Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

innovation DAILY

Here we highlight selected innovation related articles from around the world on a daily basis.  These articles related to innovation and funding for innovative companies, and best practices for innovation based economic development.

Christine Poorman

Christine Poorman, executive director of the Network for Teaching Entrepreneurship, is stepping down after more than 15 years at the organization.

She's launching the Chicago office of College Possible, a St. Paul, Minn.-based organization that helps prepare teens for college and sees them through their second year there.

“Change is good. I'm excited to look at the education issue from a different point of reference,” Poorman told me.


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I was speaking with a friend the other day that said to me "You know when I bought that program, I earnestly believed my business would take off. I mean they made it seem that if I did what they said and followed their blueprint that I'd be an instant six-figure success"

I looked at my friend and told her what I'm writing about today: it's the truth about entrepreneurship that nobody's talking about and can leave you feeling like you've done something wrong if you haven't hit six figures in six months.


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seed funding

London Mayor Boris Johnson today invited biopharmas, investors, and other stakeholders to discuss his proposal for a £10 billion ($15 billion) “megafund” intended to support drug development in his city and across the U.K.

The megafund—to consist of debt and equity financing—is designed to close the U.K.’s funding gap with the U.S. So too is another biotech funding proposal to be discussed: Tapping into the seven-year, €24 billion ($26.9 billion) “InnovFin-EU Finance for Innovations” program announced last year by the European Commission and the European Investment Bank (EIB).


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Executives in emerging markets have grown less optimistic about the state of their home economies than they were in 2014 and have been more downbeat overall this year than their developed-market peers, according to McKinsey’s latest global economic survey.1 In a snapshot of disjointed sentiments from region to region, optimism among executives in developed Asia and North America has faded over the past three months, those in India remain the most bullish, and respondents in Latin America continue to be the most downbeat about domestic economic conditions.


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Your 30s are an ideal time to form healthy habits, invest in your relationships, and develop your career.

You don't want to enter this critical decade consumed by personal and professional fears. Before you hit the big 3-0, it's worth taking some time to evaluate what exactly you're worried about and why.


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Dear Friend of the University City Science Center,  

I am delighted to share with you the Science Center's 2015 Annual Review. Once again, in keeping with our commitment to sustainability, the Annual Review is entirely online.  

The Science Center can be viewed through many different prisms. But when you drill down to our core mission, our impact can be distilled into four words: Incubate, Commercialize, Convene and Explore.


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mintz levin

This is the second in a 3-part series about the use of crowdfunding in health and biotech start-ups. We started with the story of a tech start-up which set records for funding through a Kickstarter campaign, triggering the interest of entrepreneurs in capital- intensive industries (Part 1: The Beginning). Part 2 discusses the JOBS Act and the government’s attempt to overcome regulatory hurdles facing companies which want to use crowdfunding to raise equity investment capital. Part 3 will address some Potential Dangers inherent in the system of crowdfunding being devised.  We hope you find the series educational and invite you to contact the authors with questions. 


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san diego

A record 446 technology and life sciences startups were founded in San Diego in 2014, according to the latest innovation report released by Connect, the nonprofit group that supports regional innovation and entrepreneurship.

The number was slightly higher than the 426 companies that Connect counted in 2013, and represents a new high in the number of new San Diego startups since Connect began tracking the formation of new companies 10 years ago. It is one of many signs of a continuing expansion in San Diego’s innovation sector, Connect CEO Greg McKee said during a press briefing yesterday.


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suit and tie

Pitti Uomo is a big menswear trade show that's held annually in Florence, Italy. It's become legendary because of how exquisitely and trendily stylish the attire of the gents attending the proceedings has become. It's where you look to see what the most fashionable guys will be wearing for the next six months.

Check out the photo below — it contains no less than eight distinctive menswear trends. (Hint: The hats aren't one of them.)


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Summer is officially here and the daylight hours are getting longer. Most people think of long, sunny days as a chance to kick back and have fun. But for local business owners, it can be an opportunity to make the most of the business day. According to Google research, 25 percent of small businesses change their summer business hours, extending their hours and staying open longer. Yet only one percent of local businesses have adjusted their hours on their Google My Business accounts.


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Comments sections aren’t exactly known as great sources of positivity and useful information. But reading through comments and other communications from your customers can actually be incredibly helpful for your business. Cassey Ho of the online fitness platform Blogilates understands the importance of spending time interacting with her fans and customers. In fact, she recently said in an interview with Entrepreneur that she spends at least two hours each day just responding to comments online. That includes everything from email to Instagram.


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I think we can all agree that credibility goes a long way when it comes to your career. Having it opens doors — not having it leaves you outside on the stoop, debating whether you can fit through a window on the second floor.

And, not to pressure you, but everything you do affects your credibility — your public speaking skills, your body language, and the actual words you say.


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The best things in life may be free, but that doesn't mean they won't take time, sweat, and perseverance to acquire.

That's especially the case when it comes to learning important life skills.

In an effort to ascertain which talents are worth the investment, one Quora reader posed the question: What are the hardest and most useful skills to learn?


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The buzz word was growth at this year's EY Entrepreneur of the Year awards on Thursday night in Baltimore as seven companies took home top honors in the annual competition that rewards innovation and financial performance. The black-tie gala at the Marriott Waterfront showcased EY's 24 finalists for the Maryland region before the winners were announced.A common theme was that many started in their living room or basement before becoming companies that in some cases employ hundreds of people.


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When Eastern Foundry opened in December 2014, it had four member companies signed on to work in its space. Today, seven months later, Eastern Foundry is at capacity with 52 member companies and plans to expand. The co-working space, which caters to small business federal contractors, will add a more product-based space called the Eastern Foundry Venture Lab in August. Venture Lab will open on the sixth floor in Eastern Foundry’s current location at 2011 Crystal Drive in Arlington following some renovations.


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CLEVELAND, June 25, 2015 /PRNewswire/ -- Last year, 253 companies supported by JumpStart Inc. ( and its partners in the Northeast Ohio Entrepreneurial Signature Program (ESP) generated an "output impact" (the total economic value of goods and services produced) of $509 million for the state of Ohio, according to an annual report from The Center for Economic Development at Cleveland State University's Levin College of Urban Affairs.


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