Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

Fundraising is the lifeline activity for any NGO, yet it is the most challenging task for us all. This is because there are so few resources available and too many seekers reaching them out. In such cases, only organizations that are competitive, responsive and creative succeed. But to be competitive, responsive and creative, it is important to become professional enough. Professionalism is about applying high business tactics to survive the growing competition in the world. In fundraising, professionalism is necessary.

But practically speaking, there are problems:

Technology has blessed us with tremendous opportunities and we only need to learn and manage them. With so much free knowledge available over the internet, it is possible for anyone with curiosity and interest to undertake research and development activities. Fundraising can be part of our local staff work if they are slightly trained in seeking and managing information. At least they will be able to cover many of the menial tasks that you are unable to do as the head of the organization.

To read the full, original article click on this link: How to train NGO staff in Fundraising « FUNDS FOR NGOS . ORG