Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

One year ago, President Obama officially announced the upcoming launch of a Social Innovation Fund (SIF) that would call on “foundations, philanthropists, and others in the private sector to partner with the government to find and invest in innovative, high-impact solutions.” He went on, “Now more than ever, we need to build cross-sector partnerships to transform our schools, improve the health of Americans, and employ more people in clean energy and other emerging industries. These community solutions will help build the new foundation for the economy and the nation.” For more in depth information about this White House announcement read our blog post.

To commemorate this anniversary and in anticipation of the announcement this month of the intermediary organizations that will receive grants from the Corporation for National & Community Service, we have culled through the discussions that have taken place about the Fund over the past year – some congratulating strengths and others pointing out shortcomings or sounding a note of caution. The following viewpoints are a compilation of Nell Edgington, Pablo Eisenberg, Carla Javits, Jasmine McGinnis, Adin Miller, Sean Stannard-Stockton, and Andrew Wolk.

To read the full, original article click on this link: The Social Innovation Fund One Year Later | Public Innovators

Author: Public Innovators