Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

innovation DAILY

Here we highlight selected innovation related articles from around the world on a daily basis.  These articles related to innovation and funding for innovative companies, and best practices for innovation based economic development.


Our map infographic shows the top tech startups in every US state, as determined by funding totals. Companies include Magic Leap, DraftKings, and Vox.

The tech boom has diffused beyond the traditional hotbeds of California, New York, and Massachusetts, across the entire United States.

In our latest map of the most well-funded American tech startup in each state, some companies with the deepest pockets were found in Florida (Magic Leap, $1.89B), Virginia (OneWeb, $2.2B), Utah (Domo, $698M), and Illinois (Avant, $655M).


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In anticipation of preparing their students to become well-rounded entrepreneurs, local universities have taken the initiative to streamline their programs and classes within their business schools to help nurture and develop small business operators.

“By virtue of being in Miami we are a small business community,” said Patricia Abril, vice dean of the Miami Business School, formerly known as the University of Miami School of Business Administration. “As a result, our programs at the very core are geared toward innovation and the get-to-it-ness that entrepreneurs need to be successful.”


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To compete at the speed of digital, you need to unleash your strategy, your structure, and your people.

Congratulations! Your organization is performing at or near the top of its game, or it has been in the recent past. Perhaps even better, you have a strategy to improve in the near future. Now for the bad news: the good news won’t last.


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Since major developments in the early-mid 20th century, the private equity sector has been largely defined by boom and bust cycles over the last 70 years.

As with any industry, venture capital has gone through various transformations since the beginning, which has brought it to where it is today, considered to be one of the primary methods of financing for forward thinking concepts and startups.


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On Friday, the CDC announced a first in its 13 years of flu monitoring: As of Jan. 6, every part of the continental U.S. showed “widespread” flu activity.

“This is the first year we had the entire continental U.S. be the same color on the graph, meaning there’s widespread activity in all of the continental U.S. at this point,” CDC Influenza Division Director Dr. Dan Jernigan said during a briefing on Friday. “It is in a lot of places and causing a lot of flu.”


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Jules Schroeder

As entrepreneurs, most of us tend to seriously underestimate the value of community.

I’m talking about the community you build with your customers—and no, a loosely engaged Facebook group doesn’t count.

I find it’s far too common that community is often the last thing to cross our minds. We devote boundless energy to perfecting our branding, marketing, and ad strategies, and yet we seem to expect a community to happen by accident.


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We've all heard the simplistic adage that left-brain thinking is logical and analytical while right-brain thinking is creative and innovative. It's an easy to understand binary that is also a complete myth. The brain is, unsurprisingly, much more complicated than a simple left/right binary, and new research is illustrating that creative thought can be determined by how effectively the brain can communicate between different regions that usually work separately.


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Alexa von Tobel

I've said it, and many others have too: Having a mentor is a vital part of professional growth. In fact, they're not just the key to your business; they're the key to your personal success. 

Here's my suggestion: Think of your group of mentors as a personal advisory board, packed with a diverse set of perspectives.

For me, for example, having a mentor from every generation is an incredible way to gain insights and learnings. 

I believe personal growth is fundamental to becoming a better leader. That means surrounding yourself with people who are willing to tell you what you're good at, what you're bad at, and when you have blind spots. 


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After months of delay and distraction, Washington is finally grappling with the question of immigration reform, and DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals) in particular.

The struggle has many people talking about a potential government shutdown.

Gary Shapiro DACA employees boost our economy. According to the Center for American Progress, 91% are employed and 75% of America's biggest companies count a DACA recipient among their employees. If the program ends, almost 700,000 workers would no longer be able to add to our economy or tax revenue.


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In this video, Entrepreneur Network partner Jeff Rose sits down with Michelle Schroeder-Gardner of Making Sense of Cents, a financial blog. Schroeder-Gardner hustled to turn Making Sense of Cents into a financially stable business, and now she makes $100,000 from her blog content monthly. The best part? She's only 28 years old, and she travels around the country while she works.


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Richard Branson -- CC - Chatham House - Wikipedia

If there’s one thing Richard Branson knows, it’s how to run a successful business.

Throughout last year, the Virgin founder shared what he thinks are the keys ingredients to building a successful company with each letter of the alphabet, which he slowly revealed through the 365 days.


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The Dow Jones Venturesource Venture Capital Report is out for Q4 2017. The report covers the European VC market, including Brexit bound UK. The Dow Jones report for the final quarter of the year paints a positive perspective on VC funding as there was a “surge” in number of deals and amount raised.

The report states investors injected €2.3 billion during Q4 into 26 European based venture funds. This is a 30% increase in number of funds and 45% increase in amount raised versus Q3.  Year over year, capital raised by 7%.


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San Francisco

Silicon Valley’s newest startup is not an app or a gadget. But it is, in the parlance of the hoodie-clad, disruptive. Wealthy venture capitalist Tim Draper, who funded products like Hotmail and Skype, wants to split California into six pieces, putting the state of Jefferson as well as North, Central, West and South California on the map. The sixth—the state of Silicon Valley—would stretch from the top of the San Francisco Bay Area down through San Jose, stopping just before the verdant vineyards of the Central Coast. The idea is that the new states would be more efficient and governable. On July 15, the consortium backing the plan announced that it had submitted enough signatures to put the issue in front of voters in 2016 as part of the state’s wildly democratic ballot initiative.


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It's been an exciting and at times challenging few years for the healthcare industry. 

That's especially true with regard to cutting-edge treatments that harness the body, and with the way these one-time-only therapies challenge the standard way we pay for medication. As companies and patients face higher price tags, it'll take some new ways of thinking to figure out how to cover those costs. 

Image: GSK

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With India and Israel in the spotlight now, it is the most appropriate time to note how technological innovations have driven growth all over the world and brought prosperity to all countries. To be competitive in the world arena, it is important to nurture an 'Innovation Economy'.

India took big strides in its startup ecosystem with the launch of the 'Startup India' programme in 2016. Indian startups are now diversifying across various economic platforms and have unleashed technological innovations to meet India's unique challenges. Startup India is also fostering entrepreneurship and has catapulted the country to be the world's third-largest startup hub. In 2017, GoI also eased compliance requirements for foreign funding, recognising the need for India's startup ecosystem to attract FDI. This, in turn, would create jobs, and boost India's growth further.


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There are nearly 100,000 elementary, middle, and high schools in the US. The best districts are coveted, and a high-caliber school system can be a key factor when a family decides to relocate to one city over another.

Niche, a company that researches and compiles information on schools, provides a ranking of the best school districts in America — that is, the collective quality of all the schools in a district determined by a grade of overall experience.

Image: These are some of the best public schools in the country. (Pictured: Whitefish Bay High School in Wisconsin).Google Maps

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Last Week, U.S. based telecommunications conglomerate Comcast announced a new accelerator program. Called Comcast NBCUniversal Lift Labs the accelerator will be operated in collaboration with startup accelerator firm Techstars Central LLC.

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Comcast is eying Israeli startups for the program, one person familiar with the matter said in an interview with Calcalist speaking on conditions of anonymity.

Image: Comcast Chairman and CEO Brian Roberts. Photo: Bloomberg

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