Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis


My eight year old loves super heroes. He loves Batman, finds Superman flaky, believes Thor is the best and Captain America can’t be for real. I obviously don’t burst any of his bubbles – rather I re-live my childhood through him. There is however one Super Hero that he is unsure about – and that’s the Green Lantern. He told me that Green Lantern is not sure about what he has to do (unlike Batman), is usually ill prepared (unlike Batman again) is foolish to go into situations where there might be no return (unlike Thor / Superman who have superhuman strength) and while he is courageous – his people don’t believe in him till he really really proves himself (unlike Captain America). Interesting perspectives coming from an Eight year old. It got me thinking that Green Lantern could very well be an entrepreneur: Unsure. Is usually ill prepared. Is foolish. Has to really prove himself time and time again.