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innovation DAILY

Here we highlight selected innovation related articles from around the world on a daily basis.  These articles related to innovation and funding for innovative companies, and best practices for innovation based economic development.

great barrier reef

(BRISBANE, Australia) — An aerial survey of the Great Barrier Reef shows coral bleaching is sweeping across the area off the east of Australia for the third time in five years. Bleaching has struck all three regions of the world’s largest coral reef system and is more widespread than ever, scientists from James Cook University in Queensland state said Tuesday.

The air surveys of 1,036 reefs in the past two weeks found bleached coral in the northern, central and southern areas, James Cook University professor Terry Hughes said.


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In Silicon Valley, the entire ecosystem is aligned around one thing: the cultivation of unicorns — startups valued over $1 billion. Unicorns were once a rare breed, but in recent years, the stable of billion-dollar thoroughbreds has grown to about 350 unicorns around the world. 


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These fashion companies are trying to develop better masks

Around the world, masks and personal protective equipment for healthcare workers are running dangerously low as the coronavirus continues to spread. So some fashion brands are stepping in.

Some companies, like American Giant, Laws of Motion, and Under Armour, are trying to meet the immediate need by making large quantities of surgical masks as fast as possible. But others are rethinking the very basics of mask design and experimenting with different materials and manufacturing techniques as they develop solutions.

Image: courtesy Ministry of Supply

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This dynamic and collaborative team structure can tackle an organization’s most pressing problems quickly. Here are four steps to make it happen.

Imagine you are a tenured CEO of a utility company. You have led your organization through hurricanes and other extreme-weather events. You have followed a playbook, and moved to a “command and control” style to address the cascading effects of natural disasters. But now you’re dealing with COVID-19, a crisis unlike anything you’ve ever experienced. There is no coronavirus playbook.

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Emergency Medicine Artificial Free photo on Pixabay

With millions of people across the U.S. and the world battling COVID-19 infections, many of them struggling to breathe, ventilators have become a top priority for the health-care workers trying desperately to keep patients alive. And those machines, which help patients breathe or breathe for them, are in startlingly short supply.


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A lot has changed in the last month, and that’s just putting things mildly. Since the last week or two, in the most literal sense, the world has stopped as everyone watched with disbelief the coronavirus pandemic spread its reach across every corner of the globe.

As of 30th March 2020, 11:15 GMT, there were 735,210 confirmed cases spread in over 100 countries across the globe. With the number of deaths reaching 34,808, and the recovered cases being 156,137, it gives us a high amount of perspective about the gravity of this global disaster.


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“The next frontier for university technology transfer will likely be in the transformation of data-rich sectors using artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning technologies. One area largely accumulating data is the healthcare sector. Medical knowledge is doubling every 73 days, yet we are barely scratching the surface of utilizing this data.”


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Google Facebook launch location based mapping efforts for Covid 19 MedCity News

Google and Facebook are launching their own toolsets to help researchers predict and track the spread of Covid-19. Most of the tools use aggregated location data, which is then pulled into various maps and measurements.

While aggregated location data is nothing new — for example, Google has used it to see when restaurants are busy — its use for tracking a pandemic brings up questions about the tradeoff between public health and privacy.


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Banners and Alerts and Photo of Family Sitting on Floor While Using Laptop Free Stock Photo

“Stay home.”

This suddenly universal call to maintain physical distance from other people, known as social distancing, is key to combating the spread of the coronavirus,according tohealth professionals. Yet thepotential for unprecedented lonelinessas people isolate themselves has spurred calls formaintaining social connections. As we shift our vocational and educational endeavors into the online world, we must also go virtual with many of our relationships tosustain our social lives.


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Haris Siddique

Starting a business is never too easy, no amount of proficiency is enough to make your claim that you can not face any difficulty in your business career. You need to be up to date from your surroundings as well as some inspiration to boost your passion. So, here are some successful entrepreneurship quotes we have listed below that will help you in your business.


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ssti logo

COVID-19 has generated an economic crisis that is, thankfully, unique to our lifetimes. If we are to recover efficiently as a country, then the policy response must be similarly unique, addressing multiple needs along different time scales. Many people are looking to the Great Recession for lessons on how to move forward, but there are critical contrasts between the two crises that have important implications for the solutions we should consider.


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DSynbio Beta Logoiagnostic testing and surveillance are critical, complementary strategies to combat pathogen outbreaks such as COVID-19. Sequencing-based surveillance helps public health officials track the path of the epidemic, understand transmission routes, determine the rate of viral evolution, and understand if the virus is changing in ways that impact therapeutic effectiveness. As a leader in next-generation sequencing, Illumina is working with practitioners and researchers around the world to provide the vital testing capacity needed for a data-driven response. Three distinguished leaders of Illumina will join SynBioBeta founder John Cumbers for a conversation about sequencing and the novel coronavirus, including:  


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Calendar Date Time Free photo on Pixabay

With much of the country grinding to a halt in a desperate attempt to slow the spread of the new coronavirus, many people are wondering when the U.S. will be able to “reopen.”

The American Enterprise Institute, a public policy think tank, recently released a report co-written by former U.S. Food and Drug Administration commissioner Scott Gottlieb that offers a four-phase “road map to reopening.” The first phase—which the U.S. is currently in—involves slowing the spread of new infections with physical distancing measures, such as closing schools and having people work from home.


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growth and money

Around the world, life as we know it has changed drastically. Global leaders and millions of citizens are facing the challenge of a lifetime. The COVID-19 pandemic is threatening not only healthcare systems, but also the livelihoods of citizens and the stability of economies.


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The human tragedy of the COVID-19 pandemic continues to deepen, with the heaviest toll now seen in Europe and the United States. Although testing remains limited, the number of confirmed cases of the virus worldwide has exceeded 1 million, and more than 70,000 have died. The United States, Italy, and Spain have the most confirmed cases and highest death tolls. Hundreds have died in each of the past several days in Britain and France.


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Andy Kessler

A few weeks into the lockdown, let’s assess where we are. First, we’re all germophobes now. Handshakes are so yesterday. We’re caught up on “Tiger King” episodes on Netflix. We appreciate Amazon same-day delivery now that most orders take a week. We miss sitting in restaurants and milking a table over meaningless conversations. Same for sports, which provided a great background noise to life. Grocery supply chains still seem to work. And given which shelves are bare at Costco and most supermarkets, we see clearly that Americans have a weird fascination with not running out of toilet paper.


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The coronavirus death toll in the U.S. could be “well short” of recent estimates from top health officials if social distancing measures are done properly, billionaire philanthropist Bill Gates said Sunday.

The Microsoft Corp. co-founder has called in recent days for a national lockdown to control the spread of the Covid-19 virus, something the U.S. has fallen short of so far.

Image: Bill Gates Photographer: Jason Alden/Bloomberg

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SBA Logo

The failure of small venture-backed businesses to qualify for Paycheck Protection Loans could cost more than 275,000 jobs this year directly and more 1 million jobs in total, including indirect losses. The Trump administration should waive the Small Business Administration’s “affiliation rule” in this crisis to prevent these mass layoffs and furloughs.


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