Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

innovation DAILY

Here we highlight selected innovation related articles from around the world on a daily basis.  These articles related to innovation and funding for innovative companies, and best practices for innovation based economic development.

The cities with the most startups and venture capital Quartz

For the past several decades, Silicon Valley has undisputedly been the epicenter of technology innovation. An area of about 50 square miles is responsible for generating some of the world’s most prominent companies, including Google and Apple. But the rest of the world is catching up; the share of global venture capital funding going to US companies is declining as new tech hubs are emerging. Companies like Beijing’s Didi Chuxing, Jakarta’s Gojek, and India’s Paytm are prominent examples. Cities outside the US are attracting more funding, generating more unicorns, and creating thriving startup ecosystems.


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Ryan Jenkins

Human emotion is one of the most powerful forces on the planet. Emotions start wars and create peace; spark love and force divorce. While unavoidable, emotions are also indispensable sources of orientation and propel us to take action. But unbridled emotion can make us and those around us to act irrationally. 


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I am a venture capitalist, which means I invest in companies that I think have promise. But my whole philosophy of investing changed when one of the entrepreneurs with whom I worked received an acquisition offer he hadn’t sought.

The founder was elated. I was dismissive. I remember saying that the amount wasn’t nearly big enough, that we could do better. Let’s grow faster, get bigger. Raise more capital! I started cheering, “Be aggressive! Be aggressive!”


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If you are one of the new age of entrepreneurs who hates the thought of doing a business plan as a first step in starting your new venture you will love this message. More and more professionals agree that a better strategy is to explore and fine tune your assumptions before declaring a specific plan with financial projections based only on your dream and passion.


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The novel coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19) has prompted a slowdown in the global automotive industry, resulting in "significant challenges" that lie ahead, according to new research by Deloitte. In a report, the firm said everyone in the automotive supply chain is "feeling the pressure" of the disruptive pandemic and recovery will take time, even as local jurisdictions start to reopen. 


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The best graphs and data for tracking the coronavirus pandemic The Verge

The Covid-19 pandemic has placed unprecedented demands on health care providers, among them the need to monitor patients remotely. Among the most vulnerable populations are cancer patients, who are at high risk of developing potentially lethal complications of Covid-19.

Our team at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center (MSK) needed to urgently develop a way to care for our patients with Covid-19 at home to detect escalating symptoms that would require immediate care. In March, the Hospital Incident Command System, which focuses on emergency planning and response, commissioned a team to fast-track a solution. Six days later we launched the Covid-19 Cohort Monitoring Program, a team and set of technologies for safely managing cancer patients with Covid-19 at home.


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BDC Capital has committed $160 million in intellectual property (IP) development financing to support IP-rich companies scaling in Canada.

This financing is intended to provide companies offering intangible assets with funding, in the form of sub-debt, convertible debt, and equity, to get their products to market and scale. BDC Capital called the funding “customized, patient capital that recognizes the strength and value of a company’s IP strategy and portfolio.”


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When White House officials bullied Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman into retirement this month the damage surpassed the ruination of a patriotic officer’s career.

Vindman is the decorated Iraq war veteran and Ukraine expert on the National Security Council who drew President Donald Trump’s wrath for his honest testimony under oath at the impeachment hearings.


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Early COVID 19 Vaccines Really Encouraging Says NIH Boss TIME

It isn’t often that one hears the word “pandemic” and “inspired” in the same sentence. But the director of the U.S. National Institutes of Health, Dr. Francis Collins, says that, for all the suffering and grief that COVID-19 has wrought around the world, he has at least witnessed an unprecedented level of cooperation between private industry and the alphabet soup of government agencies who are urgently seeking a vaccine for the devastating virus.


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The fastest shrinking countries in the world declining populations Business Insider

A new report published in the medical journal The Lancet from researchers at the University of Washington's Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation predicts the population is expected to begin declining by 2100 in nearly every country around the world. 

The new study looked at population projections up to the year 2100 for 195 countries. According to their findings, some countries are even expected to see their populations cut in half. 

Image: - Italy's population is projected to fall 10% in the next three decades. Associated Press

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Good entrepreneurs need to have courage to thrive, but courage is becoming increasingly difficult to come by. Between a global recession and an accelerating pandemic, the deck can seem more stacked against you than ever.

There’s no easy way to overcome your fears as an entrepreneur, but reading is one of the best places to start. Countless innovators before you have faced down challenges of their own, and hearing their stories is a great way to start forming your own. Here are some of my favorites:

Image: Image credit: Lioncrest Publishing | Creative Power | Avery

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MIT researchers create a reusable silicone mask to replace the N95

As new coronavirus cases spike in the U.S.—Florida alone now has 12 times more cases than the entire country of Australia—healthcare workers still face a shortage of N95 masks. Many hospitals are now reusing the masks, even though they’re intended to be thrown out after a single use. Various solutions for disinfecting masks or increasing the supply are in the works, but a new silicone mask now in development is designed to be used and sterilized repeatedly, and could be as effective as the gold standard of an N95 respirator.

Image: Photo: Courtesy of the Researchers

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The Q2 2020 venture capital market did not bring a catastrophic slowdown to either the global private investment scene or the U.S.’s own VC scene. But inside the rosier-than-anticipated private capital results of the second quarter, there were pockets of weakness, and strength, that we should understand as we look to the rest of 2020 and the continuance of the pandemic-driven economy.


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Smiling Woman Using Macbook While Sitting on Sofa Free Stock Photo

With millions of Americans working from home during the COVID-19 crisis, there are plenty of tech and knowledge-industry workers looking around their tiny apartments in hot hub cities and saying, could I do bigger and better than this?

According to Global Workplace Analytics, a consultancy that helps firms design work-from-home strategies, 56 percent of the US workforce could work from home, and the number of regular work-from-home folks is likely to jump from 3.6 percent to 25-30 percent of the workforce by 2021. But according to a survey from WhistleOut, over a third of people say that lack of high-speed internet has prevented them from doing their work. 


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Kenneth Rapoza

Moving right along; Russia, too, is in “warp speed” and pressing ahead with its human trials for a coronavirus disease vaccine. The country plans to produce 30 million doses of a Covid-19 vaccine domestically this year, Reuters reported from Moscow on Thursday.

The goal is to ultimately manufacture around 170 million for use outside of Russia.


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Marc Berman

Everyone needs to kick back once in a while and relax. Yes, even entrepreneurs! We know you are busy and don’t have time to engage in frivolous activities. But what if we told you, you could watch a movie and get inspired for your business at the same time?

This approach has lately been gaining a lot of traction. It’s a brilliant strategy for companies and startups alike to organize movie sessions for the whole team now and then (quite a few from this list!) to get everyone pumped up and ready to go. The idea is to take a break while still being in ‘the zone’ where the real action happens.


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Many of the entrepreneurs like you that I have met in my role as a business advisor are really product creators versus business creators, convinced that a great product will generate a great business. Unfortunately, these two are rarely closely coupled, and navigating all the stages of building a business is typically the more challenging task. But I’m not one to rain on your parade.


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