Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

innovation DAILY

Here we highlight selected innovation related articles from around the world on a daily basis.  These articles related to innovation and funding for innovative companies, and best practices for innovation based economic development.


When you think of work-from-home jobs, you think of data-entry gigs and customer service rep positions, right?

While almost any job can be done (at least, in part) from the cushy comfort of a home office, there are definitely a few positions that are more popular in the telecommuting world than others.


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College: A time to learn, sleep and eat ramen noodles or pizza for every meal.

Most college students are broke; they survive off of students loans, savings or what little money they can muster on the side, so it's important to live as frugally as possible.

Limitations on space and electronics can add to the woes of college life, so students need to be as creative as possible when it comes to solving life's inconveniences, like heating up nacho cheese or forcing a 12-pack of beer soda into your mini fridge.


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John R. Barker paces the front of the lecture hall, gesturing at slides with a laser pointer and explaining to a room full of undergraduates how scientists use data to make predictions about global climate change.

At the moment Mr. Barker, a professor of atmospheric science at the University of Michigan, is facing a climate crisis of his own: The atmosphere in this lecture hall is dead.

Image: Joshua Lott for The Chronicle 

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jpmorgan logo

While small business owners may not feel like every big bank has their best interests at heart, JPMorgan Chase seems to be trying to change that perception. The company recently announced its $30 million “Small Business Forward” initiative, to be spread over 5 years. The initiative is focused on supporting small businesses with the goal of having  them grow faster, create jobs, and strengthen local economies.


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Some analysts argue that revenue drives growth, while others say user growth drives revenue. Both have worked.Google reached $1 billion in revenue within five years of incorporation, and now has a market capitalization of over $400 billion. Twitter showed no focus on revenue in the first five years, but was able to parlay 500 million users into a $22 billion public company, now growing revenue.


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At a laboratory in Baltimore, hairless mice kept in racks of plastic crates are labelled with yellow cards, each identifying a person fighting cancer. These mice are cancer “avatars”—the lumpy tumors visible under their skin come from actual patients.

Image: Test tube: Human tumors will grow in this mouse, which has no immune system.  -

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LAS VEGAS — How would you know if someone is spying on you? If you’re at risk and you have some computer savvy, you can figure it out on your own using low-tech spy detection equipment.

Phil “Dr. Phil” Polstra, a computer information systems professor and “hacker in residence” at the University of Dubuque, gave a talk on the subject to a (perhaps justifiably) paranoid audience at the Defcon hacker conference in Las Vegas this week. This sort of advice fits exactly with the kind of mindset of attendees at Defcon, where the assumption is that hackers are likely to be spied upon for their work.

Image: Phil Polstra at Defcon Image Credit: Dean Takahashi 

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Intel unveiled details of its code-named “Broadwell” next-generation microprocessor technology that will vastly improve the performance and battery life of laptops and other portables. It will be the brains of ultra-fast and super-thin laptops coming this year and next year.

Image: Intel's Rani Borkar shows off Broadwell laptop, on right, compared to 2010 laptop on left. Image Credit: Dean Takahashi 

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As the dust settles from this past week's mammoth $1.3 billion merger, Siemens Health Services CEO John Glaser tells Healthcare IT News what led up to the Cerner deal, how his experience as a health system CIO could help smooth integration challenges and what to expect – from the two companies and electronic health records in general – over the months and years to come.

Image: John Glaser 

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TORONTO, ON--(Marketwired - August 09, 2014) - Grand Challenges Canada, funded by the Government of Canada, has announced funding of seven projects implemented in ASEAN member countries. This funding, totalling $784,000, will support projects that combine scientific/technical, social and business innovation to solve pressing global health challenges. 

The funding was announced by Canadian Foreign Affairs Minister John Baird during a visit to Burma, where he is participating in the ASEAN-Canada Post Ministerial Conference. As one of ASEAN's longest-standing dialogue partners, Canada has enjoyed positive and fruitful relations with the ASEAN region, cooperating on many issues, including regional integration, economic interests and innovation.


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Want to be a successful entrepreneur? Start thinking like one.

In a recent LinkedIn post, Aravinth, founder of Visual Kiwi, says that’s the crucial first step.

Here’s how:

1. Think about your capabilities. Successful entrepreneurs know their weaknesses and don’t try to blow past them. Instead, they take stock of what they can reasonably accomplish and don’t risk too much. “Obviously, you are supposed to make new attempts to enhance your business strategy, but make sure (you don’t) cause any loss,” Aravinth says. 

Image: Markus Thorsen/Flickr

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My name is Warren, and I am a 15-year-old entrepreneur. Ever since I was small, I've had a passion for the world of business, and when I was 8 years old I started a greeting card company. After that, I embarked on several other business ventures.

To date, my businesses in sectors that include media, financial services, commercial banking, Internet, technology and consumer goods have served clients from four different continents. I currently hold investments in a number of companies and in the last year I have written two books, both of which made it onto the Amazon Best Sellers list.


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How being optimistic about social enterprise can boost American progress.

Today’s headlines are flooded with news of high poverty and unemployment rates, failing schools and political gridlock. But American innovation has painted a bright spot in an otherwise grim picture with the help of community leaders, social innovators and entrepreneurs.


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Setting the right salaries for your employees can be a tricky matter. Pay too little and it will be tough to attract the right talent. Pay too much and you’re not maximizing your workforce dollar. But finding that middle ground can be a challenge, says Ken Abosch, partner, broad-based compensation marketing, strategy & development leader at global human resources consultancy Aon Hewitt. He says there are five key areas to examine before you start setting salary numbers in stone.


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It looks like Johnson & Johnson Family of Companies is out to buy the next big thing in consumer health and wellness. Late last month, the $300 billion company announced its plans to partner with CircleUp, an equity-based crowdfunding platform. The news was all over the national entrepreneurship-focused media outlets. An article on explained that the behemoth business made this move to get early access to the pipeline of emerging innovations in its market. Then it can acquire and add these products to its own product line.


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Savvy entrepreneurs start testing their ideas on potential customers even before the concept is fully cooked. They have enough confidence in their ability to deliver that they don’t worry about someone stealing the idea to get there first, and they don’t forget to listen carefully to critical feedback. They become walking public relations machines for themselves, as well as their idea.


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No one thinks twice about the purpose of dryer sheets, but they can do much more than make your shirts softer.

The little miracle-workers can make your life easier well beyond the laundry room. From cleaning hacks to beauty tricks, there's no limit to what these smelly white sheets can do.

Next time you're unloading clean laundry, think twice before throwing out a dryer sheet. Some of these simple tricks don't even require a new one.


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Traveling can be so overrated.

When you've finally earned some time off, it's important to set some boundaries. Otherwise, you'll end up curled on the couch for the week with your cat and a bag of Doritos.

Just because you're not leaving home, doesn't mean that your vacation can't be as relaxing as an exotic getaway. But in order to make a staycation feel like vacation, you need to break up the monotony and routine that comes with normal, everyday life.

So if you forgot to book your trip, you don't feel like traveling or you're just too broke to go away, follow these simple tips in order to make your staycation feel like a relaxing getaway.


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