Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

innovation DAILY

Here we highlight selected innovation related articles from around the world on a daily basis.  These articles related to innovation and funding for innovative companies, and best practices for innovation based economic development.


Many business owners have heard that if they want to hire the most competent and talented employees, they need to relocate to New York City or San Francisco. That simply isn’t true. There is tremendous untapped talent all over the world -- you just need to know where, and how, to look.


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My eight year old loves super heroes. He loves Batman, finds Superman flaky, believes Thor is the best and Captain America can’t be for real. I obviously don’t burst any of his bubbles – rather I re-live my childhood through him. There is however one Super Hero that he is unsure about – and that’s the Green Lantern. He told me that Green Lantern is not sure about what he has to do (unlike Batman), is usually ill prepared (unlike Batman again) is foolish to go into situations where there might be no return (unlike Thor / Superman who have superhuman strength) and while he is courageous – his people don’t believe in him till he really really proves himself (unlike Captain America). Interesting perspectives coming from an Eight year old. It got me thinking that Green Lantern could very well be an entrepreneur: Unsure. Is usually ill prepared. Is foolish. Has to really prove himself time and time again.


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take notes

Denmark and Sweden both invest more in research than Austria, while at the same time also succeeding better than Austria in transforming the funds they invest into more innovation and greater economic dynamics, according to a new report.

In higher education, both Sweden and Denmark link funding of their higher education institutions to the number of student places, giving them a solid financial basis for top-level performance in research and teaching.


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Climate change is going affect the whole of the United States one way or another. Whether it's extreme heat, drought, wildfires, or inland and coastal flooding, no state will be immune. But some are likely to be worse off than others. And some—because they haven't prepared—are likely to be worst of all.

That means you, Florida.


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Years ago, when I was interviewing for the job of deputy editor at Harvard Business Review, I thought I had carefully prepared for my full day of interviews. I had my favorite suit dry cleaned and ready to go. I took my older daughter (a notoriously bad sleeper) to my parents’ house so I could count on getting a full night’s sleep. I even did a dry run of the unfamiliar drive to the office on the Sunday before my interview. I was ready for anything.


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I have a love-hate relationship with food. I love it; it generally hates me. Matter of fact, I love food so much that until a few years ago, I was extremely overweight. So overweight that I invented a piece of health tech to help me lose 80 pounds. It worked, and since then I’ve remained a healthy weight primarily by making sure I count my calories, don’t overeat, and get regular exercise.


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research woman

Google is making another move into the profitable sphere of diabetes management: Its Life Sciences arm—which will soon fall under Google's new parent company, Alphabet—is announcing a partnership with Sanofi, a French pharmaceutical company, to build new treatment products for diabetes. The two firms will collaborate on product development and new methods for monitoring the condition.


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A digital health fund to invest in Israeli digital health startups recently made its first investment — Intendu. The company provides a way for people with neurological problems stemming from traumatic brain injury to age-related cognitive decline to train the brain through a series of personalized exercises that involve body-controlled adaptive videogames. The goals are customized to each user.


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As part of the Minnesota Angel Tax Credit Program, four area technology firms received more than $2.3 million in funding in 2015.

The state program encourages investment in young Minnesota technology companies by giving certified investors or investment funds a 25-percent credit for investing in certified firms that are less than 10 years old. It handed out $16 million in credits in 2015 tied to investments in 115 Minnesota businesses.


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Geoff Weiss

Creating a video that tells your company’s story is a must-have for any crowdfunding campaign, says consultant Sally Outlaw. And not just any video.

“The ones that really get attention are the ones that have funny videos or creative videos. Almost across the board, when you see successful campaigns, they’ve done a really good job telling their story and have a quality video.”


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Whenever society is on the cusp of a massive technological shift, we tend to become uneasy or anxious. When computers were still an office novelty, we endured an age of “computerphobia” in which sufferers were reluctant and intimidated to use computers in the workplace for fear of the unknown (and the potential of being replaced by machines).


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Imagine embarking on a trip through a foreign country such as China without the benefit of a roadmap. If you spoke the language, you could ask for directions as you went, but no matter how proficient your language skills, you would inevitably find yourself lost, retracing your route and wasting a great deal of time, money and other finite resources. The same is true of a region attempting to find its way to economic prosperity without a comprehensive plan to guide its effort.


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Entrepreneurship. You would think Barack Obama invented the word during his last visit to Kenya. Since then, it has become a sexy feature in the culture – and it feels brand new. But is it?

Commerce, trade and the exchange of ideas have been part of the human experience since ancient times. The basic principles that govern this exchange have not really changed. Before entrepreneurship became a buzz word, people just did business.


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Rich Winley

Health care will be disrupted, changed, or evolved by the people who can have a direct impact on it.  I’m about to add myself onto my wife’s insurance and I’ll be honest, I sometimes take my health for granted as I’m sure many of you do.  I do the annual check up and that’s about it.  You see, my father has lupus and rheumatoid arthritis, meaning sometimes I don’t get to play golf with him because he’s “not feeling it” as he likes to say, so  I appreciate the health that I have.


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In the broadest sense: to code is to speak to, control, or otherwise communicate with a machine (computer). “Code” is a synonym for “computer language.”

Everything that you know as software – your computer’s operating system, your mobile apps, your favorite websites – is designed and coded using a computer language such as Python, C, Java, Scala, Ruby, Go, PHP and dozens more. 


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Giant drone transports humans but only indoors for now

Next to the hoverboard, the ever-elusive "flying car" is the most sought-after futuristic technology that still has yet to become a staple of our 21st century lives.

But a team in Singapore hopes to push us a little closer to the dream of flying personal vehicles by introducing a prototype called Snowstorm.


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Robert Hof

After careers in entrepreneurship (LinkedIn) and angel investing (Facebook, Zynga, and many others), Reid Hoffman has spent the last six years as a more traditional venture capitalist at Greylock Partners. But as he explained recently in a broad-ranging interview, he has tried to redefine that role in the face of new competitors such as super-angel investors and startup incubators.


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As is widely accepted nowadays, economic development doesn’t involve initiatives implemented in isolation – it’s all about developing the entire ecosystem of incentives, infrastructure, entrepreneurship and talent. A recent paper issued by Economic Development Research Partners (EDRP), the ‘think tank component of the International Economic Development Council (IEDC), explores how developers need to innovate to grow community wealth by creating an encouraging environment for private business development.


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real estate

PASADENA, Calif. and RESEARCH TRIANGLE PARK, N.C., Nov. 24, 2015 /PRNewswire/ -- Alexandria Real Estate Equities, Inc. (NYSE: ARE), the largest and leading urban office REIT uniquely focused on collaborative science and technology campuses, today outlined the first phase of several exciting new initiatives in the heart of Research Triangle Park (RTP), N.C., to foster science, technology and agricultural collaboration and innovation in this important cluster. These innovation-focused initiatives include the amenity-rich Alexandria Center® for Science, Technology and Agriculture – RTP ("Alexandria Campus"), a first-of-its-kind campus in the RTP area, located at 6 Davis Drive, which will capitalize on RTP's heritage of and potential for continued discovery, collaboration and commercialization of transformational products to better humankind. The Alexandria Campus fills an important need in RTP for critical infrastructure, sophisticated investment capital and creative amenities while creating a vibrant community anchored by a hub for the intersection of science, technology and agriculture.


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