Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

innovation DAILY

Here we highlight selected innovation related articles from around the world on a daily basis.  These articles related to innovation and funding for innovative companies, and best practices for innovation based economic development.

Investment in new-capital machinery, equipment and software is the primary means through which innovation spreads throughout the economy.

As these innovations -- whether they are new PCs with touch screens and solid-state drives or new cotton harvesters with microwave sensors and wireless data communication capabilities -- diffuse through industries, they raise productivity, lower costs of production and improve the competitiveness of the American economy as a whole.

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If you're launching a crowdfunding campaign solely to raise money for your business, you're missing the point, says Danae Ringelmann, co-founder of the popular San Francisco-based crowdfunding platform Indiegogo.

"There is not a better indication of the market than people actually voting with their dollars," says Ringelmann. "It is so much stronger than any Facebook Like button or focus group could ever provide."

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A facility for manufacturing pharmaceutical products is getting ready to open in the SouthCoast, under a state-led plan to support the life science industry by improving the success rate of companies who are developing new medical drugs.

The Massachusetts Accelerator for Biomanufacturing, a $31 million project, was designed to help early stage biotech companies that have newly developed drug formulas put them through the expensive, tightly regulated manufacturing processes and clinical trials that must happen before they can be produced and sold in commercial markets.

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Thermoelectric Bracelet Lets You Control Your Body Temperature

With colder temperatures rolling in, you may feel inclined to turn up the heat — which, in turn, turns up the price on your electric bill (and ensuing fights with roommates.)

A new bracelet may solve this problem by letting you control body temperature. A group of students at MIT created a thermoelectric bracelet that keeps tabs on air and skin temperature and allows you to control your body temperature — and, consequently, helps buildings conserve energy.

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Gov. Pat McCrory and state economic officials remain strongly committed to their goal of privatizing economic development in North Carolina next year. However, a nonpartisan Washington research center, Good Jobs First, offered a warning last week to North Carolina about the strategy’s viability and effectiveness through stark criticism of public-private efforts in eight states.

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SEC Logo

Small businesses in search of funding may soon be able to turn to the Internet to find investors.

This week, the Securities and Exchange Commission unveiled a proposal under the JOBS Act that would allow companies to use crowdfunding as a way to raise money by offering a stake in their business. While businesses have previously been able to raise money through crowdfunding, they haven't had the ability to sell shares of the company in exchange for a donation.

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Kids (and young-at-heart adults), it's almost that time of the year when it's acceptable to accept candy from strangers.

It's a time-honored tradition that on Halloween, you return home from trick-or-treating with pillowcases exploding with sweets. Unless, that is, you live in a neighborhood full of cruel adults who reject the notion of candy giving in favor of plastic spider rings.

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There is not much agreement about what makes an idea innovative, and what makes an innovative idea valuable.

For example, discussions on whether the internet is a better invention than the wheel are more likely to reveal personal preferences than logical argumentation. Likewise, experts disagree on the type and level of innovation that is most beneficial for organizations.

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Google may be building a secret data center on a barge currently floating in San Francisco Bay, CNET's Daniel Terdiman reports in a convincing, though still circumstantial, article. If true, it would represent the Internet giant's latest attempt to translate some of its more far-fetched ideas—in this case, for an environmentally friendly sea-powered (and, most likely, sea-cooled) data center—into reality.

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The Risk and Reward of Entrepreneurship Gary Vaynerchuk

This is the most practical time in history to become an entrepreneur. Do it at the expense of watching Breaking Bad. Do it at the expense of playing Madden. Do it at the expense of going out for drinks. Don’t you think you could forgo those things for a year for the chance at such massive potential upside? I think you could, and I really think you should.

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Entrepreneurs from startup companies came to the university yesterday with the hopes of inspiring engineering students to put their skills to work. Representatives from more than 20 startup businesses filled Orem Hall in the Riggs Alumni Center for a Maryland Innovation Mpact event called “Bringing Fearless Ideas to Market.” The businessmen and women, who worked in engineering technology, engaged with students in hopes of fostering new startup ideas.

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Humans are predictably irrational, readily sidetracked and constantly making decisions.

And the more we make decisions in a given day, the worse we get at it.

But the social sciences have helpfully lent some rigor to approach our innate irrationality: as best-in-the-game psych writer Christian Jarrett writes for 99U, we can use a few psychology hacks to lend more precision to our decisions. Onward to the incisions then.

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Rare is the business leader who questions the importance of innovation not only to promote growth within their organization, but also to ensure its very survival. Corporate executives have invested significantly in innovation initiatives to support this importance. Yet a recent Accenture study found that more than half were disappointed by their innovation results and returns from their innovation investments.


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Applications are due November 11, 2013

DreamIt Health Baltimore is designed to speed the growth and success of early-stage health IT companies through its program in Central Maryland. Powered by the Johns Hopkins University, BioHealth Innovation, and DreamIt Ventures – the program gives participants access and advantages typically out-of-reach to healthcare startups.

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Crowdfunding is more than just the latest trend -- it's an increasingly effective way to jumpstart a business with much needed cash. For Entrepreneur's first-ever Top 100 Crowdfunded Companies listing, we partnered with the Crowdfunding Academy, a crowdfunding-support service, and Babson College to compile the companies whose campaigns raised the most money in the last year.

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