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The folks at Behance and Cool Hunting asked me to talk at their 99% Conference a couple months ago. The 99% conference is aimed at creative professionals and is focused on Edison's "99% perspiration." 

And in the spirit of how to get your ideas to happen, they asked me to talk about entrepreneurship and the myriad ways you can "be your own boss." There are way more than 10 ways you can do that, but I only had twenty minutes so I focused on 10 of them. The point being that "You don't have to be Twitter or Foursquare to be your own boss and do what you're passionate about."

Here's the talk

Fred Wilson: 10 Ways to Be Your Own Boss from 99% on Vimeo.

To read the full, original article click on this link: A VC: 10 Ways To Be Your Own Boss

Author: AVC