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1. Fund Your Passion Through The Crowd

An effective way to raise money for a new venture or small business idea can be through crowdfunding, on a site like IndieGoGo. You can pitch your idea, set a funding goal and deadline, and immediately engage your potential customers by offering unique perks and pre-selling your product. For example - need to raise capital to launch an organic line of beverages? Offer your funders the opportunity to help you name your flavors in exchange for a minimum contribution.

Thanks to Erica Labovitz of IndieGoGo

2. The L3C

Here's a new great way to gain capital for your venture:

1. For a Low profit limited liability company (L3C, which is now available in about 9 states).
2. Match your company's mission up to any not for profit foundations that align/match your mission.
3. Obtain and propose from the NFP foundations a grant to seed the business, utilizing PRI or program related investment funds, and growing the mission of the organization.

Thanks to Erin Albert of Yuspie, LLC


To read the full, original article click on this link: Unexpected Ways To Raise Money For A Start-Up | Toilet Paper Entrepreneur Blog