Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

innovation DAILY

Here we highlight selected innovation related articles from around the world on a daily basis.  These articles related to innovation and funding for innovative companies, and best practices for innovation based economic development.

Daniel Howard

Most millionaires (which is probably in the $1M-$2M category) usually do three things that are within their power that others don’t do:

  • Choose a good-paying skill and business: they aren’t public school teachers and they don’t run a fast food franchise; they are doctors, engineers, etc or run a non-franchise, medium or high margin non-niche business (not a t-shirt or comic book shop) 
  • Keep their nose to the grindstone: they build their skill or business rather than changing businesses, losing money and starting over and apply it over a period of a decade or two 
  • They save: They are “reluctant customers” of goods and services. They don’t jump at every opportunity to give their money to somebody else. They avoid monthly payments.


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COVID Will Shape the Class of 2020 for Their Entire Lives Time

They call it commencement because it’s supposed to be a new beginning.

College graduation is one of life’s last clean transitions, a final passage from adolescence to adulthood that is predictable in ways other transitions rarely are. Relationships end with breakups or death, jobs often end with quitting or firing, but college is one of the only things in life that ends with a fresh start. Except when it doesn’t.


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John Panaccione

I’ve had the privilege of serving in the military and experiencing life as a startup entrepreneur. As a leader in both worlds, I’ve learned that sound organizational decision-making is key to survival. I’ve also learned over time through my formal business education and work experience in corporate America that group decision-making skills are not stressed as much in the business world as they are in the military. Today’s coronavirus crisis is commonly referred to as a war. It may be valuable, then, to visit how military units make decisions in a real war.


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Adam Pisoni co-founded Yammer in 2008, and oversaw product, analytics, and engineering as the SaaS company scaled to 500 employees and was acquired by Microsoft in 2012 for $1.2 billion. More recently, he has turned his attention to the US education system. Abl, the company he founded in 2015, aims to help all schools move beyond the 20th century model of education.


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Why we should say I don t know more often Quint Studer

We are often hesitant to admit we don’t know something. Rather than saying, “I don’t know,” we often give an answer thinking the boss will think less of us if we don’t know.  That fear forces answers that sometimes need more thought or research. The reality is that saying, “I don’t know,” or I need a little time to think it through will make your boss and colleagues respect you even more.

Image: Quint Studer (Photo: Submitted)

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canadian flag

In recent history, Canada has been among the top developed countries with the largest percentage of its workers making up its creative economy.

That means creative Canadians play a key role in the country’s economic success—and they need help during these uncertain times, too. In the wake of the pandemic, the government has implemented financial resources to help freelancers and creatives through financial resources to help freelancers and creatives through financial hardship…. 


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Puzzle Money Business Free photo on Pixabay

The Association of Public and Land-grant Universities and the Science Coalition have applauded the introduction of a bipartisan bill in the United States Congress that would expand the budget of the National Science Foundation by US$100 billion over the next five years, increasing research in areas such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, robotics and advanced manufacturing and providing additional research opportunities at universities and support for undergraduate programmes and scholarships.


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NASA scientists as well as other innovators are busy developing alternatives to the traditional ventilator being used worldwide to treat severe cases of Covid-19. The movement is in response to growing evidence that in some cases ventilators can cause more harm than good in some patients with low oxygen levels. Statistics tell the story: 80% of patients with the coronavirus die on such machines.

Image: NASA’s VITAL machine is tailored for COVID-19 patients; it’s focused on providing air delicately to stiff lungs — a hallmark symptom of the virus.

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Coronavirus How Will We Ever Be Safe Inside The Atlantic

COVID-19 has mounted a sustained attack on public life, especially indoor life. Many of the largest super-spreader events took place inside—at a church in South Korea, an auditorium in France, a conference in Massachusetts. The danger of the indoors is more than anecdotal. A Hong Kong paper awaiting peer review found that of 7,324 documented cases in China, only one outbreak occurred outside—during a conversation among several men in a small village. The risk of infection indoors is almost 19 times higher than in open-air environments, according to another study from researchers in Japan.


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johns hopkins logo

To address the university community's most pressing questions and concerns about returning to campus amid the COVID-19 pandemic, two of Johns Hopkins University's 2020 Planning workgroups released a first draft of recommended universitywide health and safety guidelines Thursday that will allow the JHU community to come together in the weeks and months ahead.


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It may be something that has been temporarily forgotten due to more pressing matters, but when the U.K. eventually returns to something approaching normality, the success of Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s government is likely to be measured against an electoral promise to “level up” the economy across the regions.  

Image: Steve Foxley is in charge of Sheffield University's Advanced Manufacturing Research Center MARIE CALEY - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. - 07812 895273 ON BEHALF OF AMRC JOHN YATES - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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Most aspiring entrepreneurs look to their alma mater, or any university, as a source of classes that can help them, but neglect to think outside the box or take advantage of all the other resources to be found there. The lesson of finding help, connections, and even funding where other people may never look is one that makes all the difference in the entrepreneur lifestyle.


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Queer 50 Martine Rothblatt

In 2013, Martine Rothblatt made $38 million, making her the highest-paid female CEO in the country at the time. Though Rothblatt told New York magazine that topping the list was like “winning the lottery,” it didn’t quite sit right with her. “I can’t claim that what I have achieved is equivalent to what a woman has achieved,” she said at the time. “For the first half of my life, I was male.”


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Frank Vinluan News Articles and Opinions Xconomy

Clinicians and regulators are rethinking how healthcare is provided amid precautions prompted by COVID-19. In-person physician visits don’t fit within the physical distancing guidelines that are now the new normal. New technology presents alternatives.

As a digital therapeutics startup, Akili Interactive finds itself thrust in the midst of these changes. The Boston company has developed video game that treats attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) by helping children learn how to focus on multiple tasks.


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How Remdesivir Moved From Back Shelf to Best Hope for COVID Time

Dr. George Diaz was at home in Edmonds, Wash., on Jan. 20 at 8:30 p.m., when his phone rang with news that he was both anticipating and dreading.

On the line was his hospital’s infection-prevention manager, who had just received a call from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The agency wanted Providence Regional Medical Center to admit a patient who was infected with the novel coronavirus, which at that point had been reported only in China (where the first reported cases had emerged in December), Thailand, Japan and South Korea. The patient was the first confirmed case of COVID-19 in the U.S.


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Digital RESI June Welcomes BioHealth Capital Region as a Gold Sponsor Next Phase Newsletter

The action item today is keeping up your business momentum in these challenging days. LSN has seen a distinct uptick in global regional-based tech hubs taking advantage of Digital RESI to expand into the new digital paradigm of global partnering conferences. The main strategy is to get the early stage companies back in the mix and secondly, to showcase the technology assets that are teeming in these dynamic regional hubs. The BioHealth Capital Region is a perfect example of deciding to take advantage of RESI and to expand their global reach.


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WHO Executive Director Warns That 1st Wave of COVID Not Over Time

(BANGKOK) — As Brazil and India struggle with surging coronavirus cases, a top health expert is warning that the world is still in the very middle of the outbreak, dampening hopes for a speedy global economic rebound and renewed international travel.

“Right now, we’re not in the second wave. We’re right in the middle of the first wave globally,” said Dr. Mike Ryan, the World Health Organization’s executive director.

Image: School children wearing masks get their hands sanitized and temperatures checked as they arrive to appear for state board examination during the coronavirus pandemic in Kochi, Kerala state, India, May 26, 2020. R S Iyer—AP

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2 Roundcube Webmail Inbox

With the LSN Digital RESI Conference approaching quickly, Event Gold Sponsor, BioHealth Innovation (BHI), is stepping up to help lead five panels with some heavy hitters from the BioHealth Capital Region (BHCR) on June 8-10, 2020.

Great Investment Opportunities in the BioHealth Capital Region

While we adjust to a COVID-19 world, there continue to be great investment opportunities in the BioHealth Capital Region. Join BHCR CEOs as they make short introductions about themselves and companies. Join CEOs from American Gene Technologies International Inc., miRecule, Adaptive Phage, Healion Bio, KaloCyte, Emocha, Tailored Therapeutics, Inc., DEKA, and Ashvattha Therapeutics, Inc.

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