Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

innovation DAILY

Here we highlight selected innovation related articles from around the world on a daily basis.  These articles related to innovation and funding for innovative companies, and best practices for innovation based economic development.

Anthony Fauci Official Portrait

The nation's top infectious disease expert said Sunday that the U.S. may see "surge upon a surge" of the coronavirus over the coming weeks, and he also doesn't expect current recommendations around social distancing to be relaxed before Christmas.

"When you have the kind of inflection that we have, it doesn't all of a sudden turn around like that," Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, told ABC's "This Week." "So clearly in the next few weeks, we're going to have the same sort of thing. And perhaps even two or three weeks down the line ... we may see a surge upon a surge."


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PEople working at computers with masks.

What lies ahead for conventional venture capital companies in the world of cryptocurrencies is not clear right now. Yet, it is a certainty that and scale of fundraising through cryptocurrencies is enormous. At this stage, it is difficult to say how the world of cryptocurrencies would shape the investing methodology of venture capital companies; However, this experiment is worth watching.


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people looking at a blueprint.

In my view, starting a new business has never been easier, and according to reports from the Kauffman Foundation, the numbers are here to show it. The rate of new entrepreneurs increased between 2013 and 2019, from 280 out of 100,000 to 310 out of 100,000 of the adult population. Over 600,000 new businesses were created in the last year, or over one per minute of every day.


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Viswanath Ramaswamy

What are the changes IBM India may go through to align itself with the company’s newly accelerated global shift towards cloud computing and AI? We are redefining our future as a hybrid cloud platform and AI company. Over the last few years, we have built a solid foundation for hybrid cloud. IBM’s hybrid cloud platform generated more than $24.4 billion of revenue over the last 12 months. In Q3, our cloud and data platforms grew by 20% led by Red Hat. So you will see our focus on hybrid cloud and AI intensify further.


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Madam C.J. Walker, born Sarah Breedlove, was America’s first female self-made millionaire. She pioneered a line of haircare and beauty products for people of color early in the 20th century, and the recent Netflix series Self Made details the story of this talented innovator and the challenges she overcame on the way to her success.

To accomplish her goals, she had to face overwhelming uncertainties. How would she finance her business? Would her partnerships fail? Would her products sell? Would ruthless competition and racism get in her way? Madame Walker’s future was far from certain when she began her journey, but that did not dissuade her.


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Your high-growth company or venture-backed startup has reached an inflection point; sales are doubling but could grow more; you’re searching for new talent and new markets. Investors want to know what’s next. It may be time to consider international expansion.

Whether you're looking abroad to increase sales or to tap into a new talent pool, these five considerations can help your company get started.


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upwards graph... figures climbing stairs

OTTAWA — Canada’s economy could rebound faster than expected if consumer spending jumps in the wake of a successful coronavirus vaccination effort, Bank of Canada Governor Tiff Macklem said on Thursday.

On the other hand, if the economy weakens amid a second wave of infections, Macklem indicated the central bank could if necessary cut already record low interest rates.


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Yung Wu is the CEO of MaRS Discovery District, an innovation hub located in Toronto, Canada.Yung Wu

Even before the pandemic, Silicon Valley was already facing challenges. Tech companies were bleeding workers due to less-than-helpful White House visa policies and the unintended consequences of the longest bull market cycle in history. These factors and several others created an unbalanced, unsustainable distribution of wealth and resources.

Now, with the pandemic pushing tech companies toward blended or virtual workforces, I'm hearing new questions about the heartland's long-term viability. Can we replicate Silicon Valley elsewhere — and, perhaps more importantly, should we?

Image: Yung Wu is the CEO of MaRS Discovery District, an innovation hub located in Toronto, Canada.- Yung Wu

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This illustration provided by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in January 2020 shows the 2019 Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV). This virus was identified as the cause of an outbreak of respiratory illness first detected in Wuhan, China. (CDC via AP)

Coronavirus lingers in the air and can travel more than six feet, but increasing ventilation and filtration in your home can help to combat the spread, according to guidance from Johns Hopkins University.

“Under certain conditions, people with COVID-19 seem to have infected others who were more than 6 feet away. These transmissions occurred within enclosed spaces that had inadequate ventilation,” said the Centers for Disease Control of airborne transmission.

Image: This illustration provided by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in January 2020 shows the 2019 Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV). This virus was identified as the cause of an outbreak of respiratory illness first detected in Wuhan, China. (CDC via AP)

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Elizabeth Edwards is the founder and managing partner of of H Venture Partners.Courtesy Elizabeth Edwards

Some of today’s most notable companies began as side hustles before they saw success. And at some point, all these founders had to ask themselves the same question: “Will this idea scale?”

I’ve been a venture capitalist for 15 years, investing all over North America in 40 companies, including Peloton and, both of which went public, and Freshly, which was acquired by Nestle for $1.5 billion.

Image: Elizabeth Edwards is the founder and managing partner of of H Venture Partners.Courtesy Elizabeth Edwards

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Happy thanksgiving Board with Gords and Pumpkins

Happy Thanksgiving from Rich Bendis and the Innovation America team!

Cover of Video - TIME 100 Talks

One of the things Julia Seibolt likes about Thanksgiving is the opportunity to get drunk with her mom. She also likes complaining about how everyone else is watching football. And she enjoys how her family gathering often includes random people who don’t have family nearby.

Except there will be no family Thanksgiving for Seibolt’s family this year—they called it off last week, as COVID-19 spiked across the country. Julia says it took a few phone calls and some back-channeling through her father to finally persuade her mother that it simply wasn’t going to be possible. There would be no time to quarantine. Her brother would have to fly in from California. It just wouldn’t be safe.


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Alice Park from video.

It’s a rare glimmer of hope in a brutal and battering pandemic year: in November, both Moderna and Pfizer reported that their much-anticipated COVID-19 vaccines are 95% effective in protecting people against getting sick with the disease.

Scientists were encouraged (and even surprised by the magnitude of the protection), public health officials finally saw what could be the beginning of the end of the pandemic, and families everywhere began fantasizing about a return to normalcy where gathering around the table to celebrate the holidays are a given and not a matter of public health concern.


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Chart of US Patents by State

This year’s challenges have been yet another reminder of the importance of invention and adaptability in all aspects of our lives, and that innovation is key to persisting and thriving through the ever-surprising hurdles encountered by humans in the modern age. In celebration and support of the culture of innovation that has long been synonymous with the United States, we looked at more than four decades of national patenting activity. Specifically, we explored the wide-reaching economic importance of U.S. innovation and the essential relationship between the corporate patenting model and small business invention. We also tracked the U.S. corporations that have been leading the race for intellectual property. The accompanying maps, charts, and graphs in this article offer a nationwide perspective of invention by looking at the distribution of patents and patent applicability across industries and state lines. Visit the methodology section for more details.


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In 2008, Jeremy Neuner and Ryan Coonerty, two city-hall employees in Santa Cruz, California, decided to open a co-working space. They leased a cavernous building a few steps from a surf shop and a sex-toy boutique, and equipped it with desks, power strips, fast Wi-Fi, and a deluxe coffee-maker. Neuner and Coonerty named their company NextSpace Coworking.


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