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innovation DAILY

Here we highlight selected innovation related articles from around the world on a daily basis.  These articles related to innovation and funding for innovative companies, and best practices for innovation based economic development.

Smiling car seller shaking hands with female custo 2022 01 19 00 11 50 utcCovering Five Flute’s fundraising and tearing down the deck the company used to raise its $1.2 million seed round had me wondering: How the hell do investors decide whether to invest in a company at the earliest stages?

VC firm Baukunst led the Five Flute investment, and I sat down with Axel Bichara and Tyler Mincey to learn how they evaluate a potential early-stage deal. They told me that the vast majority of the deals they look at fall apart at the due diligence stage and helped me get a deeper understanding of what that process looks like from the inside.


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Source Photo: ExpectBest/PexelsIn 1975, Danish physicist Bent Sørensen published a paper examining the possibility that his country could run on 100 percent renewable energy. Appearing in the journal Science, it could have been an important moment for beginning to look seriously at transforming the way the world produces energy.

Instead, crickets.

“It was not a loved idea at all,” said Christian Breyer, a faculty member at LUT University in Finland, in a video interview from his office.

Image: Source Photo: ExpectBest/Pexels

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Contract 2021 10 15 20 25 33 utcFundraising should always be accompanied by two things: due diligence and proper structuring. While there are several aspects to structuring, one of the most important is the agreement or instrument that is being executed for the fundraising.

An investment agreement generally defines the terms and conditions of the fundraise, the rights and obligations conferred on each involved party, the method by which all parties can exit, and so on. These clauses safeguard the interests of the company, its promoters, and incoming investors.


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ICoal powered plant in eemshaven 2022 02 02 05 07 42 utcn Australian startup says it has developed a technology that converts hydrogen into heat in a way that could be easily incorporated into existing coal-fired power plants.

The company is keeping the details of the tech private, but if it works as claimed, it could help clean up the world’s electric grids, which are a major source of carbon emissions and harmful air pollution.


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The sunrise casts a warm glow around the Artemis I Space Launch System (SLS) and Orion spacecraft at Launch Pad 39B at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida on March 21. (Image credit: NASA/Ben Smegelsky)NASA's gigantic Artemis "mega moon rocket," the most powerful space rocket ever built, is gearing up to blast off to the moon. The Artemis 1 mission will launch Monday, Aug. 29, on an uncrewed test flight of the spacecraft powering NASA's Artemis moon program, which will eventually send humans back to our nearest natural satellite and then hopefully to  Mars. Here's the plan for the launch and how you can watch it online.

Image: The sunrise casts a warm glow around the Artemis I Space Launch System (SLS) and Orion spacecraft at Launch Pad 39B at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida on March 21. (Image credit: NASA/Ben Smegelsky)

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Scientists at The University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine Eye Center are developing goggles that have a camera and processor to translate images from the environment into pulses of light.
TIM BETLER, UPMC AND UNIVERSITY OF PITTSBURGH HEALTH SCIENCESThe human retina—the light-sensitive part of the brain situated in the back of the eye—is a feat of engineering at the heart of a critical sense: Sight. So diseases of the retina like retina pigmentosa or age-related macular degeneration, which lead to impaired vision and blindness, can be particularly intractable and devastating.

But scientists are zeroing in on a suite of strategies that may offer a ray of hope.

Image: Scientists at The University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine Eye Center are developing goggles that have a camera and processor to translate images from the environment into pulses of light. TIM BETLER, UPMC AND UNIVERSITY OF PITTSBURGH HEALTH SCIENCES

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A rendering of the future city of Telosa, which will be somewhere in the American West. Image courtesy of
Billionaire Marc Lore is fleshing out his plan to build a utopian city called Telosa for 5 million people in the American desert — and he's not the only one with such ambitions.

Why it matters: There are about a dozen projects worldwide to create sustainable, hypermodern cities-from-scratch. While they may never come to fruition, the proposals themselves hint at what the city of the future might look like.

Driving the news: Telosa is set to be built on 150,000 acres in either Nevada, Utah or Arizona, and 50,000 "diverse" people will call it home by 2030, according to newly released details from Lore — a serial entrepreneur who sold to Walmart for $3.3 billion and the parent company of to Amazon for $545 million.

Image: A rendering of the future city of Telosa, which will be somewhere in the American West. Image courtesy of

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Elon Musk Royal Society crop2 jpgElon Musk is full of hot takes, and I can't say I agree with all of them. But I have to give credit where credit is due--the guy's got some pretty solid thoughts when it comes to meetings.

You may have heard Musk saying that meetings "are what happens when people aren't working," or instructing his employees to walk out of a meeting as soon as they aren't adding value.


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Corporate business team and manager in a meeting 2022 01 19 00 07 14 utcI'll always remember the day 12 years ago when I walked into work.

It was a time when employees were stealing toilet paper from me.

On this particular day, three or four guys were having a cigarette break. My mom was inside -- she was my customer service rep back then -- and she had two phones go off. She tried to put the callers on hold; but, boy, she was ready to pull her hair out. No one was helping her.


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At the beginning of the last ice, local mountain glaciers grew and formed large ice sheets, like the one seen here in Greenland. (CREDIT: Creative Commons)A new study led by University of Arizona researchers may have solved two mysteries that have long puzzled paleo-climate experts: Where did the ice sheets that rang in the last ice age more than 100,000 years ago come from, and how could they grow so quickly?

Image: At the beginning of the last ice, local mountain glaciers grew and formed large ice sheets, like the one seen here in Greenland. (CREDIT: Creative Commons)

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The three main ingredients in the new battery, from left: aluminum, sulfur and saltRebecca MillerEngineers at MIT have developed a new battery design using common materials – aluminum, sulfur and salt. Not only is the battery low-cost, but it’s resistant to fire and failures, and can be charged very fast, which could make it useful for powering a home or charging electric vehicles.

Lithium-ion batteries have dominated the field for the last few decades, thanks to their reliability and high energy density. However, lithium is becoming scarcer and more expensive, and the cells can be hazardous, exploding or bursting into flames if damaged or improperly used. Cheaper, safer alternatives are needed, especially as the world transitions towards renewable energy and electric vehicles.

Image: The three main ingredients in the new battery, from left: aluminum, sulfur and salt - Rebecca Miller

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 Maigue says the system could be applied to entire buildings such as the Montreal Convention Centre. (CREDIT: James Dyson Foundation) Solar panels are a cornerstone of the clean energy revolution. And yet, they have one great flaw: when the clouds roll in their productivity dives.

Now, a new type of solar panel has been developed by an electrical engineering student at Mapua University that harvests the unseen ultraviolet light from the sun that makes it through even dense cloud coverage.

Image: Maigue says the system could be applied to entire buildings such as the Montreal Convention Centre. (CREDIT: James Dyson Foundation)

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AURP Air Space Caucus Launch PR 082422 pdfTucson, AZ and College Park, MD, August 24, 2022 – AURP today announces the formation of the AURP Air and Space Caucus, expanding its organization scope to include communities of innovation in air and space technologies.

AURP, the leading North American innovation association, already represents research institutions and innovation districts, including those focused on air and space technologies, such as Embry Riddle University Research Park, FL; National Aviation and Technology Park of New Jersey, NJ; Aero Park Innovation District, MD; plus research parks with significant air and space components including: Purdue Research Park, IN; Oklahoma City Innovation District, OK; Wichita State University Research Park, KS; University of Maryland (UMD) Discovery District, MD, Cummings Research Park, AL.

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Worried businessman 2021 08 31 15 58 19 utcVenture capital and private equity investors are becoming concerned over the exit environment, and the majority believe the asset class is overvalued, a new survey from Preqin shows.

A total of 80% of surveyed investors believe that venture capital is overvalued, with either considerable room or some room for price reduction, according to Preqin's Investor Outlook: Alternative Assets H2 2022 report released Tuesday.


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Boy by brightly coloured fabric squares laid out o 2022 03 04 02 45 12 utcOur current color theory has been wrong for 100 years, and getting it right could have huge implications for electronics, textiles, paints, and even the planet, as a new model could save millions of dollars and kilowatts of energy on storage and internet bandwidth alone.

For the last century, scientists believed that the most accurate way to represent how our brain distinguishes colors was a 3D model developed by Nobel Prize-winning physicist Erwin Schrödinger (yes, the cat-in-the-box guy), following an idea by Bernhard Riemann, a 19th-century mathematician who created a new type of geometry that carries his name.


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Cursor and The World s Population Where Will The Next 1 000 Babies Come FromEvery four minutes, approximately 1,000 babies are born across the globe. But in which countries are these babies the most statistically likely to come from?

Using data from the CIA World Factbook, this graphic by Pratap Vardhan (Stats of India) paints a picture of the world’s demographics, showing which countries are most likely to welcome the next 1,000 babies based on population and birth rates as of 2022 estimates.


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Business growth graph 2021 10 17 13 41 48 utcIt didn’t take long for a trend to emerge: Last quarter, we reported that the venture slowdown was impacting fundraising for startups of every size and sector. And we also noted that round sizes from the Series A to C stages in the United States were in decline.

Our conclusions were based on early data from Carta on Q1 2022 activity through its ownership management platform. As such, it was a good proxy for overall investing into startups in the first three months of the year — and the tendency was confirmed when the platform released a fuller roundup that we analyzed a couple of weeks later.


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FitThe fast-growing life sciences market is attracting new players from all corners of the commercial real estate sector, but a biologics CRE veteran warns that they need to understand the nuances and history of the industry before they dive in.

Revenues and investments in the life sciences sector have nearly doubled since 2020 even as many other industries struggled during the pandemic. JLL has forecast that biologics industry sales will continue to grow by more than 10% annually through 2026, driven by the development of vaccines and personalized medicine.

Image: Unsplash/Julia Koblitz

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Charles Darwin portraitCharles Darwin is primarily famous for two things: his majestic Victorian beard, and his incredibly influential work on the theory of evolution. Darwin, per Britannica, embarked on his legendary journey on the HMS Beagle in the 1830s. On the trip, he would do and see much that would shape his view of the world, and his groundbreaking "On The Origin Of Species" was released in 1859 as a result.

Image: Charles Darwin - Image Public Domain

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Cursor and Center for Clean Energy Innovation ITIFInnovation to make energy both clean and competitive must be a central goal of climate and energy policy. ITIF’s Center for Clean Energy Innovation exists to elevate this imperative in the policy debate in the United States and around the world. We conduct research, provide nonpartisan analysis, generate policy proposals, and convene members of the analytical and policymaking communities with this mission firmly in focus.


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