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innovation DAILY

Here we highlight selected innovation related articles from around the world on a daily basis.  These articles related to innovation and funding for innovative companies, and best practices for innovation based economic development.

Tony fadell build bookCoinciding with the release of his new book titled Build: An Unorthodox Guide to Making Things Worth Making, former Apple executive Tony Fadell went on the Decoder podcast with The Verge's editor-in-chief Nilay Patel to discuss cultural differences between Apple and Google, the early days of the iPhone and iPod, and other topics.


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(Image by Hitesh Choudhary from Pixabay )In a typical week, a CIO will be asked to accelerate the pace of digitization of an organization, whilst team members or potential recruits will demand an increase in salary. If that salary improvement is not met, well, they can and will walk out of the door to another organization - it is an employee market. Fueling this is a lack of talent entering the industry. Simply put, we don't have enough technologists to deliver on demand.

Image: (Image by Hitesh Choudhary from Pixabay )

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Temperature weather forecast climate concept 2021 08 27 00 00 16 utcThe science of weather forecasting has changed beyond recognition, in fact, today, thanks to supercomputers, it’s possible to make much more accurate predictions about the weather.

Jim Holland, regional director: Africa at Lenovo

But, how do these supercomputers make their predictions? First, it makes sense to explain what a supercomputer is. Put simply, it is a large array of smaller computers and processing equipment aggregated to make one large, smart and very powerful computer. Frequently found in the science, engineering, and business sectors, they can reduce the time taken to solve problems to days rather than months and they’re really demonstrating their mettle when it comes to weather predictions and climate modelling.


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Kaiming Ye and Guy German from Binghamton University, State University of New York developed a machine to disinfect personal protective equipment such as facemasks. CREDIT: Binghamton University, State University of New YorkWhen the COVID-19 pandemic emerged in early 2020, ultraviolet radiation became one of the go-to methods for preventing the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, along with facemasks, hand sanitizer and social distancing.

The problem: There was little research showing what UV dosage kills the virus. What wavelength? How long? And could UV systems be installed in public places such as airports, bus stations and stores without causing long-term damage to people?

In a newly published study, researchers from Binghamton University’s Thomas J. Watson College of Engineering and Applied Science answer many of those questions and lay the foundation for health standards about what offers true disinfection.

Image: Kaiming Ye and Guy German from Binghamton University, State University of New York developed a machine to disinfect personal protective equipment such as facemasks. CREDIT: Binghamton University, State University of New York

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Business start up and idea 2021 08 30 00 59 20 utcCompany co-founders often split ownership of their startup evenly. It seems fair and simple.

But starting off equal may hurt the company’s chances of getting off the ground.

New research finds that early-stage companies formed with an equal ownership split—such as 50% each for two partners or 25% each for four—were less likely to have measurable revenue or employees one year later, says Dave Noack, an assistant professor of entrepreneurship in the Goddard School of Business and Economics at Weber State University in Ogden, Utah.


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Currencies dollar with downward graphs representin 2021 08 28 20 45 45 utcAfter setting a feverish investing pace last year, venture capitalists took their foot off the gas in this year’s first quarter. At the same time, valuations largely continued to rise, a dynamic that is causing some investors to expect a price drop for startups this year.

Investors committed $144bn to startups globally in the first quarter, down 19% from the previous quarter, which is the largest percentage decline since the third quarter of 2012, according to analytics firm CB Insights. The number of deals completed also...


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Business and virtual reality 2021 08 26 22 39 47 utc(WJW) – We’ve all heard the term “working remotely,” but one Ohio man is taking it to a whole new level. His workspace is entirely in the metaverse, all thanks to a virtual reality headset.

“If it’s rainy outside one day and I want it to be sunny, I’ll go to a beach environment,” said Jeff Weiser.

With the flick of his wrist, Weiser can transport anywhere because anything goes in the metaverse.

“At that point, I was like if I could be using VR all day during the pandemic, I might as well get in there,” Weiser said.


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Virtual reality 2021 09 25 08 00 40 utcApplying muscle-stimulating electrodes to carefully selected points on the necks of volunteers can force the wearer to look up or down, or side to side – which could be useful for steering attention in a 3D virtual reality training or gaming environment, but potentially in augmented reality applications in the real world, too. Currently, the only systems capable of steering the head are the robotic exoskeletons used by medics for neck rehabilitation.


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Money savings and growing 2021 08 26 17 19 57 utcMost IT technology in organizations focuses on helping to improve the efficiency of the organizations. However, as digital transformation takes hold, we can now see that a significant portion of these new IT investments focus on building technology platforms that allow organizations to compete for customers. These new “growth-focused” investments behave differently than their efficiency-focused cousins. They create a more dynamic relationship between technology and the business and evolve at a faster rate, often in less predictable ways. This new relationship between the business and technology increasingly calls for a different governance, investment, and management philosophy.


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Password on screen 2021 08 29 09 44 56 utcHere’s a link to our favorite password manager… Get Started for Free. - Ed.

Passwords have become an expected and ubiquitous part of our online life as we become more data-driven. It is typical in today’s digital world to require a password for everything, from accessing your smartphone to signing into your remote workspace to checking your bank statements. We all have been conditioned to entering passwords countless times every day, and as a result, we frequently overlook their significance.


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B 144Artificial intelligence systems can be trained to write human-like product reviews that assist consumers, marketers and professional reviewers, according to a study from Dartmouth College, Dartmouth’s Tuck School of Business, and Indiana University.

The research, published in the International Journal of Research in Marketing, also identifies ethical challenges raised by the use of the computer-generated content.

Image: A team of coders and marketers shows that computers can write like humans, and they answer why it matters. CREDIT: Wine photo by Pier Demarten on Unsplash. Illustration by Richard Clark/Dartmouth College.

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Board 1647323 640 jpgThe future is now, says 6sense, and that future is inevitably packed with AI. The company recently held its 'Future is Now' event, sharing what they are working on and how they are using their own product to build their own customer base. While I couldn’t make the event, I did get to talk with CEO Jason Zintak to get an update on the company, including recent acquisitions, the market for account-based experiences, and 6sense’s plans for the future.

Image: (Pixabay )

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CERNs Big Accelerator Restart 796x445The world’s largest physics experiment is back in service: the LHC particle accelerator near Geneva is being relaunched. It was closed for three years for improvement, and here it is again: on April 22, CERN’s biggest collision, the biggest in the world. It is in the testing phase until summer. He would then spend four years exploring the secrets of the subject.


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02c4f87c 3c7e 46a5 be53 4d46623e97f6In my experience as a business advisor and angel investor these days, I seem to more frequently hear from entrepreneurs and business owners with “can’t-fail” or “get-rich-quick” ideas. In my view, these are the least likely to succeed, partially because the people behind them have the wrong expectations and traits. The instant gratification approach just doesn’t work in business.


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Dolev Bluvstein, Harry Levine (on the laptop), Sepehr Ebadi and Mikhail Lukin, on right, standing next to their neutral atom quantum computer, on left. Their new quantum processor can move atoms while preserving their quantum entanglement, enabling new types of computations where any two qubits can be entangled, even if they are far apart. Credit: Rose Lincoln/Harvard Staff PhotographerBuilding a plane while flying it isn’t typically a goal for most, but for a team of Harvard-led physicists that general idea might be a key to finally building large-scale quantum computers.

Described in a new paper in Nature, the research team, which includes collaborators from QuEra Computing, MIT, and the University of Innsbruck, developed a new approach for processing quantum information that allows them to dynamically change the layout of atoms in their system by moving and connecting them with each other in the midst of computation.

Image: Dolev Bluvstein, Harry Levine (on the laptop), Sepehr Ebadi and Mikhail Lukin, on right, standing next to their neutral atom quantum computer, on left. Their new quantum processor can move atoms while preserving their quantum entanglement, enabling new types of computations where any two qubits can be entangled, even if they are far apart. Credit: Rose Lincoln/Harvard Staff Photographer

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Bbfb09f6 4ed8 4213 a48c 62c9a42eb74cMost of you business owners I know are looking forward to the day when your product, team and processes begin to mature, and your business growth keeps tilting upward as you scale. You expect to relax a bit, and relish in the success that you see coming. Unfortunately, without your proactive efforts to counter predictable market challenges, early growth can quickly stall.


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Us164657 figure1There is good news to report in the Deloitte and The Manufacturing Institute 2022 Manufacturing Perception Study (hereafter referred to as “the study”). Compared with our 2017 study,1 significantly more respondents believe that manufacturing jobs are innovative and more respondents are likely to encourage their child to pursue a career in the industry (figure 1).


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