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Bionaut Labs CEO and founder Michael Shpigelmacher displays various model of tiny remote-controlled medical micro-robots called Bionauts which his company is developing as a new modality for delivering treatments, in their lab in Los Angeles, California, March 17, 2022. Sending miniature robots deep inside the human skull to treat brain disorders has long been the stuff of science fiction -- but it could soon become reality, according to a California start-up. (AFP/Robyn Beck)

This article was published in with the title

Sending miniature robots deep inside the human skull to treat brain disorders has long been the stuff of science fiction -- but it could soon become reality, according to a California start-up.

Bionaut Labs plans its first clinical trials on humans in just two years for its tiny injectable robots, which can be carefully guided through the brain using magnets.

"The idea of the micro robot came about way before I was born," said co-founder and CEO Michael Shpigelmacher.

Image: Bionaut Labs CEO and founder Michael Shpigelmacher displays various model of tiny remote-controlled medical micro-robots called Bionauts which his company is developing as a new modality for delivering treatments, in their lab in Los Angeles, California, March 17, 2022. Sending miniature robots deep inside the human skull to treat brain disorders has long been the stuff of science fiction -- but it could soon become reality, according to a California start-up. (AFP/Robyn Beck) This article was published in with the title "California start-up sends tiny robots on voyage into brains". Click to read: Download The Jakarta Post app for easier and faster news access: Android: iOS: