this survey snapshot). The overall survey was used to identify what is driving organizations' decision when it comes to selecting, purchasing, and utilizing AI.


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Human like robot and artificial intelligence 2022 01 06 00 25 53 utc

Artificial Intelligence is at the core of the Metaverse, but how trustworthy is it? Although there have been many previous studies into AI’s trustworthiness in Web 2.0, these cannot be extended to the metaverse, which requires more complicated metrics to assess system performance and user experience. A recent study from a multinational team of researchers suggests that as we currently lack a set of tested trustworthiness metrics, we should not put our trust in AI to run the metaverse [1].


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Young smiling female entrepreneur working in the a 2021 08 29 01 00 59 utc

Despite reports of labor shortages and business closures, the pandemic’s wide-reaching effects on the economy have not been 100% negative. One of the positive results to emerge over the last two years is a growing interest in entrepreneurship. Reports from the U.S. Census Bureau show that the Great Resignation may represent a shift toward entrepreneurial activity.


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Confidential information and privacy 2021 08 26 22 39 50 utc

After two decades of data management being a wild west, consumer mistrust, government action, and competition for customers are bringing in a new era. Firms that generate any value from personal data will need to change the way they acquire it, share it, protect it, and profit from it. They should follow three basic rules: 1) consistently cultivate trust with customers, explaining in common-sense terms how their data is being used and what’s in it for them;


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Tobi Lutke, CEO of Shopify, immigrated to Canada from Germany. According to Statistics Canada, immigrant-owned companies are younger, grow faster and have higher rates of job creation.  PAUL CHIASSON / THE CANADIAN PRESS FILE PHOTO

Mike Lazaridis, Arlene Dickinson, Tobi Lutke, Susur Lee — what do these Canadians have in common? They immigrated to this country before going on to entrepreneurial fame.

Each has a unique story, but immigrant entrepreneurs play a special role in this country’s economic development. First- and second-generation entrepreneurs undertake 34.7 per cent of all early-stage entrepreneurship in Canada — significantly higher than most other comparable economies. And according to Statistics Canada, immigrant-owned companies are younger, grow faster and have higher rates of job creation. They’re also more likely to enter global markets.

Image: Tobi Lutke, CEO of Shopify, immigrated to Canada from Germany. According to Statistics Canada, immigrant-owned companies are younger, grow faster and have higher rates of job creation. PAUL CHIASSON / THE CANADIAN PRESS FILE PHOTO

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MUHC uses artificial intelligence to train neurosurgery students CTV News

A new study from the Montreal Neurological Institute found that when it comes to teaching brain surgery, artificial intelligence (AI) performs better than real teachers.

Researchers compared students who used virtual reality and AI with those taught by humans, and found that students taught by machines learned twice as fast.

Traditionally, students learn neurosurgery by observing the operating room, and then slowly start doing small surgical tasks on their own.


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Big data 2021 09 01 07 26 32 utc

Identifying a malfunction in the nation’s power grid can be like trying to find a needle in an enormous haystack. A new machine-learning technique could pinpoint potential power grid failures or cascading traffic bottlenecks in real time.

Identifying a malfunction in the nation’s power grid can be like trying to find a needle in an enormous haystack. Hundreds of thousands of interrelated sensors spread across the U.S. capture data on electric current, voltage, and other critical information in real time, often taking multiple recordings per second.


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As a freshly United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) filing is disclosed, we find out Toyota is venturing deeper into the world of robots. Seemingly, the auto brand wants to follow in the footsteps of Honda and Mitsubishi by expanding into new fields of production. The new technology Toyota plans on using surely gives it the chance to succeed.


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People in room with a leader... one asking question

The number of companies using AI has grown significantly in recent years, from small companies up to giants like Google and Facebook. The rise of AI can be attributed to advancements in machine learning, big data analytics and cloud computing.

But there is a lot of misinformation about what exactly AI means. Let’s take a look at what it is all about and why you should care about it as an individual or as a business owner.


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