Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

New York City skylineOne reason to think that the surge in startup activity in New York City over the past few years isn't just a bubble is that the rise in startup and VC activity has been accompanied by the creation of a robust support network for entrepreneurs.

Startups have a level of access to talent, fellow entrepreneurs, VCs, and angels that is old hat in the Valley, but that wasn't possible in New York during the dotcom bubble.

One recent example: the First Growth Venture Network. Founded by angel investor and venture capital professor Ed Zimmerman, First Growth is a mentoring program for early-stage startups. Accepted entrepreneurs attend a series of talks and roundtables, are paired with mentors from more established startups, and are introduced to advisors and investors from all over the country.

To read the full, original article click on this link: One Of The Signs The NYC Startup Boom Is Here To Stay: The First Growth Venture Network

Author: Nick Saint