Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

In an earlier post at Hire Education, I talked about how many students are turning to entrepreneurship as an alternative to traditional internships and full-time positions, as on-campus recruiting decreases. Some readers were curious about what it takes to start a business and whether it’s a realistic option for them. Here are some issues to consider:

Determining Priorities: For many student entrepreneurs, finding a balance between work, school and life is the biggest challenge. After all, running a business and being a student simultaneously can often be the equivalent of trying to manage two full-time jobs. So it becomes very difficult to maintain a 4.0 GPA while working on a start-up. Students have to ask themselves what is most important to them and whether they are willing to risk a possibly lower GPA in hopes of achieving their entrepreneurial dreams and obtaining valuable real-world experience. For some this will be the right decision. For others, a focus on academics will be of greater importance.

To read the full, original article click on this link: Can I Be an Entrepreneur? - Hire Education - WSJ

Author: Aditya Mahesh