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innovation DAILY

Here we highlight selected innovation related articles from around the world on a daily basis.  These articles related to innovation and funding for innovative companies, and best practices for innovation based economic development.

Bio Bill Gates - Gates’ nuclear innovation company, TerraPower, announced Monday it has secured at least $750 million in new funding.

The funding was co-led by Gates and SK. Gates is the founder and chairman of TerraPower. SK, one of South Korea’s largest energy providers, invested $250 million.

The money will be used to develop nuclear energy technology and innovations in nuclear medicine, according to a statement from TerraPower.

“Whether it’s addressing climate change with carbon-free advanced nuclear energy, or fighting cancer with nuclear isotopes, our team is deploying technology solutions and investors across the world are taking note,” Chris Levesque, the CEO of TerraPower, said in a statement.


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Young confident teacher of economics pointing at g 2021 12 23 00 11 45 utcIn How to Turn Inflation and Recession into Your Largest Business Opportunity, a free webinar brought to you by Oracle NetSuite and Entrepreneur, we're bringing a panel of experts to help you navigate these two uncontrollable external factors, by giving you advice that is within your control.

Join entrepreneur and communication strategist Jill Schiefelbein as she moderates a conversation sure to leave all attendees with ideas and insights to strengthen your business plan. She will be joined by Matt Vigh, Owner and CEO of Prospect Boomerang and Jaime Jay, Founder and Managing Director of Bottleneck Distant Assistants, who bring unique perspectives on how to manage environments of financial uncertainty.


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Geobacter nanowires 1660575446 - CREDIT: XINYING LIUImagine this: It’s a hot summer day and while you would like to stay cool inside, Fido’s begging for a walk. Out and about, you’re listening to your favorite true crime podcast when disaster strikes—the trill of a perilously low battery. With no portable charger on you, you almost panic, but then remember your handy stash of microbial batteries, tiny paper-thin squares containing electricity-producing bacteria.


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Credit: Leiem / Wikimedia CommonsUC Berkeley researchers have developed a cheap, energy-efficient carbon capture technology that could one day be attached to everything from factory smokestacks to car exhausts — keeping greenhouse gasses out of the atmosphere.

Carbon capture: While reducing sources of greenhouse emissions is key to fighting climate change, it’s going to take a while to transition completely away from electricity generated by fossil fuels — and cars powered by gas and diesel.

Image: Credit: Leiem / Wikimedia Commons

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The pilot condenser atop an ETH Zurich building. (CREDIT: ETH Zurich/Iwan Hächler)Fresh water is scarce in many parts of the world and must be obtained at great expense. Communities near the ocean can desalinate sea water for this purpose, but doing so requires a large amount of energy. Further away from the coast, practically often the only remaining option is to condense atmospheric humidity through cooling, either through processes that similarly require high energy input or by using "passive" technologies that exploit the temperature swing between day and night.

Image: The pilot condenser atop an ETH Zurich building. (CREDIT: ETH Zurich/Iwan Hächler)

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Young people in the office 2022 04 06 19 47 25 utcYou've most likely heard sayings like the Jim Rohn quote, "You're the average of the five people you spend the most time with." Those in our inner circle play an important role and can influence our well-being and growth.

Attracting the right people requires you to be whom you want to attract. When entrepreneurs tell me they are not finding their people, my first question is, "Are you the person that your desired circle would be attracted to?"


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Neon ai on a keyboard 2021 09 02 06 04 58 utcAbu Dhabi: The Department of Health – Abu Dhabi (DOH) and Malaffi, the health information exchange system, are using AI (artificial intelligence) to predict patients’ future risk of disease.

Embedded in the Malaffi provider portal, the Patient Risk Profile will further support a more informed and efficient clinical decision-making for better quality healthcare and patient outcomes.


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Ca2325b0 1a6a 11ed bef9 c469cc17eb74The longstanding green car partnership between BMW and Toyota is relatively close to bearing more fruit. As Autoblog explains, BMW sales chief Pieter Nota told Nikkei in an interview that the brands aim to sell jointly-developed hydrogen fuel cell vehicles as soon as 2025. Nota didn't hint at what to expect, but stressed that fuel cells are "particularly relevant" for large SUVs like the iX5 Hydrogen concept (above). Small-volume production of the iX5 is expected to start by the end of this year.

Image: BMW

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Three sequential photos of a 'gigantic jet' lightning bolt blasting out of the top of a cloud over Oklahoma, and shooting directly into space. (Image credit: Chris Holmes)The sky turns dark, a heavy rain falls and a bolt of lightning crackles through the air. But instead of striking down toward the ground, or zipping sideways between clouds, this lightning bolt does something unexpected: It blasts straight upward from the top of the cloud, shooting 50 miles (80 kilometers) into the sky, grazing the lower edge of space.

Bolts like these are called gigantic jets. They are the rarest and most powerful sort of lightning, occurring as few as 1,000 times a year and emitting more than 50 times as much energy as a typical lightning bolt — and now, scientists have just detected the single most powerful gigantic jet yet.

Image: Three sequential photos of a 'gigantic jet' lightning bolt blasting out of the top of a cloud over Oklahoma, and shooting directly into space. (Image credit: Chris Holmes)

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Cursor and Nuclear Fusion Breakthrough Confirmed California Team Achieved IgnitionAmajor breakthrough in nuclear fusion has been confirmed a year after it was achieved at a laboratory in California.

Researchers at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory's (LLNL's) National Ignition Facility (NIF) recorded the first case of ignition on August 8, 2021, the results of which have now been published in three peer-reviewed papers.

Image: - From Video

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Cursor and Video Puts Into Perspective How Far Away James Webb s Camera Can See PetaPixelThe European Space Agency (ESA) has published a video that puts into perspective just how far away the latest target of the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST), the Cartwheel Galaxy, is.

On August 2, the Webb Team published a gorgeous high-resolution photo of the Cartwheel Galaxy, a rare ring galaxy that was formed as a result of a collision between a large spiral galaxy and another smaller galaxy.


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95ac29 9d7a7c109c2b416b9294d480587db2cc mv2The photovoltaic effect of ferroelectric crystals can be increased by a factor of 1,000 if three different materials are arranged periodically in a lattice. This has been revealed in a study by researchers at Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg (MLU).

They achieved this by creating crystalline layers of barium titanate, strontium titanate and calcium titanate which they alternately placed on top of one another. Their findings, which could significantly increase the efficiency of solar cells, were published in the journal "Science Advances".

Image: Most solar cells are currently silicon based; however, their efficiency is limited. (CREDIT: Creative Commons)

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Assets newatlasTo learn about the future of Earth’s climate we can look to the past, and o
ne of the best ways to do that is with samples drilled from deep ice cores. Now, scientists have dated what may be the world’s oldest ice core, with some sections potentially preserving samples as old as 5 million years.

The natural preservation ability of ice is dialed up to 11 in places like Antarctica, where tiny trapped air bubbles can capture pristine samples of the Earth’s atmosphere from thousands or even millions of years ago. Markers like carbon dioxide concentrations can be cross-examined with other ancient records to get a deeper understanding of what the climate was like in the distant past, and how things have changed.


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IWilliam Kilgallon was struck by the extensive experience/ skill set of the delegates and their commitment to nurturing and directing their respective universities along the road map to commercialising academic research.

The EiRs were from a wide range of disciplines, from mathematics to psychology and from biotechnology to engineering backgrounds. The key attributes they all displayed were experience in the commercial sector, being involved in innovation systems and a desire to make an impact within their EiR programme by bridging the gap between academic research and commercialisation.


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SEI 118879488Corneas made from pig collagen have restored sight for people who were previously legally blind or visually impaired. Two years after the operations, none of the recipients have reported serious complications or adverse side effects.

More than 12 million people around the world have corneal blindness, which can occur when the eyes’ clear, protective outer layer becomes cloudy or misshapen from damage or disease. Because corneal transplants currently require a human donor, only 1 out of every 70 people in need of care receive one. In many lower-income nations, the cost of the operation further complicates access to treatment.

Image: The cornea made from pig collagen THOR BALKHED/LINKÖPING UNIVERSITY

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Hexagonal fuel assembly of water water energetic r 2021 12 15 01 43 51 utcWe have ignition. An analysis has confirmed that an experiment conducted in 2021 created a fusion reaction energetic enough to be self-sustaining, which brings it one step closer to being useful as a source of energy.

The fusion ignition took place on 8 August 2021 at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory’s National Ignition Facility (NIF) in California, but NIF researchers haven’t been able to reproduce this landmark achievement since. They have spent the past year analysing the experimental conditions that …


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Question mark 2021 08 26 22 30 01 utcContrary to the legends about brilliant ideas just falling from the trees like apples, great innovators don't sit or wander aimlessly waiting for inspiration to hit them in the head. Serendipity is real, of course, as are eureka moments in the shower, but the most prolific innovators actively work to increase their odds of making momentous discoveries.


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Woman wrinting on calendar 2021 09 02 10 31 12 utcIt was the return of business travel that tipped Stephanie Dismore’s calendar over the edge.

Earlier this year, as the HP senior executive juggled running to airport gates with a schedule still filled with pandemic-era Zoom calls, Dismore sat down with her assistant and did an audit of her meetings. Some were delegated. Meetings set up simply to share information were canceled, with a request sent for a slide deck. The rest were given a hard look and had to pass a test to stay on her calendar.


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Cyber security threat young woman using computer 2022 08 01 04 33 19 utcCybersecurity has become a top priority for governments, businesses and critical infrastructure operators, especially since the start of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine which has been marked by sophisticated cyber attacks.

Cyberattacks on governmental websites were seen more recently in Taiwan when it experienced intermittent outages just before US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi arrived in the country earlier this month amid sharp warnings from China before the visit.


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