Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

innovation DAILY

Here we highlight selected innovation related articles from around the world on a daily basis.  These articles related to innovation and funding for innovative companies, and best practices for innovation based economic development.

Steve Watkins

Cincinnati’s only organized angel capital group has started raising the largest fund in its history. Queen City Angels is planning a $10 million fund, chairman Tony Shipley told me. The group plans to apply for state money through its Third Frontier program that would match the amount Queen City raises on its own, so it’ll need to raise $5 million itself and get state money. That’s how it has raised previous funds.


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yin yang

Successful business ideas stem from thinking how others’ lives could be made better.

Answer by Rod D. Martin, founder and CEO of The Martin Organization, on Quora.

It’s exactly the opposite.

An entrepreneur must be ruthless with himself — he needs to be a disciplined machine — but the rest of what he does is an exercise in following the Golden Rule.

What do I mean?

The entrepreneur is bringing a new product or service to market. When he begins, no one wants it. So if he wants to be successful, his first and foremost goal must be to solve a problem many people have, in a way those people would want it to be solved.


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You can’t survive as an entrepreneur without resilience, because you are going to fail at least once, maybe multiple times. That’s the nature of trying something that’s never been done before. Resilience means not giving up, and being energized by what you have learned. As Thomas Edison said, “I have not failed. I have just found ten thousand ways that won’t work.”


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As Suzanne Sepe arches over the kitchen counter in her New Haven, Conn., home, grinding black pepper on grass-fed lamb drizzled with yogurt cilantro sauce, Yale Law student Khalil Tawil interrupts. “Try this,” he says, producing a Ziploc bag of fragrant coriander, cumin and cloves from his backpack. “My mother’s Lebanese spice mix.”

Image: Yale students Jason Gilliland (left) and Khalil Tawil (right) and Hallie Meyer (not pictured) partnered with Iraqi immigrant Ahlam in her New Haven, Conn., kitchen to deliver home-cooked meals to the local community through their culinary startup Umi, which was awarded $15,000 of seed funding by Yale’s Entrepreneurial Institute. Photo by Morgan Ione Yeager.

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You can’t survive as an entrepreneur without resilience, because you are going to fail at least once, maybe multiple times. That’s the nature of trying something that’s never been done before. Resilience means not giving up, and being energized by what you have learned. As Thomas Edison said, "I have not failed. I have just found ten thousand ways that won't work."


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Tom Kalil is a California guy but he has spent 14 years encouraging U.S. innovation from the White House. Kalil leads the Office of Science and Technology Policy (@whitehouseostp). He served president Clinton as well as president Obama.

OSTP promotes innovation and entrepreneurship, STEM education, basic and applied science, climate change, open data, and cyber security.


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I also A degree from a top computer science or engineering school can land graduates jobs at elite companies like Google, Apple, Raytheon, Facebook, and Lockheed Martin.

To determine which schools offer the best undergraduate programs, we surveyed over 400 Business Insider readers about which degrees they deem most valuable.

Image: Mike Nudelman/Business Insider

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Around 33 million people in the US work remotely at least half of the time they work. In fact, the number of remote and stay-at-home workers increased by 79.7 percent from 2005 to 2012.

So exactly who is working remotely and why are companies embracing remote work? To answer these questions, Column Five created an infographic called “The Profile of the Remote Worker” for video and Web conferencing company Highfive.


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Hiscox, the small business insurer, recently released a new digital docu-series, Courageous Leaders, in partnership with Vox Media.

The series features video interviews with successful entrepreneurs who provide insight into how they found the courage to succeed in business.

The series features entrepreneurs like Foursquare’s Co-founder/CEO Dennis Crowley, Thrillist Co-founder/CEO Ben Lerer and Interior Designer/TV personality Ross Cassidy.


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It's hot, delicious and cheesy. It brings people together. Americans have adopted the Italian delicacy as their own.

You might have your favorite pizza place around the corner and insist there's nothing better, but TripAdvisor has some real talk for you. It analyzed thousands of reviews left on the site from diners across the United States and settled on the top 10 pizza restaurants across the country (at least 10% of reviews had to mention "best pizza," TripAdvisor said).

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Jacob Morgan

As the world of work continues to evolve at a rapid pace, innovation continues to become both a top priority and a top challenge. For most companies, innovation is handled behind closed doors in a secluded part of the company that only a few have access to. This type of innovation is no longer practical, scalable or effective when thinking about the future of work. In order to succeed and thrive in this rapidly changing world, organizations must adapt by implementing five innovation models, all five of these are crucial and are part of a broader innovation ecosystem. The five innovation models are:


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Maryland state logo

Recent Kauffman Foundation study found that year-over-year startup activity in the U.S. increased in 2015 for the first time in five years and showed the largest increase in more than 20 years. This is particularly good news from an employment perspective because new firms create the vast majority of net new jobs. And, fortunately for the Greater Baltimore market, Maryland is recognized as a leader in innovation. When compared to other Northeast Corridor metros, Greater Baltimore has historically had a greater startup rate than Boston and Philadelphia.


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How long will recruiters spend on your résumé before deciding to toss it in the recycle bin? Six seconds, says online job search site The Ladders. That’s about 20 to 30 words.

So how do you write those first few lines of your resume—the summary section—to compel the recruiter to keep reading? How do you make sure you get the call—and not the toss? How do you make your summary memorable?


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job search

The quirky interview question has become a proven method for some companies’ recruiting strategy: e.g. Google’s puzzles designed to weed through some 2 million applicants per year.

Yet while the curveball query, "Who would win a fight between Spider-Man and Batman?" can throw the candidate off their carefully scripted answers and force them to react spontaneously, it can also serve to make only the most verbally adept applicants shine, disregarding other potential talent, according to Tim Toterhi, HR professional and author of Job Hunting For Introverts, in a previous interview with Fast Company. "I'd rather get deeper thought and greater insight that can actually be applied," he told us.


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south korea

A campaign stretching for 19 months is not usual in a Korean administration. Each government has had an economic slogan and projects to serve its purpose. It was Innovative Cluster for President Roh Moo-hyun and Green Economy under President Lee Myung-bak. Under the pretext of enhancing resources security, President Lee sent government officials, state enterprises and companies to shop for coal mines and oil fields abroad. The so-called resources diplomacy turned out to be a scandalous flop, causing colossal financial losses for the country and sending businessmen, bureaucrats and politicians to prison.


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7:30 a.m.: Breakfast Dressed for work in a Kentucky-blue shirt and black slacks, Sean Tibbetts stands in front of the stove making an egg sandwich on toast. The tiny kitchen inside his rented apartment on a quiet street in Rowlett looks out over the expanse of Lake Ray Hubbard.

Image: Entrepreneur Sean Tibbetts Of CyberTimez works at the office with his dog Sophie at the Tech Wildcatters office in downtown Dallas.

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Startup activity is on the rise in America, and now Amazon is getting in on the game.

On Tuesday, the e-commerce giant launched a new platform that will allow startups to advertise and distribute their products to millions of its customers, including those using Amazon Prime. The platform, known as Launchpad, will help startups sell products whose creation was originally financed through crowdfunding and venture capital. The initiative is Amazon’s way of satisfying customers’ growing appetite for unique products and customized goods, observers say.


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