Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

innovation DAILY

Here we highlight selected innovation related articles from around the world on a daily basis.  These articles related to innovation and funding for innovative companies, and best practices for innovation based economic development.


The Commission will support 23 new research projects with €128 million in response to the continuing coronavirus pandemic. The funding under Horizon 2020, the EU's research and innovation programme, is part of the Commission's €1.4 billion pledge to the Coronavirus Global Response initiative, launched by President Ursula von der Leyen in May 2020.


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While ecosystem-building has been a red-hot topic in the business world in recent years, the COVID-19 crisis has amplified the importance of digital interactions and will likely further accelerate the adoption of digital-ecosystem business models. Our global consumer sentiment surveys indicate that the spike in online sales will continue to some extent even after the crisis is over, and that 71 percent of consumers are ready for integrated, ecosystem offerings.


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On the latest episode of the Pivot Schooled Live series, Kara Swisher and Scott Galloway discussed how much the supremacy of a company’s product still matters in 2020, and to what extent innovation has been co-opted by huge companies that can hire inexpensive labor and create the illusion of forward progress. Swisher contended that companies need to prove themselves to consumers to really succeed, but Galloway argued that a “cheap capital economy” that thrives on the exploitation of workers has taken over the American entrepreneurial model that had been ascendant since the 1970s.


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Life Sciences Outlook 2020

In addition to highlighting the current state of life sciences real estate clusters across the U.S., this report will provide answers to three critical questions that both life sciences companies and lab developers must consider in order to remain at the crest of industry trends.

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When training for your first marathon, you don’t just go out and run the 26.2 miles (42.2 km) the first day. It’s understood that this kind of learning takes more than simple repetition. To teach your body to run that distance requires bursts of training and rest. Practice, practice, practice is often the mantra when we are learning something new, but it turns out that how we practice matters and the process depends on what we are learning.


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Racing Entrepreneurs

These are entrepreneurs who come up with a business idea, join one of the numerous venture incubators that dot the country, develop their business strategy, write their business plan, seek angel financing, and launch their venture. When they show results, they seek venture capital. This strategy pursues fast growth from the start and seeks the capital to pursue the high growth rates desired. Racing entrepreneurs account for 6% of unicorn-entrepreneurs.


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Confidence is Don Moore’s self-professed “singular obsession.” To be more specific, Moore, a management professor at the Haas School of Business at the University of California, Berkeley, who specializes in the psychology of decision-making, is preoccupied with overconfidence. Why do people sometimes think they’re more talented, smarter or more successful than they actually are? Why do they think they’re better than other people? Why are they so adamantly sure they’re right?


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We’re in the midst of a climate crisis. Our forests are burning, communities are flooding, our oceans are choking with plastic and earth’s surface temperature is rising. It’s not too late to save our planet, but it requires urgent action.

Each of us are responsible for our own actions, and we can all make adjustments to create a more sustainable way of living. Reducing travel, eating local produce, choosing green energy sources and consuming only what we need, all help to reduce our carbon footprint and create a more sustainable world for future generations.


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SANTA CLARA, Calif., Aug. 11, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- SVB Financial Group (NASDAQ: SIVB), the parent company of Silicon Valley Bank, today released the "Family Offices Investing in Venture Capital - Global Trends & Insights Report" in partnership with Campden Wealth Research. The report looks at family offices' investment levels, performance, expectations, barriers toward venture investments, and their expectations for how the market will evolve amid COVID-19.


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Covid 19 long haulers are organizing online to study themselves MIT Technology Review

Gina Assaf was running in Washington, DC, on March 19 when she suddenly couldn’t take another step. “I was so out of breath I had to stop,” she says. Five days earlier, she’d hung out with a friend; within days, that friend and their partner had started showing three classic signs of covid-19: fever, cough, and shortness of breath.


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Many of us have had our summer vacation plans cancelled due to the pandemic. Perhaps you planned to visit family or take your annual beach vacation. Or maybe you were scheduled to celebrate a milestone with big trip — a food and wine tour of France or an African safari. Whatever your thwarted plans entailed, you might be thinking of skipping a vacation altogether. And given that productivity has been hampered for many of us over the last few months, it’s easy to think, “I should keep working, so I can get more done,” or “What’s the point? I can’t really go anywhere.”


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“How was your day?” my wife, Eleanor, asked me one night.

“Great,” I answered, sharing a few highlights. Then I added, “But also frustrating, because I didn’t get through everything I had planned.”

She smiled empathically. “You say that every single day.”

She was right: I did. And it was frustrating.


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Faculty and staff members in the University of North Carolina system have filed a complaint in county court for a lawsuit asking the system to default to online instruction for the fall semester. The Chronicle previously reported on the complaint’s preparation as the 16-campus system plans to reopen for in-person instruction.


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Technology is so key to every business these days that experienced business-smart but non-tech entrepreneurs are feeling deeper and deeper in the hole. Even if they realize that they need real technical strength at the top, they are not sure how to attract and select the talent and expertise they really need. Should they go after high-tech nerds for partners, or professional technologists?


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Here s why now is a better time than ever to explore entrepreneurship Financial Post

Growing your own business is hectic. I’m sure you don’t need me to tell you that. 

As an entrepreneur, it can feel like every week is a busy week. Your schedule is packed full of meetings, brainstorming sessions and networking events — not to mention putting in the work to not only get your business off the ground but really help it grow. 


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COVID 19 Patients Exhibit Early Antibody Signatures Potentially Predictive of Death or Recovery

Researchers at the Ragon Institute of MGH, MIT and Harvard, and the University of Washington (UW) School of Medicine, have identified five immune response markers that, collectively, were able to distinguish between those COVID-19 patients who convalesced from the infection, and those who didn’t survive the disease. The researchers used a systems serology technique to generate a detailed profile of SARS-Co-2-specific humoral—antibody generating—responses in hospitalized patients, which they validated in a second patient cohort. The findings indicated that individuals who survived COVID-19 infection and those who died exhibited antibody responses that were primarily directed against different SARS-CoV-2 proteins.

Image: NIH

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