Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

innovation DAILY

Here we highlight selected innovation related articles from around the world on a daily basis.  These articles related to innovation and funding for innovative companies, and best practices for innovation based economic development.

Yale Ventures

“Yale is home to brilliant, creative, and altruistic people who dream about changing the world,” said Josh Geballe, recently named senior associate provost for entrepreneurship & innovation at Yale, and who will be Managing Director of the newly formed Yale Ventures.

“With support and guidance from Yale Ventures, innovators will create new startups across more university departments, attract external investment into those startups and develop partnerships in the Yale and New Haven communities to create jobs, retain talented Yale graduates, and grow the innovation ecosystem. The launch of Yale Ventures is an important step in expanding the impact Yale will have on addressing many of the world’s biggest challenges,” Geballe said.


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How many times have investors heard startups start their pitch by touting that their technology is “disruptive?” What entrepreneurs forget or don’t realize is that most customers are wary of all technology, educating the market on new technology is expensive, takes a long time, and people buy problem solutions rather than technology. Investors will likely wait for more traction.


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two people talking looking at a computer.

“You dare to fail fast,” read the job description for a leadership role at a burgeoning startup. Pretty stark, and with a meaning that isn’t even clear. We presume this means that we should be innovative, screw up, learn from it and then grow. Somewhere along the pathway through all this failure, we’re also supposed to keep our job or keep our business afloat. 


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Older Trader Joes Logo

The philosophy of kaizen — or continuous improvement — is a combination of two words: Kai, meaning change, and zen, meaning good. Although its origins can be traced back to the rebuilding effort that followed World War II, it became known in the West after Japanese organizational theorist Masaaki Imai released the book Kaizen: The Key To Japan’s Competitive Success in 1986. 


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The Department of Public Expenditure and Reform must immediately and finally eliminate pay discrimination,’ said TUI president Martin Marjoram. Photograph: Dara Mac Dónaill.

Most secondary teachers believe extra supports are needed next year to help students who are lagging behind due to Covid-related disruption to teaching and learning, according to a new survey.

The Teachers’ Union of Ireland (TUI) online survey of 1,200 members carried out in March and April found that 87 per cent of respondents believe additional supports will be needed during the 2022/23 academic year.

Image: The Department of Public Expenditure and Reform must immediately and finally eliminate pay discrimination,’ said TUI president Martin Marjoram. Photograph: Dara Mac Dónaill.

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Credit: ESA/Hubble & NASA, J. Lee and the PHANGS-HST Team

The spiral galaxy M91 fills the frame of this Wide Field Camera 3 observation from the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope. M91 lies approximately 55 million light-years from Earth in the constellation Coma Berenices and—as is evident in this image—is a barred spiral galaxy. While M91's prominent bar makes for a spectacular galactic portrait, it also hides an astronomical monstrosity. Like our own galaxy, M91 contains a supermassive black hole at its center. A 2009 study using archival Hubble data found that this central black hole weighs somewhere between 9.6 and 38 million times as much as the Sun.

Image: Credit: ESA/Hubble & NASA, J. Lee and the PHANGS-HST Team

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Night 2021 09 03 12 06 54 utc

A team of scientists has used GPU-accelerated deep learning to show how colour can be brought to night-vision systems.

In a paper published in the journal PLOS One, a team of researchers at the University of California, Irvine led by Professor Pierre Baldi and Dr Andrew Browne, describes how they reconstructed color images of photos of faces using an infrared camera.

The study is a step toward predicting and reconstructing what humans would see using cameras that collect light using imperceptible near-infrared illumination.


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Nine Entertainment has consolidated its internal communications onto Slack, with all 5000 staff across its television, radio and publishing brands now using the platform on a daily basis.

Chief information and technology officer Damian Cronan told Salesforce’s World Tour in Sydney this month that following the pandemic, Slack had gone from simple messaging app to Nine’s “digital HQ”.

“We were a business that used to have different tools; half the business was on Microsoft, half the business was on Google,” he said.


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Cursor and Polar Pacer Pro smartwatch includes an integrated barometer with wrist based running power Gadget Flow

Get the most out of your running routine with the Polar Pacer Pro runner’s smartwatch. This new-generation watch is ultra-light and comfortable to wear while you exercise. The Polar Pacer Pro uses advanced training features to help you improve your performance. It tracks your distance, pace, time, heart rate, calories burned, and more. Furthermore, it provides guidance throughout your run via audio and visual cues to help you achieve a personal best time or distance. Additionally, this powerful training watch includes a built-in barometer altimeter for accurate elevation readings when you’re outdoors. Finally, this GPS running watch has a sleek design that comes in various colors including Snow White and Midnight Blue. Choose the one that suits your style best! Overall, this gadget is great for all fitness levels as well as beginners just starting out with running or exercising in general. Impress yourself with what you can achieve!


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A sunrise on Mars is a different experience from a sunrise on Earth. NASA's InSight lander, a stationary explorer that has been in residence on the red planet since late 2018, documented the gentle, beautiful moments when the sun comes up on Mars.

"I'll never tire of sunrise on Mars," the InSight team tweeted this week. "Each morning, that distant dot climbs higher in the sky, giving me energy for another round of listening to the rumbles beneath my feet." A GIF shows the glowing orb of the sun as it moved above the horizon on April 10.

Image: That distant dot is the sun coming up on Mars as seen by NASA's InSight lander on April 10, 2022. NASA/JPL-Caltech

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Healthcare offers one of the biggest areas where AI could impact people. AI in healthcare is already widespread but is expected to grow even further. The global artificial intelligence in healthcare market size was valued at USD 10.4 billion in 2021. It is expected to expand at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 38.4% from 2022 to 2030. There are many drivers for this, including growing availability of data; increased demand for personalized medicine; the rising elderly population; the need to reduce expenses etc


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At a time when 41% of us are considering quitting our jobs, it’s time for us to understand why and what we can do about it.

In this special series from HBR, we’re looking at how to craft your current job around the work you really love. In this episode, we’ll explain how to identify which tasks fit that bill and can lead you to a more fulfilling and successful career.


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Venture capital 2021 09 02 22 07 18 utc

My first job in America, after I graduated from business school, was at Harvard Business School professor Clayton Christensen’s consulting firm. Christensen, who coined the theory of disruptive innovation, was one of the most influential business thinkers of our time. CEOs flocked to him for help spotting and preempting disruption of their businesses as well as the creation of their own disruptive innovation, so he built a consulting firm to help. I was a part of that team.


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Looking east along the nearly 2-mile accelerator building.Photo: Olivier Bonin/SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory

I recently visited the site of a soon-to-open superconducting particle accelerator, where researchers will probe things like the mechanisms behind photosynthesis and the efficiency of batteries using some of the most powerful X-rays in the world. Being there felt a bit like seeing the future. Here’s a look at what’s going on at SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory in Menlo Park, California.

Image: Looking east along the nearly 2-mile accelerator building.Photo: Olivier Bonin/SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory

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Photo by Tetiana SHYSHKINA on Unsplash

The inaugural European Innovation Area Summit will be held in Brussels this summer.

And organisers Knowledge4Innovation (K4I) want it to be a milestone moment for the continent in its journey towards creating a vibrant new European Innovation Area (EIA).

“If we want to overcome Europe’s innovation deficit and improve the impact from our wealth of knowledge and ideas, we need to improve our support on the way from knowledge to innovation and market creation,” says K4I.

Image: Photo by Tetiana SHYSHKINA on Unsplash

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After A 24 Year Absence Intel Re Enters The Discrete GPU Market With Arc

I hope everyone can agree that any competition is good competition. In more cases, than not, drives innovation and growth within the industry. There isn’t a lot of competition in discrete merchant graphics in PC gaming, commercial, workstation, and datacenter- there’s AMD and NVIDIA. I have always believed that three vendors are better for a competitive market. Look at smartphones- two vendors dominate 80% of the device profit dollars. That’s unhealthy. There are three general-purpose IaaS providers, AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud, and even more for focused workloads with IBM and Oracle. That’s healthy.


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Bionaut Labs CEO and founder Michael Shpigelmacher displays various model of tiny remote-controlled medical micro-robots called Bionauts which his company is developing as a new modality for delivering treatments, in their lab in Los Angeles, California, March 17, 2022. Sending miniature robots deep inside the human skull to treat brain disorders has long been the stuff of science fiction -- but it could soon become reality, according to a California start-up. (AFP/Robyn Beck)

This article was published in with the title

Sending miniature robots deep inside the human skull to treat brain disorders has long been the stuff of science fiction -- but it could soon become reality, according to a California start-up.

Bionaut Labs plans its first clinical trials on humans in just two years for its tiny injectable robots, which can be carefully guided through the brain using magnets.

"The idea of the micro robot came about way before I was born," said co-founder and CEO Michael Shpigelmacher.

Image: Bionaut Labs CEO and founder Michael Shpigelmacher displays various model of tiny remote-controlled medical micro-robots called Bionauts which his company is developing as a new modality for delivering treatments, in their lab in Los Angeles, California, March 17, 2022. Sending miniature robots deep inside the human skull to treat brain disorders has long been the stuff of science fiction -- but it could soon become reality, according to a California start-up. (AFP/Robyn Beck) This article was published in with the title "California start-up sends tiny robots on voyage into brains". Click to read: Download The Jakarta Post app for easier and faster news access: Android: iOS:

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