Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

innovation DAILY

Here we highlight selected innovation related articles from around the world on a daily basis.  These articles related to innovation and funding for innovative companies, and best practices for innovation based economic development.

Warren Buffett

Patience, caution, and consistency. In volatile times such as these, it may be difficult for executives to keep those attributes in mind when making decisions. But there are immense advantages to doing so. For proof, just look at the steady genius of now-nonagenarian Warren Buffett. The legendary investor and Berkshire Hathaway founder and CEO has earned millions of dollars for investors over several decades (exhibit). But very few of Buffett’s investment decisions have been reactionary; instead, his choices and communications have been—and remain—grounded in logic and value.


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Chairs on Table Free Stock Photo

Schools are reopening, and there’s pressure for teachers and students to wean themselves off remote learning and return to their classrooms. Politicians, working parents and pandemic skeptics aren’t the only ones demanding a return to normal learning. The American Academy of Pediatrics has urged that “all policy considerations for the coming school year should start with a goal of having students physically present in school.”

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MADISON, Wis.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--BioForward Wisconsin, the collective voice of Wisconsin’s robust and comprehensive biohealth cluster, representing more than 220 member organizations, will reflect the resilience of the Wisconsin biohealth industry by continuing to hold its annual Wisconsin Biohealth Summit, now in a virtual format over September 23, September 30, and October 7, 2020.


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NIH Logo

The US National Institutes of Health (NIH) is one of the largest early stage life sciences investors, and funds over $1B in awards each year through its Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) programmes, according to NIH representatives who spoke at the “Key Role of NIH in the Product Development Pipeline” panel session at the Biotechnology Innovation Organization (BIO) Digital International Convention on 9 June.


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Following the news this week of what appears to have been the first confirmed case of a Covid-19 reinfection, other researchers have been coming forward with their own reports. One in Belgium, another in the Netherlands. And now, one in Nevada.

What caught experts’ attention about the case of the 25-year-old Reno man was not that he appears to have contracted SARS-CoV-2 (the name of the virus that causes Covid-19) a second time. Rather, it’s that his second bout was more serious than his first.


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Question Mark Hand Drawn Solution Free photo on Pixabay

Without knowing much about the full scope of work on the northwest side of downtown’s 16 Tech Innovation District, or how that work would impact Indianapolis’ economy, I jumped in and took on the role as 16 Tech’s director of community initiatives.  

Prior to joining the team, I had been involved in both community engagement and community development and was a long-term advocate for the Near Westside.


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If you need a new job after losing it in the pandemic or you’re looking to learn new skills to move on from your current job to a better paying one, you may be in luck.

Workforce training nonprofit Merit America announced that it’s expanding its program to North Carolina to tap into the local tech talent of the Research Triangle beyond the area’s recent college graduates.


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Aytekin Tank

At the 2018 Olympics in PyeongChang, Norway took home more gold medals than any other country.

But they didn’t just win the most medals that year—they won more than any other country in a single Olympics ever.

The secret behind their success? No jerks.

“We have a saying,” Alpine skier Aksel Lund Svindal told the New York Times. “There is almost no skill or ability you can have that is so good it allows you to ruin the social qualities of the team.”


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Coronavirus - Image NIAID

As colleges bring students back to campuses for the fall semester, questions are increasingly being raised about what it would take to send them home or revert to online instruction in the event of an outbreak of COVID-19.

New York governor Andrew M. Cuomo drew a red line for New York State colleges on Thursday, announcing, "If colleges have 100 cases or if the number of cases equal 5 percent of their population or more, they must go to remote learning for two weeks, at which time we will reassess the situation."


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Everyone knows the big-name Silicon Valley entrepreneurs that have set the global standard for startups, reshaped our lives and made billions – from Bill Gates to Jack Dorsey and Mark Zuckerberg. But the Silicon Valley entrepreneurship model – a product of the US’s liberal market economy – may not offer the best blueprint for nurturing successful startups globally, especially in countries with different types of economies, such as Switzerland.


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The United States aims to invest $765 million over the next 5 years in a dozen scientific centers dedicated to the study of artificial intelligence (AI) and quantum information science (QIS), such as quantum computing, the White House announced today. Numerous private tech companies such as IBM, Google, and Intel will also contribute to the twin pushes, which call for a total of more than $1 billion in research investment.


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Effective organisations rely on teamwork, not least because it facilitates problem solving. Many leaders, however, are ambivalent about teams. They fear overt and covert conflict, uneven participation, tunnel vision, lack of accountability and indifference to the interests of the organisation as a whole. Also, more than a few have no idea how to put together well functioning teams. Their fear of delegating – losing control – reinforces the stereotype of the heroic leader who handles it all.


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On July 14, Quebec’s industry minister, Pierre Fitzgibbon, announced the creation of a new organization to promote public research and increase its value through commercialization and tech transfer. 

Image: Centralizing IP services in publicly funded organizations is a smart move by Quebec, and other provinces should follow its lead. Photograph courtesy of Unsplash

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sec logo

The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) on Wednesday (Aug. 26) made it easier for rank-and-file investors to take the risk – and potentially reap the rewards – of alternative investments, such as venture capital and hedge funds.

The Commission, by a 3-2 vote, redefined the term "accredited investor" to remove the requirement that managers of certain high-risk funds only accept capital from investors with assets of $1 million or more.


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Do you have an invention that you believe is worth a million dollars? In fact, it could be worth much more than that, if you are able to use it to kickstart a successful business. Unfortunately, many inventors I know are stuck at this stage, being great technologists, but not so great as entrepreneurs. As a result, their inventions languish and never make them a dollar.


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Venture capital funds proliferated outside the US over the past decade, but few of them can match funds based in the industry’s home for performance. Eight of the 10 best-performing firms are located in the US, according to a ranking compiled by Oliver Gottschalg, who teaches at HEC Business School Paris. Healthcare-focused The Column Group is the top-performing venture capital firm for the second year in a row, according to the annual study which Dow Jones has published since 2010.


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The best graphs and data for tracking the coronavirus pandemic The Verge

Science is on the cusp of a successful vaccine for COVID-19.

"This is exciting. We are seeing science expedited but expedited in an efficient manner," said Johns Hopkins lung doctor Panagis Galiatsatos.

But how fast this all happened has caused concern. Galiatsatos understands the worry. He said usually vaccinations can take 10 years, but in this case, there's no reason to worry.


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