To the innovationDAILY (iD) loyal readers:
I would like to thank you for your support and readership for the last year of innovationDAILY and innovationWEEKLY.
We now have had 18 months of publishing our daily innovation blog/newsletter and appreciate all the positive feedback we continue to receive on the quality of the content and the publication. We have tried to make it a PRACTITIONER'S PUBLICATION, which we hope provides valuable information and insight for you to apply in your day to day work. While we know 25 articles per day is like "drinking from a fire hose" the most frequent comment we hear is that while you may not have the time or interest in all the content every day there is at least 1 or 2 articles that you find valuable and worth reading every day.
Today's edition is dedicated to highlighting some of the most popular articles in 2010.
We are making a few improvements for 2011:
- Our CIO JT Koffenberger, with the Delmarva Group, has heard from many of you that it takes to many clicks to get to the original content or article...........I hope you have noticed with the recent editions we are now in a ONE CLICK mode, and this should make iD more reader friendly.
- innovationWEEKLY, published on Sunday's, was created for those who like to take a weekly look, as they may not have the time to read it daily, at the most read articles in the prior week. We will continue innovationWEEKLY in 2011 and add a new publication innovationMONTHLY which will be published at the end of each month with the most popular articles of each month. Today's edition will be our first innovationYEARLY , which we will publish on an annual basis.
-We are trying to be social media compatible and now have Linkedin, Facebook and Twitter connections as well as a dedicated innovationAMERICA You Tube channel.
You may be interested in our readership in 2010 and here are some growing statistics:
-We have regular readers in over 200 Countries
-Over 30,000,000 Hits
-Over 1,300,000 Page Views
-Over 300,000 Visits
-Over 120,000 Unique Visitors
Also, over 8,300 articles are achieved on the website.............Just access our search tool for your favorite topics.
We have received many comments from you throughout the year and welcome any feedback that can help us improve your reading experience.
We hope that 2011 will be a successful year for you and look forward to continuing to be a Global Innovation Advocate to support you personal and organizational goals.
Best regards,
Rich Bendis