Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

innovation DAILY

Here we highlight selected innovation related articles from around the world on a daily basis.  These articles related to innovation and funding for innovative companies, and best practices for innovation based economic development.


This week, the Thomson Reuters Foundation in partnership with Deutsche Bank’s CSR Made For Good Global enterprise program, released a survey breaking down the best countries for social entrepreneurs to live and work in. The survey is conducted once every three years. The last study was published in 2016.


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Every entrepreneur can learn from a mentor, no matter how confident or successful they have been to date. Most people don’t know that billionaire Mark Zuckerberg, for example, gives real credit to the inspiring mentorship of Steve Jobs for Mark’s Facebook success. Yet most entrepreneurs simply don’t know how to work with a mentor. It is not as simple as one person giving the other all the right answers.


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About 30 years ago my business partner and I were in the world headquarters of our startup — the second bedroom of my small condo. I had just created a rift between us by investing in a $1000 laptop and a laser printer. An enormous sum of money to a fledgling, bootstrapping, credit card funded startup.

Over the next 20 years we would leverage that investment and countless hours of sweat equity on the part of a magnificent team into a $20,000,000 multinational company.

I’ve often thought about the long and circuitous path of that journey, wondering how to distill it down to a few critical lessons that were most important.


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Investing in pre-IPO stocks can send your portfolio higher than stocks trading on the exchange. It can result in generational wealth.

This wasn't open to everybody before. But now, anyone can do it with just $50.

And we're going to show you how.

When you're pre-IPO investing, you are placing an equity investment in small companies that are privately held – at the startup stage or slightly later.


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The amount of venture capital invested in Wisconsin companies has more than tripled during the past five years, but the state still lags behind its Midwestern neighbors.

A driving force behind growing startups, venture capital can be the lifeblood of a small business looking to create new jobs, capitalize on discoveries made at the state’s universities or expand its product sales.


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olympic logo

Just before 8 pm on February 9, 2018, high in the northeastern mountains of South Korea, Sang-jin Oh was sitting on a plastic chair a few dozen rows up from the floor of Pyeongchang's vast, pentagonal Olympic Stadium. He wore a gray and red official Olympics jacket that kept him warm despite the near-freezing weather, and his seat, behind the press section, had a clear view of the raised, circular stage a few hundred feet in front of him. The 2018 Winter Olympics opening ceremony was about to start.


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Vermont Business Magazine The Vermont Futures Project(link is external) announces recommendations to grow and sustain Vermont businesses with further development and additional support to enhance Vermont’s current innovation and entrepreneurial ecosystem.

To secure our economic future, the Vermont Futures Project has identified the need to scale and grow Vermont’s mid-sized businesses, defined as having 20 to 499 employees. These companies are the mainstay of Vermont’s employment base which provide stable jobs, good pay and career opportunities at a scale that fits Vermont’s culture, region to region.


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The entrepreneur Now is best time to start a business thanks to tech

This is the greatest time ever to be in business for yourself.

No, not the third best time, or even the second. It is THE greatest time to be an entrepreneur, ever.

And I can confidently say that without hyperbole for a variety of reasons. Want to start a one-person business? Great, you can. Want to start a business on a shoestring? Easy peasy. Want to be small but grow big? Got you covered.

The main reason for this is that technology has transformed the playing field. Today, any business can be small but look big, act big, and make big bucks.


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California startups grab 57 of venture funding nationwide Daily Bulletin

The big investors betting on young companies must have missed the chatter about California’s purportedly poor business climate as they continue to pour an outsized share of money into the state’s startups.

Dow Jones VentureSource reports 548 California companies raised $15.6 billion in venture capital in the third quarter. Yes, that’s down from 645 deals worth $18.4 billion made a year earlier. But it outpaces 2014-18 when California averaged 609 venture capital deals worth $12.1 billion per quarter.


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Michael del Castillo

From global vehicle identities that can’t be forged, to auto-supply chains without the fat, blockchain is being explored by some of the largest auto manufacturers in the world. But perhaps no auto center has more to gain than Detroit, Michigan, whose auto industry was knocked to its knees in the early 2000s as U.S. vehicles were increasingly made abroad.


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The Galien Foundation Honors 2019 Prix Galien Award Recipients

NEW YORK, Oct. 25, 2019 /PRNewswire/ -- The Prix Galien USA Committee last night honored excellence in the biopharmaceutical and medical industry for research, development and innovation at its 13th annual Prix Galien Awards Gala, held at the American Museum of Natural History in New York City. In recognition of the development and discovery of products that improve the human condition, a committee of highly accomplished scientific leaders, inclusive of four Nobel Laureates, recognized winners in three categories: "Best Pharmaceutical Product," "Best Biotechnology Product," and "Best Medical Technology."

Image: GlaxoSmithKline, SHINGRIX

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market crash

By the end of Thursday, Oct. 24, 1929, the New York Stock Exchange had rebounded from the 10% dip that the market had taken earlier that day. But then stocks plummeted again the following Monday, Oct. 28, and Tuesday, Oct. 29, saw similar drops. The stock market would continue to tumble for the next few weeks.


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Capitol Building

After nearly two triumphant decades marked by an unprecedented accumulation of both wealth and power, our tech oligarchy seems to be running out of luck. Newly issued IPOs—Uber, Lyft and Slack—are losing values at breathtaking rates, while others in the on-desk circle, such as the once widely anticipated We, are headed back to the bench.


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The Dutch capital Amsterdam has long been rated amongst the most visited cities in Europe, attracting upwards of 19 million tourists in 2018. However, the powers that be in Amsterdam are looking to reduce the flow of tourists, and shift international focus from certain aspects of its national life from which the country is commonly associated, such as its recreational drug culture.


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