Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

innovation DAILY

Here we highlight selected innovation related articles from around the world on a daily basis.  These articles related to innovation and funding for innovative companies, and best practices for innovation based economic development.


2018 was undoubtedly one of the most important years ever for biopharma, setting records for valuations and dealmaking. But a paper published in January called some of that exuberance into question, noting that many startups over the years have managed to become unicorns – with valuations of $1 billion or more – despite having little or no published, peer-reviewed data.

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Venture-capital firms and early-stage companies could see a major fall in their fortunes this year. A combination of inflated valuations, unsophisticated financial models, and lack of investor perspective has led to an unsustainable bubble in the start-up sector and the firms that fund it.

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The New York Times foreign affairs columnist, three-time Pulitzer winner, and author of Thank You for Being Late, Thomas L. Friedman and McKinsey Global Institute chairman James Manyika build on their multiyear dialogue by engaging on the impact of connectivity, globalization, digitization, and artificial intelligence on work, skills, incomes, and prosperity.

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Julie Zhuo first started working at Facebook as an intern over a decade ago. Since then, she’s risen through the ranks to become VP of Product Design at the company, leading a team of hundreds that’s charged with designing the app billions of users see every day. But reflecting on her career, it was the moment when she first put on the manager’s cap that stands out most.

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No matter how talented someone might be, there is no guarantee that their talents will translate into top performance. The science of human potential has generally illustrated that an individual’s overarching competence cannot be fully understood unless we also account for their emotional make-up, preferences, and dispositions. No matter how smart, knowledgeable, and experienced you are, there is generally a difference between what you can do and what you normally do.

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Iguy-kawasaki-photo-imagen the entrepreneurship world, Guy Kawasaki is considered a motivational icon. There is a lot to learn from his new book which is appropriately named “Wise Guy”. On the Small Business Radio Show this week, I talked with Guy about his life lessons from his time as one of the Apple employees originally responsible for marketing the Macintosh computer line to becoming the founder of his own software companies and venture capital firm. He describes this 14th book as “Miso Soup for the Soul”.

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We hear the word ‘Entrepreneurship’ very often in the millennial age, so let’s start with understanding the definition of it ‘Entrepreneurship’ is the process of designing, launching and running a new business, which is often initially a small business. The people who create these businesses are called ‘entrepreneurs’. More modern definitions of ‘Entrepreneurship’ are also about transforming the world by solving big problems. Like initiating social change, creating an innovative product or presenting a new life-changing solution.


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Four years ago, outraged that Barnes & Noble was closing their only outpost in the Bronx, Noëlle Santos launched a viral crowdfunding campaign to open an indie bookstore/wine bar in the borough where she was raised. “We are worthy, we are more than just sneaker stores and we support the arts, so I stand here today and ask you to open your hearts and help us show the world what many fail to see, that the Bronx is no longer burning, except with a desire to read,” Santos rapped in her Indiegogo crowdfunding campaign while standing in front of graffiti art wearing a Read Or Else sweatshirt. She asked for $100,000, and raised $170,000. 

Image: Noëlle Santos at The Lit. BarANGIELMV PHOTOGRAPHY

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european union flag

Carlos Moedas, Commissioner for Research, Science and Innovation has a number of important responsibilities. One is promoting the international excellence of the research and science in the European Union (EU), as well as strengthening research capacities and innovation across all Member States. Another is ensuring that research funding programmes, in particular, Horizon 2020, contribute to the European Commission’s jobs, growth and investment package.


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Global Energy Perspective 2019 McKinsey

Energy systems around the world are going through rapid transitions that affect many aspects of our lives. The continuation and acceleration of these shifts will bring important changes to the way we fuel our cars, heat our homes, and power our industries in the coming decades. Our Reference Case provides our consensus view on how energy demand will evolve.


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