Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

innovation DAILY

Here we highlight selected innovation related articles from around the world on a daily basis.  These articles related to innovation and funding for innovative companies, and best practices for innovation based economic development.


Marine species that already have large ranges are extending their territories fastest in response to climate change, according to new research from University of British Columbia biodiversity experts.

The study is one of the first comprehensive looks at how traits–other than thermal niche–impact marine animals’ ability to respond to climate change. It could help improve global predictions of how different species redistribute as the oceans warm, and identify species in greatest jeopardy.


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car crusher

Killing off brands is not a popular or pleasant thought, but we should consider it more often than we do.  It can be tough to admit that it’s time to pull the plug.  Some executives may be reluctant to admit – perhaps for sentimental or political reasons — that their brand is sucking out more value from the company than it creates.  Others may simply see no alternative to trying to keep the brand going at any cost, even if that means aggressive discounting, cheap licensing, or other tactics that erode long-term brand value.


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Over the past decade, business has changed dramatically. As a result, workforce skills and requirements have also changed. There are jobs today that didn’t exist 10 years ago — data scientist, social media manager, app developer — and in five more, there will be new roles with new requirements that don’t exist now. But while this has happened, one sector has lagged behind: higher education.


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success or failure

Is failure something that should be celebrated rather than run from? 

Inc Magazine has a really terrific video up of a startup founder named Aviv Grill who created a guitar-learning app called Miso Media that made a splash on ABC's Shark Tank and got backing via Google Ventures. 

He seems to have everything going for him -- including a Series A round of $2.4 million dollars -- so why, a year later, is his company belly up?


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Ambition gets a bad rap. The trait that pushes someone toward success can sometimes turn into a game where winning isn’t about achieving; it’s about beating the other person. Channel it correctly, however, and ambition can bring great results.

"On average, ambitious people attain higher levels of education and income, build more prestigious careers, and report higher overall levels of life satisfaction," says Neel Burton, psychiatrist and author of Heaven and Hell: The Psychology of the Emotions. "Many of man's greatest achievements are the products, or accidents, of their ambition."


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Young leaders (35 and under) possess self-confidence, drive, and creative thinking. Yet they often struggle with how to present themselves as leaders when working with leaders from older generations. Regardless of age, it’s important to cultivate what I call your Leadership Brand. It is a blend of self-worth, talent, value, and perception that is unique to each person, regardless of role or title.


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sherpa jobs

You know that task that’s been on your to-do list for days? The one you keep avoiding?

Procrastination is the biggest hurdle to managing your time and meeting your goals, yet many of us succumb to the temptations to push tasks aside, and check our social media feeds one more time, or grab that fourth cup of coffee. The next time you feel the urge to procrastinate, try these techniques to finally get things done:


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Brad Feld

Has the word entrepreneur become too trendy as to have lost its meaning? I’m hearing it and the word entrepreneurship being used in so many conversations incorrectly. Here’s a simple example. On a daily basis, I have an email exchange with someone who says they are an entrepreneur. I respond “What company did you start?” They respond, “Oh, I didn’t start a company, I was the fifth employee of Company X.”


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steve denning

“Without us noticing, we are entering the post-capitalist era,” writes Paul Mason in the Guardian in an article entitled “The End of Capitalism Has Begun.” “At the heart of further change to come,” he continues, “ is information technology, new ways of working and the sharing economy. The old ways will take a long while to disappear, but it’s time to be utopian.”


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Employees who are recognized for their efforts far and away outperform those who are not. Companies with official employee recognition programs have 31 percent lower turnover rates, according to a Forbes report. That could equal thousands of dollars saved in the long run when you consider how much a disgruntled former employee costs. The Society for Human Resource Management says a business takes a hit costing an average of $3,337.00 (PDF) for every unhappy worker that leaves.


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Dana Severson

There are lots of articles out there on whether an accelerator is right for you or how to maximize your time at an accelerator. There is a common component to all of these articles, and it’s the due diligence aspect. Having gone through a program, I will admit I did not do as much due diligence as I should have, so if I could do it all over again, these are the questions I would have asked and why.


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top 10

The University of California system is a public-university powerhouse, according to a new list from the Center for World University Rankings.

Of the top 10 best public universities in the country, the UC system contributes four to the list. America's top public university on CWUR's list — the University of California at Berkeley — ranked seventh overall globally.


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Since the recession, and at least partially sparked by it, I’m seeing a real resurgence of entrepreneurial spirit, and more startup activity than ever before. I believe the days of the “job work” mentality are thankfully waning, with more people looking to get satisfaction by making the world a better place, rather than just tolerating brain-numbing work to fund enjoyment elsewhere.


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Big data and healthcare Business Insider

Sometime in the not-so-distant future, getting a checkup will be very different. When the doctor writes down your symptoms, it will be cross-checked with others in your area, making it easier to identify outbreaks and epidemics sooner. If you complain of shortness of breath, your phone’s heart rate monitor will instantly report how well your heart has functioned over the last month. Those readings then could be aggregated with others in your community, revealing hidden trends. As your doctor thinks about the best treatment for you, big-data analysis will help her assess how various options have worked for others with similar histories and body chemistry.


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Plan ahead

Dedication and determination start with great planning. Pin your goals down and work out different methods to reach them. Having goals to work toward encourages perseverance and hard work.

Keep customers at the core

Through the years, I have realised attention to customers’ needs goes a long way. To stand out while competing with industry giants, SMEs must put their customers first at all times. It’s how you do things better, pay more attention to detail and gain your client’s trust that will keep them coming back. Patience and flexibility toward client demands is vital.


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Robert Reiss

Winston Churchill once famously said, “Without tradition, art is a flock of sheep without a shepherd. Without innovation, it is a corpse.” As leaders seek innovative ways to artfully shepherd their enterprises to success, I thought sharing insights from top CEOs in would be important.

So on June 22, 2015 I had a conversation with two great thought leaders on innovation, each leaders of enterprise of great tradition — Campbell Soup Company, with over 150 years history, and Bank of New York Mellon, the first bank in America with over 230 years history. They share insights about an important innovation they helped lead, the connection between culture and innovation and their advice to CEOs.


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umbrella questions

Mobile startup expert Olga Steidi gives an insightful list of the right questions to ask and the ways to implement growth in your startup

Travelling across four Southeast Asian countries (Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia and Thailand) in the last month, I met early-stage CEOs to talk about the way they see internationalisation and growth for their startups. From incubators and company builders to stand-alone startups, every one of them puts growth in the spotlight and understands how critical it is to focus on numbers.


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