Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

innovation DAILY

Here we highlight selected innovation related articles from around the world on a daily basis.  These articles related to innovation and funding for innovative companies, and best practices for innovation based economic development.

The Helix at Amazon's new HQ 2 in Virginia. NBBJ/Amazon

Amazon has unveiled the design for HQ2, its futuristic new campus in northern Virginia. 

The new headquarters will be home to 2.8 million square feet of office space across three buildings and 2.5 acres of public space. The centerpiece of the campus will be the Helix, a glass structure with walking paths winding around the outside of the building. 

Image: The Helix at Amazon's new HQ 2 in Virginia. NBBJ/Amazon

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This illustration provided by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in January 2020 shows the 2019 Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV). This virus was identified as the cause of an outbreak of respiratory illness first detected in Wuhan, China. (CDC via AP)

Sebastián De Toma joined Pfizer’s clinical trial last year, getting his shots in August and September. The Argentinian journalist still doesn’t know if he got the real covid-19 vaccine or the placebo, but on Sunday, January 31, the trial doctors called him with a new offer.

Would De Toma be willing to undergo a series of nasal swabs to regularly test for the virus? He says the doctors offered to send Cabify (a Spanish ride-sharing service) to bring him to the Hospital Militar in Buenos Aires. “They’ll swab me on the go, through the car window, and that’s it,” says De Toma.


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Mn signing Contract

The Government Accountability Office (GAO) has found that the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the departments of the Navy and Education awarded $31.6 million in obligations to nontraditional companies in fiscal years 2019 and 2020.

GAO said Friday the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) component accounted for the most awards to companies backed by private equity firms, venture capitalists and hedge funds during that time period as part of the Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Program.


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Woman concerned drinking cup of coffee

It isn’t just anti-vaccine conspiracy theorists who are reluctant to get COVID-19 vaccines: In one recent survey, nearly half of Americans said they were hesitant to get vaccinated. Only 53% said they would be willing to do it; of the rest, most said they thought the vaccines were untrustworthy. But if at least 70% of the population doesn’t get the shots, it will be difficult to get the virus under control. Here’s why experts say that you should be confident getting vaccinated.


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Wikipedia - Steve Jobs

Entrepreneurship is a topic that fascinates the brightest and wealthiest people. There is something magical about how a talented entrepreneur can change the world. But who are entrepreneurs? What makes them special? What is the definition of an entrepreneur? In this article, we will look at the five major elements of an entrepreneur.


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Starting a new business is incredibly stressful. All of the weight on your shoulders can lead to anxiety. Left unchecked, this can become a more serious problem that holds you back from reaching the success you are envisioning.

While anxiety may always be a part of the entrepreneurial process, it does not have to hinder it. Below, 11 members of Forbes Coaches Council share powerful ways for entrepreneurs to overcome and manage the anxiety that will always be an inevitable part of their journey.


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Coral Reef

Australia’s tropical marine research agency, the Australian Institute of Marine Science (AIMS) and Accenture (NYSE: ACN) are working together to accelerate global efforts to protect coral reefs. The collaboration supports AIMS’ wider coral reef monitoring efforts as the teams seek to transform the technology used to monitor, collate and analyze data to help improve the sustainable management of these fragile marine ecosystems.


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pulling money out of an ATM

The COVID-19 pandemic has upended the US economy. Headlines highlighting a return to economic growth mask a deeply unequal recovery for workers. While 75 percent of GDP losses have been recouped as of November 2020, only 60 percent of job losses have been recovered, and improved unemployment numbers fail to account for the fact that permanent job losses (such as layoffs) doubled in the first nine months of the pandemic. This dynamic mirrors a trend observed after recessions in 2001 and 2008, when the United States faced “jobless recoveries.”


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City - Andy Spessard

When the pandemic hit the U.S. last year, millions of jobs switched to remote work basically overnight, and as the year unfolded, many of those employers and employees realized this virtual work setup was, well, working. Major companies announced they’d be extending their work-from-home policies through at least 2021, if not indefinitely. People who had always been anchored to a city because of their job are now asking themselves a big question:

Image: Andy Spessard -

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Mandeep Rai

America has always been the land of frontiers, the forefront of innovation, and pivoting however many times it takes it until it is ‘right’ and works.

To get to that place of being bold, you might indeed occur bruises along the way – and as so eloquently put by Amanda Gorman during President Biden’s Inauguration which we have just witnessed.  As he came into power last week, he spoke about the American values of being ‘restless, bold and optimistic’ and Gorman built on it further with


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Manufacturing - Welder

A quicker-than-expected recovery in U.S. manufacturing is resulting in supply disruptions and higher costs for materials used in everything from kitchen cabinets to washing machines to automobiles.

Consumers unable to spend on vacations, dining out and concerts instead have opened their wallets for appliances and other improvements to their current or new homes. Car sales also rebounded faster than expected in the second half of 2020. As a result, prices for some industrial commodities used in those products, such as steel and copper, have climbed to their highest levels in years.


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Bipartisan Comission on Biodefence logo

The COVID-19 pandemic is a stark wake-up call for the United States to take biological threats seriously. The virus is on track to take the lives of more than 400,000 Americans and cost our economy trillions of dollars. The risks of future pandemics increase as technological progress eases barriers to modifying pathogens, raising the specter of novel biological agents causing diseases much worse than humanity has ever faced. Meanwhile, U.S. vulnerabilities to biological attacks have never been clearer to our adversaries.


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Dose of vaccine in needle held by nurse.

If you, like me, are not medically compromised and have been working from home over the past year while drawing your full salary, you have two options.

You can sit patiently until some institution calls you to get vaccinated.

Or, you can proactively organize with other people to make sure your government is distributing vaccines equitably to people who need them the most, especially those who don’t have many advocates—such as the millions of people who are living in congregate care settings, in prisons, or tent cities in the U.S., and the billions of people living in poor countries around the world.


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data sciencist

We’ve been exploring the topic of working in data for some time on We’ve looked at the difference between a data scientist and a data analyst, the types of skills data professionals need and how much you could expect to earn in the industry. But something we haven’t discussed in depth is the role of a chief data scientist.

Ira Cohen is co-founder and chief data scientist at Anodot, a US analytics company that helps businesses detect anomalies in revenue, customer interactions and more. He also previously worked as chief data scientist at Hewlett-Packard Enterprise.


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Meeting - People sitting around a meeting table.

As a business owner, you strive to deliver products and services to improve lives and hopefully make a profit. In the social  ntrepreneurship world, regardless of whether the business model is nonprofit or for-profit, social entrepreneurs like yourself are inspired to think about innovative ideas to solve the world’s most pressing problems.  

There are two sides to this equation. Funders like to see nonprofits with diverse revenue streams, including self-sustaining income. With this preference, nonprofits who traditionally just focused on community work must now consider revenue-generating activities.


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Earlier this month we posited the idea that 2021 could be the year of quantum computing-led drug discovery and predicted that partnerships like those of Google and European pharma giant Boehringer Ingelheim would be more common with more quantum hardware makers tying the knot with drug manufacturers.

Today we saw another example of progress in quantum drug discovery with Roche partnering up with Cambridge Quantum Computing on next-generation quantum algorithms for early-stage drug discovery and development. This is not just a one-off partnership for good press; it’s a multi-year collaboration agreement based on further refinement and use of Cambridge Quantum’s EUMEN platform for quantum chemistry.


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Image credit: Bill Gates vía YouTube

Bill gates He warned that an upcoming pandemic could be 10 times worse and that humanity is not prepared for it. He also insisted that people must learn the lesson that COVID-19 is giving us, according to a quote from the RT portal to an interview with the tycoon for a German media .

According to the billionaire, "we are not prepared for the next pandemic," in the same way he hopes that this situation will change in a couple of years and indicated the axes of opportunity such as drugs, tests, vaccines, epidemiology, and follow-up.

Image: Image credit: Bill Gates vía YouTube

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