Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
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innovation DAILY

Here we highlight selected innovation related articles from around the world on a daily basis.  These articles related to innovation and funding for innovative companies, and best practices for innovation based economic development.

BiOI pixels produce hydrogen bubbles under illumination CREDIT: Dr Virgil Andrei, St John's College, CambridgeDevices made of readily available oxide and carbon-based materials can produce clean hydrogen from water over weeks – according to new research.

The findings, co-led by Dr Virgil Andrei, a Research Fellow at St John’s College, University of Cambridge, with academics at Imperial College London, could help overcome one of the key issues in solar fuel production, where current earth-abundant light-absorbing materials are limited through either their performance or stability.

Image: BiOI pixels produce hydrogen bubbles under illumination CREDIT: Dr Virgil Andrei, St John's College, Cambridge

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The apple car is still alive and a ford veteran joins apple to make it happen 187962 1Apple Inc wants to power the dashboard of your next car, but first it must convince automakers they will not end up surrendering future profits to the iPhone company like the makers of flip-phone handsets.

Apple on Monday gave a preview of a new generation of its CarPlay software that will migrate from its current home on the entertainment screen to power everything in front of the driver.


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Apple WWDC22 iOS16iOS 16 introduces multi-layered cutomisation options. You will have access to wallpapers with widget-like capabilities and the OS will allow you to pick from different typefaces and colour filters while customising your setup. You will also have the ability to add widgets for upcoming calendar events, workout status and choose multiple widgets, while picking wallpapers and presets from a curated selection provided by Apple.


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Data security concept 2021 08 26 16 18 15 utcOver the last two years, work has transitioned rapidly to remote and hybrid modes. Hackers embraced this move and profited from flaws and vulnerabilities in organisations’ security architecture. In 2021, corporate networks saw a 50% increase in cyber-attacks per week compared to the previous year, for example. Cybercriminals targeting business-critical and sensitive data, such as personally identifiable information (PII), intellectual property (IP), and financial data, are keenly aware of how today’s cloud environments can be ideal targets.


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Exploding brain 2021 08 26 15 33 00 utcYou must be familiar with Frogger if you grew up in the 1980s or if you enjoy classic video games. The game might be pretty difficult.

To win, you must first endure a torrent of strong traffic, then zig-zag across speeding wooden logs to narrowly avoid oblivion.

In the midst of all this chaos, how does the brain decide what to focus on?

Research published in the scientific journal Nature Neuroscience today suggests one possible solution: data compression.


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Halverson resolute bannerMichael Halvorson ’85 was a technologist before he was a historian. His PLU undergraduate degree is in computer science and he worked at Microsoft for the first 10 years of his career. He spent the next 15 years writing books about software and emerging technology. He went on to earn a Ph.D. in history from the University of Washington and he now serves as the Benson Family Chair in Business and Economic History at PLU.

Halvorson co-founded the innovation studies program and minor in 2016 and currently serves as the program director. Innovation is his passion, but Halvorson’s extensive knowledge of history fortifies his perspective.

“In our program we look at the long history of innovation, how people have created new things, and what the positive and negative consequences of those things have been over time,” he explains. “An analysis of innovation should look at human communities, economic issues, art & design, ethics, technology, and more. If you examine these elements in an interdisciplinary way, you can really assess the dynamics of change in society.”


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JpgAs businesses set ever more ambitious environmental, social, and governance (ESG) goals, their sustainability and technology strategies need to become more tightly aligned. Chief Information Officers can play a critical role in supporting their company’s transformation to a sustainable organisation. An effective sustainable technology strategy helps drive business growth and ESG performance by delivering on three imperatives.


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Product design brand patent trademark copyright gr 2022 04 20 22 37 03 utcWhen creating a trademark, entrepreneurs in many cases do not take into account the requirements of the relevant legislation on trademark registration.

One of the common cases in practice is that the trademark is already well known on the market, the entrepreneur has not yet registered it, submits an application for registration a little later than the start of activity, and when applying for registration is denied due to non-compliance with the relevant requirement.


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Handsome mature entrepreneur talking with smart ph 2022 01 11 23 53 02 utcWarning: This one might sting for all you 9-to-5'ers out there pounding personal growth and spirituality books. Wooooosaaaaahhh. Relax.

Don't bite my head off just yet. We all want to "live our best life," no? In my humble opinion, entrepreneurship is not only the best shortcut, but the only true path to maxing out your life. Here's why:

The upside of personal growth books

You can become a better you doing it this way. And I'm not saying you shouldn't read books that open and expand your mind. That's not what this is about. What this is about is giving you a proven path, an ace in the hole.


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African man working at cafe 2022 02 02 03 57 51 utcThe world has changed dramatically in two short years, leading many of us to pause and reset. If you’re like the millions of employees who left their companies to pursue something different, you might have gotten a bit more than you bargained for.

You may have only met your team on video and be feeling a bit disconnected. Instead of having memorable experiences with people, you may be memorizing names and faces, trying to figure out who to go to for what, or wondering how to get more visibility.

That smooth onboarding experience you expected might feel more like a bumpy ride.


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Apple store logo -’s annual Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC) will kick off today with the keynote at 10 am PDT (10.30 pm IST). The event will be hosted in an online format from June 6-10. The keynote address will be available via, the Apple Developer app, the Apple TV app, and YouTube, with on-demand playback available after the conclusion of the stream.

In addition to the online conference, Apple will be hosting a special day for developers and students at Apple Park on June 6 to watch the keynote and State of the Union videos together, along with the online community, adding an offline element to the event after two years of being entirely virtual. The event is free for all developers.


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People crowd walking on busy street 2021 08 26 17 18 57 utcThe notion of creating a startup company might appeal to a large group of people but only a few will attempt to actually start a company. Why? Several reasons but the most important might be the fear of failure. According to the Small Business Administration, in 2019, the failure rate of startups was around 90%. Quite often when looking at why the companies failed, it might be because the company should have never been started. Sometimes it’s a solution in search of a problem, a failed set of assumptions or most importantly, there was no clear marketplace.


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Focused asian male ceo writing on glass board with 2022 05 30 19 29 51 utcSomeone could be an expert in designing and building pools, but that doesn’t make them a great swimmer.

That was the first lesson I learned when I made a big career switch from VC to CEO. After several years at the top Bay Area venture capital firms, I had decided to go to the other side and become cofounder and chief executive of a cybersecurity company.


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35003e91 5814 40f7 978a ba4df5b8279dEvery so often a promising entrepreneur seems to freeze in the oncoming headlights and gets run over by his competition. Why is it that his idea which seemed so fundable only months ago fails to attract investors today? The team is the same. The company's market is the same.

The only change might be a visible new competitor, or another economic downturn, resulting in investors holding their money, and that makes all the difference. Herein lies a key principle of decision making - “Any decision is better than no decision.”

Image: Startup Professionals Musings

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Young Entrepreneur Council members suggest looking for these things when applying to a startup accelerator.PHOTOS COURTESY OF THE INDIVIDUAL MEMBERS.One path for starting a business is to leverage a startup accelerator. These programs offer mentorship and education to new business owners while providing funding opportunities in exchange for equity. You may even find there are certain nuances and eligibility requirements to abide by during your search for the right startup accelerator.

Image: Young Entrepreneur Council members suggest looking for these things when applying to a startup accelerator.PHOTOS COURTESY OF THE INDIVIDUAL MEMBERS.

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Rock climber at sunset kalymnos island greece 2022 02 02 05 06 51 utcFive years ago, Alex Honnold scaled the sheer face of the 3,000-foot El Capitan escarpment alone and without ropes—the only person to have ever done so. Honnold has great skill and discipline, but he is also blessed with a special brain: an MRI scan has shown that his brain doesn’t register fear.


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Healthy lifestyle 2022 02 17 16 58 04 utcWe all open social media and are reminded of others' successful lives: a picture perfect viewpoint of a struggle-free life. We know it's not an accurate representation of the ups and downs, yet we still compare that "lookbook" to our actual lives.

That feeling you get while comparing yourself to them? Yeah, we all feel it. As business owners, it's even further drilled into our hearts and minds by the sharing of Gary Vaynerchuk-esque motivational videos and other meme-formatted graphics that portray the path to success is a constant grind and long-term sacrifice.


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