Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

innovation DAILY

Here we highlight selected innovation related articles from around the world on a daily basis.  These articles related to innovation and funding for innovative companies, and best practices for innovation based economic development.


Twenty years ago, a manufacturing worker might have operated a machine on a factory floor. Today, that worker would need to understand not only how to operate the machine, but also how to program and maintain it. Similarly, many health care workers, such as medical coders and health information managers, now need to know IT as well as the basics of medicine.


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During the late ’90s, Silicon Valley venture capitalists and New York City investment bankers used phrases such as “monetizing eyeballs,” “stickiness,” and “B2C” to justify the ridiculous valuations of Internet companies. They claimed conventional methods were inapplicable in valuing the dot-com companies — which had no revenue — because we were entering an entirely new economy.


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Ia new year 2018

Happy New Year From Rich Bendis and the Innovation America Team!


Society loves to typecast people. It wants to stick you in a box and keep you there, especially true when it comes to careers. For most of my career, I’ve worked in business and worked as a writer simultaneously. Somedays, I feel more like a writer, other days I’m a business nut. But every day both are an inextricable part of my personality. I am not one or the other; I am both. Few people accept this reality; it’s like the mind can’t compute you could feasibly be both. My de facto introduction is either as a consultant or a writer, but never both. 

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Assembling a diverse team, providing compelling financial numbers and being aware of industry trends may help your business attract corporate venture capital, according to Christine Herron, managing director at Intel Capital. "If the strategic value of the return isn't demonstrated in some way, that deal is not going to get done," she said.

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Dear SBIR Insider,

Lot of items going on in the world of SBIR that you should be aware of, and I apologize for letting you down in 2017.  A combination of health issues, sale of, and other commitments have kept me away from the SBIR Insider desk.  That is changing as of today. 

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Every year The New York Times commissions thousands of original illustrations from independent artists around the globe. Artists are asked to distill the most compelling aspects of stories and create a powerful experience. They often have just hours to make images that move, provoke and enrich the act of reading.

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For those of you in my age bracket, you will no doubt remember the 1960s-era classic television show Lost in Space. One of the key members of that crew was a not-so-cleverly named character called Robot. Because, simply put, that’s what he was — a six-foot-tall chrome dude with retractable arms and light bulbs for brains who was constantly warning Dr. Smith of pending dangers.

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Work-life balance has become one of the most popular trends for today’s employees. Between the remote work boom and the amount of ping pong tables in offices around the country, letting employees get work done in their own way has proven to be a lucrative business model for large companies and small startups alike. But which companies are the best at it?

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Just 10 minutes of physical activity can increase brainpower for a short time afterward, according to a new study published in Neuropsychologia. The finding may be important for older people with limited abilities to exercise, say the authors, and for anyone looking to improve their performance on an upcoming mental task.

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Gov. Kim Reynolds and Lt. Gov. Adam Gregg, along with representatives from the Iowa Economic Development Authority (IEDA) and Iowa Innovation Council (IIC), released an economic development roadmap for Iowa’s bioscience industry during a December 19th news conference.  IEDA and IIC hired TEConomy Partners, LLC to do an in-depth analysis on Iowa’s bioscience industry. This is the state’s third bioscience report and most extensive to date, building on a baseline report done in 2004 and a progress report done in 2011.

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As research, investigation and cognition, history is a messenger of memory. Dipping into history between the Renaissance and the first industrial revolution, we can seize some examples of the distinctive features of the scientists who promote entrepreneurship and sometimes are themselves business creators. Their motto is ‘I think, I act and therefore I construct’.

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Few people understand what it is, but Wall Street banks, IT organizations, and consultants are buzzing about blockchain technology. It's hard to remove blockchain from Bitcoin, so we'll start with Bitcoin as we work to understand this technology's potential.

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The ever-maturing PC industry hasn't deterred manufacturers large and small from embracing crowdfunding as a method of bringing new systems to market, whether they need the funds to produce their new product, or just want to gain publicity and guarantee some upfront sales. Not every launch on Kickstarter or one of its rivals is a roaring success, but enough are to keep the campaigns coming.

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At the end of each year, wildlife ecologist David Steen compiles a list of critters that have likely gone extinct. The 2017 list includes a bat, cat, and multiple lizards, although other creatures may be gone for good — we just don't know it yet.

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