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Founded by Rich Bendis

innovation DAILY

Here we highlight selected innovation related articles from around the world on a daily basis.  These articles related to innovation and funding for innovative companies, and best practices for innovation based economic development.


If you are like most entrepreneurs I know, there just aren’t enough hours in a day to get all your own work done, as well as run the many one-hour meetings each team member seems to demand for decisions and mentoring. I have found it to be more productive and effective to lead with the model that no meetings will take an hour, and may be done in as little as five minutes.


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golden gate

SAN FRANCISCO — Christine Johnson, a public-finance consultant with an engineering degree, was running for a seat on the San Francisco Board of Supervisors.

She crisscrossed her downtown district talking about her plans to stimulate housing construction, improve public transit and deal with the litter of “needles and poop” that have become a common sight on the city’s sidewalks.


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Artificial intelligence experts are in luck in 2020.

LinkedIn released its list of the top emerging jobs for 2020. These jobs have grown substantially in the last five years, and LinkedIn predicts they will continue to increase demand in the new year.

Demand for artificial intelligence specialists grew 74% over the last five years. The job requires fluency in deep learning and machine learning. Cities hiring the most for artificial intelligence specialists include Boston and San Francisco. 


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Old people can produce as many new brain cells as teenagers New Scientist

Old age may have its downsides, but losing the ability to grow new brain cells isn’t one: healthy people in their seventies seem to produce just as many new neurons as teenagers.

The discovery overturns a decades-old theory about how our brains age and could provide clues as to how we can keep our minds sharper for longer.

In mammals, most brain cells are created at or soon after birth and are not renewed. Recently, it was discovered that the human hippocampus, associated with learning …

Image: We keep on growing neurons – even as we age - THOMAS DEERINCK, NCMIR/SCIENCE PHOTO LIBRARY

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The United States and China reached “a Phase One trade deal that requires structural reforms and other changes to China’s economic and trade regime in the areas of intellectual property, technology transfer, agriculture, financial services, and currency and foreign exchange,” according to a press release issued by the United States Trade Representative (“USTR”). A fact sheet released by USTR also stated that China has committed to “make substantial additional purchases of U.S. goods and services in the coming years” and that “the agreement establishes a strong dispute resolution system that ensures prompt and effective implementation and enforcement.”


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CHARLESTON — Since 2011, TechConnectWV has helped launch 51 companies throughout the state, with no plans to slow down heading into the next decade.

Started as a nonprofit in 2006, the economic development organization has grown with one major goal in mind, according to Anne Barth, executive director of TechConnectWV.

“Our main mission is to diversify the state’s economy through technology-based economic development,” Barth said. “We’re interested in those projects that involve some level of intellectual property or require commercialization. It’s the whole idea of converting research into something for the marketplace, whether it’s a new technology or service or product.”


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First Round State of Startups 2019

Welcome to the fifth edition of State of Startups. What started as an experiment in 2015 has since become a treasured tradition here at First Round. It's now the industry's largest dataset on what it’s like to run a startup with 3,600+ submissions and 190,000+ data points.

The startup world has undergone seismic shifts since we first launched our survey — from the ebb and flow of market trends to important and evolving conversations around topics such as diversity and inclusion, sexual harassment, company culture and the role of tech in society.


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Ryan Robinson

There’s an old adage about what it’s like running your own business—you only have to work half a day, and you get to choose which 12 hours they are. While the work load often comes in waves, anyone who’s tried their hand at entrepreneurship can attest to the truth of that statement.

It can be surprising for an ill-prepared entrepreneur when they find out just how much work actually goes into getting a business up and running. Many might not be able to manage the additional workload and stress that comes along with being responsible for your own income each month.


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Jared Polites

Fundraising and venture capital networking is notoriously challenging for new founders. Venture capitalists (VCs) can be the gatekeepers to a business succeeding or failing by providing much needed seed and growth capital.

The two common types of venture capital include traditional venture capital and corporate venture capital (CVC). CVC can be organized as an independent arm of a company that invests externally in synergistic opportunities. Traditional VCs are financially driven and know how to build and scale companies.


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Richard Seline

As we wrap-up 2019 with a much-needed break to recharge for 2020, a few life lessons have occurred from a winter-beach that apply to professional and personal experiences. Your own lessons are welcome to be shared.

On Being Sturdy: Walk towards the sun and into the wind...the brightness will illuminate your path and the sound will overtake the noise in your mind. And the gusts will remind you to steady your pace, strengthen your resolve.


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Obesity continues to be a serious health problem in the U.S., contributing to heart disease, diabetes, joint disorders and even certain types of cancer. And according to the latest data, more Americans will be obese by 2030 than ever before.

In a study published in the New England Journal of Medicine, researchers led by Zachary Ward at the Harvard T. H. Chan School of Public Health analyzed body mass index (BMI) data reported by more than 6.2 million adults who answered questions for the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System Survey (BRFSS), a large phone-based survey conducted by the U.S. Centers of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and other federal agencies.


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One man can make a difference. Those words became the campaign slogan for Democrat Birch Bayh’s 1974 Senate reelection campaign. But they also serve as a fitting epitaph for the man who authored two constitutional amendments, more than any other lawmaker since the founders. In 18 years in the Senate, Bayh crafted the 25th Amendment, outlining presidential succession, and the 26th Amendment, lowering the voting age to 18. He also fathered Title IX, the law that made women full participants in America’s education system.


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TIME Picks the Top 100 Photos of 2019

The world may move faster, and the images it produces faster still. But what remains in the mind is the single frame.

The frame may hold an image that compels close study: the puff of dust from the instant a bullet strikes the granite cladding of a U.S. Courthouse in Dallas, above the hunched form of a uniformed guard fleeing the gunman, half a block away in combat gear and closing fast. The frame might contain what you wish you could unsee: the view down to the drowned bodies of the father and daughter on the bank of the Rio Grande.


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Rome wasn’t built in a day and neither is a business.

Being an entrepreneur is hard work. You’re creating something out of nothing. Having a coach by your side who knows the ropes of starting a business can be crucial to success. 

This article will give you 5 reasons to hire an entrepreneur coach to help you launch your business.


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Every entrepreneur I know is dismayed by the number of friends who approach them with a line such as “I have an even better idea that will change the world, and one of these days I’m going to get around to starting my own business.” I always wonder what is more important to them on an ongoing basis than changing the world, since their startups usually never materialize.

Image: Startup Professionals Musings

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Mike Phillips

In this video, Entrepreneur Network partner Mike Phillips speaks about his keys to leadership. The first few traits that contribute to a great leader include the following:

  • Integrity. Otherwise known as understanding right for wrong and holding a strong moral compass.  
  • Motivation. Make sure your behavior aligns with your intended actions. 
  • Relationships. It's essential that you connect with others, forming constructive partnerships.


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