Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

innovation DAILY

Here we highlight selected innovation related articles from around the world on a daily basis.  These articles related to innovation and funding for innovative companies, and best practices for innovation based economic development.

Dry lake bed.

It’s not unusual for large companies to have climate goals. But few have actually embedded climate action throughout every department. One first step: making sure that every employee actually understands how climate change works.

Deloitte, with 330,000 employees, is now an early mover in climate literacy. The company announced today that it’s rolling out a new training program for everyone in the company, developed in partnership with the World Wildlife Fund. “To address climate change, we need to understand it,” Punit Renjen, global CEO of Deloitte, said in a release.

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office space

For the third year, Fast Company is recognizing more than 100 organizations, leaders, and teams that have created cultures of innovation in 2021—no easy task given that many employees have continued to work remotely this year. The companies on the Best Workplaces for Innovators list found ways to collaborate and invent despite the challenges posed by the pandemic, and in some cases applied their innovation prowess to the challenges of virtual work. A favorite example: PepsiCo embedded management training in the game Minecraft based on a suggestion from an employee’s child.


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Most of you now agree that hiring and maintaining a diverse team, with a variety of ethnic backgrounds and experiences, is a good thing. Yet, in my experience as a business advisor, I find that many of you business leaders still aren’t sure how to deal effectively with diversity, and may actually negate the benefits and lose their respect by not communicating with them correctly.


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immigrants in line.

We know that immigrants around the world are more likely to start companies than native-born populations but we have a limited understanding as to why. New research suggests personality-based self-selection — in particular, a propensity for risk-taking — may be a hidden driver. The findings have implications for investors, who might want to provide services tailored to the needs of migrant entrepreneurs, including visa and legal advice, and policy makers, who might want to extend support beyond beyond the small group of later-stage international entrepreneurs who are usually the target of entrepreneurship visa programs and investment promotion agencies.


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Joseph Allen

Sensing an opening after the Biden Administration’s recent Executive Order put a hold on a pending regulation prohibiting the misuse of the march-in rights provision of the Bayh-Dole Act for price control, Congressional opponents of the law dusted off a ploy that failed in the Obama Administration to try their luck again. They’ve written to Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin and Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra urging them to march in to control prices of drugs created from inventions arising from R&D their agencies supported.

We likened that aspect of the Executive Order to shooting ourselves in the foot, and it seemed as though it would be a while before we would know if the Administration would pull the trigger or not. With the recent Congressional actions, the day of reckoning may not be far off.


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team. - people working together

There is more to human existence than work; however, it is clear that if we’re are going to devote a third of our adult lives to our jobs, it is quite helpful to find them meaningful. The degree of meaning and purpose you derive from work may be the biggest difference between a job and a career, and psychological research has consistently shown that when employees feel that they belong to a team or organization — in the sense that it aligns with their values, and enables them to express important aspects of their identity — they will not only tend to perform better, but also experience higher levels of engagement and well-being. In contrast, a lack of belonging will increase the risk of alienation, burnout, and underperformance.


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Advanced Technology Ventures, a Silicon Valley venture capital firm with more than $1.8 billion in assets under its management, was hit by a ransomware attack in July that saw cybercriminals steal personal information on the company’s private investors, or limited partners (LPs).

In a letter to the Maine attorney general’s office, ATV said it became aware of the attack on July 9 after its servers storing financial information had been encrypted by ransomware. By July 26, the ATV learned that data had been stolen from the servers before the files were encrypted, a common “double extortion” tactic used by ransomware groups, which then threaten to publish the files online if the ransom to decrypt the files is not paid.

Image: Bryce Durbin / TechCrunch

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money.. person holding money.

Life changed forever after the pandemic and nothing will ever be the same again. The concept of the new normal is not a concept that is used only for health protection measures to prevent infections, but also for the lifestyle of all people.

It is interesting the way in which people have adopted technologies in their daily activities, a panorama that was glimpsed for a long time but that the context accelerated. People have been forced to use technology inevitably overnight, overlooking social, cultural, technological and geographic gaps. Once the pandemic is controlled, it will not be feasible to return to a before, the use of technology has been key to the way of life that would have taken shape in the next 10 years.


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Washington D.C. – Science Fiction often depicts the year 2000 as a year of flying cars, artificial intelligence, and autonomous computers. Although it may seem like we are a long way from realizing the Jetsons vision of 2062, recent innovations in the U.S. aerospace industry indicate that the future may be closer than most would expect. 

“It becomes clear that within the next ten years aerospace is going to evolve,” U.S. Rep. Garret Graves (LA-06) said at a Subcommittee Hearing on “Leading Edge: Innovation in U.S. Aerospace” chaired by U.S. Rep. Rick Larsen (WA-02).


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The past 18 months have dramatically changed how we act, think, recreate and do business. While a great deal of our daily routines has returned, we have learned that many of us can be just as productive (or even more productive) working at home. We enjoy having our groceries delivered, and we’ve experienced the value in attending virtual classes, conferences and seminars. When we do meet others, the greetings have changed; maybe a fist bump or elbow tap, but fewer handshakes.


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Patients, now more than ever, want transparency, agency and access to care. After a global pandemic gave people new perspectives on the level of proactive and reactive care needed to stay healthy and in tune with their healthcare systems, healthcare systems are seeking positive innovations to meet those desires.


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EFF Logo

The forthcoming Senate draft of Biden's infrastructure bill—a 2,000+ page bill designed to update the United States’ roads, highways, and digital infrastructure—contains a poorly crafted provision that could create new surveillance requirements for many within the blockchain ecosystem. This could include developers and others who do not control digital assets on behalf of users.


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Johnson and Johnson Logo

Building upon our long history of supporting and championing health workers, the Center for Health Worker Innovation was established to serve as a focal point for our own efforts and to create a collaborative space for engagement and partnership with other people and organizations. Our shared belief is that solving the challenges facing health workers will improve healthcare for everyone.


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Scott Meacham in front of i2E's logo

There is something happening in Tulsa that everyone in this state who cares about job creation and innovation in Oklahoma needs to know about.

It is called ACT Tulsa and it is a six-month accelerator program aimed at cultivating underestimated founders located in Tulsa and beyond.

What do I mean by underestimated? Founders who are minorities and have not traditionally received investments.

Black founders receive roughly 1% of all venture capital funding in this country. One of the main reasons for that is because Black venture capitalists only make up about 2% of the venture capitalist demographic.


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VVerizon Connect Logoerizon has announced the formation of Robotics Business Technology to expand enterprise solutions for aerial (drones) and ground robotics. Robotics Business Technology includes Skyward, Verizon’s drone management company, incubed IT, a leading developer of software for autonomous mobile robots recently acquired by Verizon, and a team focused on automating command and control of robots on Verizon’s 5G Ultra Wideband network.


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New entrepreneurs routinely jump into a startup with a full charge of passion and energy, but often find themselves drained of both after a few months by the workload and challenges. As a result, burnout and loss of passion are consistently listed among the top causes of startup failure, according to many experts. The challenge is find ways to continually recharge along the way.


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Clues about your health could be right at your fingertips. Take a look at your nails. They could give insight about possible health concerns.

Many nail changes are normal and nothing to worry about. But sometimes changes in the way your nails look and grow can be a sign of disease. Nails are actually specialized skin cells. They’re made of keratin, a protein also found in your hair and skin.


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Doctor holding cell phone.

The most creative healthcare companies today are integrating the power of artificial intelligence (AI) into their services.

Many startups are gradually shifting into health technology so those in need will benefit from the advancement of innovation in the medical field.

First, let’s meet some of the healthcare startups that have developed the latest AI systems.


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Jan van den Ende
Management of the process of creating innovation within an organisation.” That is the definition of innovation management in the words of Jan van den Ende. He is one of the world’s most distinguished business experts in this field. He is professor of management of technology and innovation at the Rotterdam School of Management (RSM), part of the Erasmus University in The Netherlands. His book ‘Innovation Management‘ came out this week in English, published by Red Globe Press. The work offers a contemporary overview of all aspects of innovation management.

Image: Jan van den Ende  -

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More and more businesses and individuals embrace cloud-based solutions, to the point where organisations will get left behind if they don’t embrace it. According to IDC, 2020 marked the first time that spending on public cloud IT infrastructure surpassed spending on more traditional IT infrastructure. These numbers are astonishing when considering that when public cloud services first hit the market, enterprises were filled with anxieties over security and trust.


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