Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

innovation DAILY

Here we highlight selected innovation related articles from around the world on a daily basis.  These articles related to innovation and funding for innovative companies, and best practices for innovation based economic development.


After SpaceX successfully blasted its Falcon Heavy mega-rocket into outer space today, two of the rocket's three boosters turned around, plummeted through the atmosphere, and landed back on Earth.

SpaceX later revealed that the third booster didn't land on its done ship in the Atlantic Ocean as expected. Instead it crashed into the ocean at about 300 miles per hour, according to SpaceX founder Elon Musk. 

Image: - SPACEX

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It may not always seem like it, but stress is one of the greatest gifts we have. It’s a motivator, a source of strength, and a survival instinct that pushes us beyond what we often perceive as the limit of our capabilities.

Failing to properly harness, manage, and cope with that stress, however, can serve to damage careers, personal relationships and even health and well-being.


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In a matter of only a couple of decades, crowdfunding has grown to a multibillion dollar industry as new technology makes it easier than ever for home innovators to bring their ideas to market. With the rise of new platforms and the growth in popularity amongst millennials of this fundraising methodology, The World Bank estimates that by 2025 the global crowdfunding industry will be worth upward of $95 billion.


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MOUNTAIN VIEW, CA--(Marketwired - February 06, 2018) - Fenwick & West today released a first look at results of its Fourth Quarter 2017 Silicon Valley Venture Capital Survey, which analyzed the terms of 190 venture financings that closed in the fourth quarter of 2017 by companies headquartered in Silicon Valley.

Key findings include:

Valuation results continued to be strong in Q4 2017, but the percentage price increases declined moderately from the prior quarter, following three consecutive quarters of increases.


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As athletes from around the globe converge on Pyeongchang, South Korea, for the 2018 Winter Olympics, they must steel themselves for winds that will whip in from the Manchurian Plain and Siberia and fan icy temperatures that are likely to drop to around 7 degrees Fahrenheit. Meteorologists say this year’s games will likely be the coldest Olympics since Lillehammer, Norway, in 1994—a year when the opening ceremony was so frigid organizers had to cancel plans to release doves because they worried the birds would suffer.

Image: These Ralph Lauren jackets were designed so that Team USA could keep warm at the opening ceremonies of the 2018 Winter Olympics. Credit: Ralph Lauren

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Samar Minallah Khan, the feminist Pakistani anthropologist and filmmaker, was enraged. Local tribal leaders were trading little girls as compensation for their male family members’ crimes.

These leaders, responsible for settling legal disputes in their villages, act as local judges. A longstanding practice was to address major crimes by “compensating” a harmed family with a daughter of the family doing the harm. The guilty father or uncle was then considered “free” and the village was told this issue was “resolved.”


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Imagine instead of a pill, a doctor prescribes a game for a child with attention deficit disorder. Or imagine patients dealing with substance abuse being prescribed assessments they can do via a mobile device to track progress.

These software programs are part of a new class of therapeutics — digital medicines — that can lead to changes in behavior and provide clinical benefit. But digital therapeutics go beyond games or behavior modification programs; they are digital tools that have been tested in clinical trials to assess safety and efficacy.


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When it comes to losing weight, the most important rule of thumb is to consume fewer calories than you’re taking in each day. But cutting calories doesn’t have to mean eating less food. In fact, simply focusing on healthier food choices may be a more sustainable weight-loss strategy than trying to reduce portion sizes, a new Penn State University study suggests.


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Fresh from offering luxury apartments in Dubai to buyers with bitcoin, bra tycoon and baroness Michelle Mone is delving deeper into cryptocurrency.

Along with boyfriend and businessman Doug Barrowman, the pair are launching a venture capital firm supported by the launch of their own cryptocurrency via what's known as an initial coin offering (ICO), or token sale.


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rocket launch

In this video, Entrepreneur Network partner Business Rockstars asks Lewis Horne, president of CBRE Southern California and Hawaii, how he defines entrepreneurship. His answer might surprise you, because Horne says it's not all about the one big idea. Instead, it's about execution.

Can you carry out your vision and create a product or service that other people will want? More to the point, can you do it better than your competition can? Because after all, imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, and if you have a revolutionary idea, odds are that someone will try to follow your footsteps.


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The race to win Amazon’s search for a second headquarters just ticked over into Phase Two. For many, like my hometown of Philadelphia, it brings with it an exciting validation and kicks off a new round of exuberant pitching. But for others, it’s a kick of a different kind -- and one that might prompt some collective soul searching.


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AngelMD logo

SEATTLE, Feb. 2, 2018 – AngelMD announced that it has added Michael Raymer as Chief Strategy Officer. In this role, Raymer will be responsible for the planning, organization and execution of product strategies that are critical to AngelMD’s continued growth and success.

Raymer joins the company after having held global leadership positions across healthcare, information technology, medical devices and therapeutic diagnostics companies. He played an integral part at Microsoft for the company’s launch of its consumer health platform and ecosystem, branded HealthVault. He was also instrumental in the company’s launch of the Amalga suite of products for health systems and life science corporations.


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The first test flight of Falcon Heavy is now targeted for Tuesday, Feb. 6th at 3:45 PM ET from Launch Complex 39A at Kennedy Space Center in Florida. Teams are watching upper level wind shear and will continue to update as information becomes available.

When Falcon Heavy lifts off, it will be the most powerful operational rocket in the world by a factor of two. With the ability to lift into orbit nearly 64 metric tons (141,000 lb)---a mass greater than a 737 jetliner loaded with passengers, crew, luggage and fuel--Falcon Heavy can lift more than twice the payload of the next closest operational vehicle, the Delta IV Heavy, at one-third the cost.


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We need a new bill of rights to absorb the changes brought about by the gig economy, or using apps and websites to arrange casual jobs, which are now spreading to other areas of work, according to an international labour expert speaking at a conference on the future of work.

‘We need a new charter or bill of workers’ rights, which includes a whole lot of new rights that weren’t envisaged in the middle of the 20th century,’ said Ursula Huws, professor of labour and globalisation at the University of Hertfordshire, UK.


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As an active angel investor, I’m accustomed to hearing entrepreneurs pitch their expectation to quickly create a new dominant brand, based on their disruptive technology. In the past, such statements have been credibility red flags, since “everyone” knows that a dominant brand takes decades to establish and scale. Only recently, I realized that times are rapidly changing.

Most of you probably recognize the brand names AirBnB, Instagram, and Slack, all of which are less than ten years old. These are companies that not only have a familiar brand, but carry from five to 35 billion dollar valuations. Of course, in a world which spawns over a half million startups every month, these accomplishments are very rare, but they are happening like never before.


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Top life science companies perform cutting-edge research and make transformational discoveries throughout the County from the I-270 corridor of Gaithersburg and Germantown to White Oak. Add in the federal presence of the NIH and FDA, along with top talent, and tap into our strong momentum for BioHealth success. The business models vary yet our companies have important assets in common: a commitment to diversity of people, places and ideas and a spirit of innovation. Meet some of our impressive CEOs and company heads that showcase life science excellence in the County in our Think Success video series.


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At Google, some employees use a tool that restricts time spent on e-mail. A senior Apple executive said his wife used a device that sets iPhone and iPad limits for their children. Members of a venture capital firm meditate before phone-free quarterly meetings. Slava Rubin, co-founder of crowdfunding site Indiegogo, has a strict no-screen policy for gatherings and adopted a similar rule for his bedroom.

“Literally, the only electricity we use is one lamp,” he says.


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It’s no secret that organizations have been increasingly turning to advanced analytics and artificial intelligence (AI) to improve decision making across business processes—from research and design to supply chain and risk management.

Along the way, there’s been plenty of literature and executive hand-wringing over hiring and deploying ever-scarce data scientists to make this happen. Certainly, data scientists are required to build the analytics models—including machine learning and, increasingly, deep learning—capable of turning vast amounts of data into insights.


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Can we please agree that there is no such thing as a corporate entrepreneur?

The term corporate entrepreneur devalues what real entrepreneurs do, and it creates a haze of hokum around people trying to innovate in large companies that sets them up to fail.

There is an ocean of difference between people innovating or designing new offerings inside a large company, and actual entrepreneurs. On one shore of the ocean is certainty — the steady paycheck, the options vesting, status, the cushiness of a corporate campus — and on the other is the possibility of incredible wealth.


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May s visit yields US 1 3b in Chinese funds for British biotech and life sciences companies South China Morning Post

China’s increasing zeal for improving biotechnology and medical services is music to the ears of the British government after two venture capital firms received 8 billion yuan (US$1.3 billion) in funding commitments from mainland investors during Prime Minister Theresa May’s three-day visit last week.

Future Planet Capital and Eight Great Technologies signed the memorandums of understanding with Chinese investment firms, which was witnessed by Liam Fox, Secretary of State for International Trade, which will invest the funds in Britain’s most innovative biotech, medicine and life sciences companies.


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