Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

innovation DAILY

Here we highlight selected innovation related articles from around the world on a daily basis.  These articles related to innovation and funding for innovative companies, and best practices for innovation based economic development.


Within the startup realm, there is a big difference between having an innovative product versus an innovative business. Some startups have a new technology, but stick to a tried-and-true business model. Others take an existing product, and give it new life with a creative business model. The most competitive startups do both, all the time and every time.


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Longest average commute town in every state map Business Insider

The length of an average commute varies across the US.

The American Community Survey is an annual survey run by the Census Bureau to allow the government, corporate and academic researchers, and anyone who is curious about demographics to better understand the US population. Among many other subjects, the ACS includes questions about how long it typically takes employed respondents to travel to work.


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old people

Every day since her husband broke his hip, Beatrice Egger has been afraid. The 91-year-old retired teacher worries when William, 90, a retired principal, is in the shower. She worries when she is helping him get dressed and he unsteadily towers over her. And she worries when he moves from sitting to standing or from room to room. When he falls, which inevitably happens, she can call upon aides at their Issaquah, Wash., retirement home to help get him back up. But they can’t help her all the time. So she stays scared.


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At the beginning of this decade, when the fallout of the financial crash was still being felt and traditional venture firms were struggling to raise money, the investment arms of big pharma companies stepped in to fill a funding gap that was starving start-ups. Fast forward to the current period of plenty and, while corporate cash is no longer quite so crucial to the ecosystem, many of these units remain enthusiastic backers of early-stage science. 


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Great Wall of China

BEIJING, Feb. 18 (Xinhua) -- China aims to develop the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area into an international innovation and technology hub, says a development plan issued on Monday.

According to the Outline Development Plan for the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, efforts will be made to build an open community for coordinated innovation in the region, develop quality innovation and technology carriers and platforms, and enhance the environment for innovation in the region.


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test tube

One silver lining of having an apartment so small you can feel your stomach brush the wall with a particularly strong exhale is that you don’t have to feel bad not helping whomever is cooking dinner or doing the dishes. Fitting two people into the foot-and-a-half wide corridor that houses our fridge, oven, microwave, and sink is simply a non-starter. It’s frustrating at times, but it has helped instill a natural division of labor — whoever cooks does not touch the dishes — that I don’t think would have occurred otherwise, and it muted the well-intentioned, but not always constructive, instinct to help a busy cook who’s in the zone and doesn’t want to be bothered with finding you a vegetable to peel or something.


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Razvan Creanga

Leonardo da Vinci wrote the first CV in the 15th century when he applied for a job to the Duke of Milan. There hasn't been much change in the recruitment industry in the intervening 500-plus years.

It seems incredible that a man renowned for his innovative approach to engineering and the arts, from parachutes to early flying machines and the Mona Lisa, had to distill his skills to fit on a single piece of paper.


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When working in a team, it’s likely that you will have to work with people who aren’t like you. The differences between introverts and extroverts are well-known. While introverts prefer less stimulation and need to spend time alone to focus and develop their thoughts, extroverts’ brains require higher levels of external simulation and dopamine to function and thrive in group settings.


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As everybody knows, if you do not work out, your muscles get flaccid. What most people don't realize, however, is that your brain also stays in better shape when you exercise. And not just challenging your noggin by, for example, learning a new language, doing difficult crosswords or taking on other intellectually stimulating tasks. As researchers are finding, physical exercise is critical to vigorous mental health, too.


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We all probably know someone who is intelligent but does surprisingly stupid things. My family delights in pointing out times when I (a professor) make really dumb mistakes. What does it mean to be smart or intelligent? Our everyday use of the term is meant to describe someone who is knowledgeable and makes wise decisions, but this definition is at odds with how intelligence is traditionally measured. The most widely known measure of intelligence is the intelligence quotient, more commonly known as the IQ test, which includes visuospatial puzzles, math problems, pattern recognition, vocabulary questions and visual searches.


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A better year for equity crowdfunding The Edge Markets

Those who have participated in equity crowdfunding (ECF) campaigns have much to look forward to this year.  They could expect more issuances to be launched and the valuations of their existing investments to increase, say industry players.

This comes after a slow 2018, when the number of successful deals in the industry fell to 13 from 17 the previous year, according to the ECF report card released last November. In 2018, the outlook for ECF was largely affected by the 14th general election. Due to the uncertainties, many issuers, investors and platform operators postponed their activities until after the polls.


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Consulting and accounting firm Deloitte has gotten out in front of how a new recession will hit companies. Additionally, it has offered advice about what companies should do over the course of a downturn.

Much of the Deloitte advice is for consumer companies but applies to firms in most other sectors. Deloitte looked back at company performances in the 2001 and the 2008–2009 recessions.


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Friday is the official last day of #HIMSS19 in Orlando. The annual healthcare conference, which began on Monday, February 11, was packed full of presentations, panels, products and people.

The event gave attendees plenty to mull over. While it’s challenging to distill so much content into a single post, here are seven insights that emerged out of this year’s HIMSS.


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These days, if your startup does not have an Internet home base up and running, you are not ready for business or potential investors. Customers go there to check on the details of your offerings and verify that you are not a scam, investors look there to check out your management and sales approach, and suppliers expect to find contact information.


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Cincinnati will submit a bid Feb. 15 in an effort to land Venture For America’s fifth iteration of its residential accelerator.

The 2011-born entity, founded by entrepreneur Andrew Yang, is a two-year program that looks to connect recent college graduates with startups in high-growth cities around the country.

Its accelerator component was created to provide its participants, or fellows, with the “time, space and support they need to turn their side projects into full-time ventures by the completion of the four-month program.”


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Recently, I received a question from a contact on LinkedIn. She asked me whether I thought work-life balance was dead. My answer: I hope so!

To be clear, I’m not advocating that you should give up your quest to have a fulfilling career and a thriving personal life, and I am definitely not saying that you have to give up one to have the other. I also acknowledge that we have a work-life problem, but I’m arguing that the concept of balance has never been helpful, because it’s too limiting.


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Each year I interview hundreds of business leaders about innovation in their companies, and their outlook on the future. One question almost always gets asked: “what’s keeping you up nights?”

What I’m hearing of late is about the sudden rise in business uncertainty. Is the decade-long economic recovery about to end? Will the U.S. and China come up with a trade agreement? Will there be yet another government shutdown?


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