Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

innovation DAILY

Here we highlight selected innovation related articles from around the world on a daily basis.  These articles related to innovation and funding for innovative companies, and best practices for innovation based economic development.


Disturbing headline: News outlets report more than three-quarters ICOs in 2017 were scams. These headlines are scary.  They are enough make you keep your fiat folded up in your old leather wallet.

The first question you have to ask is whether this headline is accurate.  The next question: if true, how should this affect our crypto investment strategy?


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After Chinese startups and Internet conglomerates, Israeli companies are betting big on the Indian market. More than 100 such startups from Israel are already working in India and there are many others which are planning to launch their business in the country.

Mobileye, OrCam, and CheckPoint are some of the famous names in India which are working with the government and companies in the country and the common thread among the companies are that they all belong to an Israeli tech ecosystem.


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internet of things

Cyber criminals shut down parts of the Web in October 2016 by attacking the computers that serve as the internet’s switchboard. Their weapon of choice? Poorly secured Web cameras and other internet-connected gadgets that have collectively come to be known as the Internet of Things (IoT). The attack created a minor panic among people trying to visit Sony PlayStation Network, Twitter, GitHub and Spotify’s Web sites, but it had little long-term effect on internet use or the hijacked devices.


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BETHESDA, Md., July 31, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- The Foundation for the National Institutes of Health (FNIH) has selected three finalists of the inaugural Trailblazer Prize for Clinician-Scientists (Trailblazer Prize): Daniel Bauer, M.D., Ph.D., Harvard Medical School, Jaehyuk Choi, M.D., Ph.D., Feinberg School of Medicine, Northwestern University and Michael Fox, M.D., Ph.D., Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Harvard Medical School. These three early-career clinician-scientists, whose work spans the fields of hematology, oncodermatology and neurology/psychiatry, are being recognized for their outstanding research contributions that have the potential to or have led to innovations in patient care. The winner will be announced and awarded the Trailblazer Prize and a $10,000 honorarium at the FNIH Annual Fall Board Dinner on Wednesday, October 24, 2018 in Washington, D.C.


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John Rampton

You just walked in the door from an exhausting day at work. You’re hungry and spent, just wanting to catch your breath for a minute. You grab something to eat and then veg out in front of the TV. Next thing you know, you've just binge-watched five episodes of "Jessica Jones."


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Having satisfied customers is no longer enough to keep you ahead of competitors. The bar has been raised to having “delighted” customers. Customer delight is defined as surprising the customer by exceeding his or her expectations, thus creating a positive emotional reaction. This emotional reaction leads to word of mouth and social media, resulting in many new customers.


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Nour Tohmé is constantly on the move. Working as an illustrator with remote clients, she’s able to live in a new location every few days or weeks. Two years and 40 countries later, she has no place she calls home, and she finds her work ideally suited to her nomadic lifestyle. But certain things are difficult: finding budget-friendly accommodations, coworking spaces, reliable Wi-Fi, healthy food and exercise options, and a way to connect with local communities and other location-independent workers in the cities she travels to.


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On a rainy afternoon in 2016, I was leading a workshop to advance local development in Colombia; the meeting was one result of new peace accords that had ended 52 years of civil war. The atmosphere was tense and alert, as you might expect when leaders who bitterly opposed one another have gathered to work on their most crucial and difficult mutual problems. They were there because they knew that if they didn’t find a way to work together, the reconciliation and growth the country desperately needed might never take place.

Image: Illustration by Lars Leetaru -

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A consistent picture emerges from lists of top CEOs. In HBR’s Best-Performing CEOs ranking, Pablo Isla of Inditex, the parent company of Zara, Ajay Banga of Mastercard and Bernard Arnault of LVMH stand out for both performance and longevity. Between the three of them, these CEOs have served for 50 years marked by strong performance.


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Chase Perry serves as co-director and co-managing partner with Sid Chambless of Nashville Capital Network, known for its early-stage capital support of various companies.

Working also with Morgan Pisano, NCN’s director of operations, Perry previously served as vice president of corporate development at electronic payment services company FrontStream Payments.


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It turns out that the word “innovation” is not a Harry Potter-esque magical incantation that, once spoken, renders companies more inventive, creative, and entrepreneurial. The word can be uttered by a CEO speaking to employees or Wall Street analysts. It can be emblazoned on the door to a new innovation center in Silicon Valley. It can be inserted into people’s job titles. (Yes, even Toys R Us had a head of innovation.)


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We all know what passes for gospel in our brand-driven, always-on culture: “Network your way to the top.” “Just say yes.” “Get out there!”

But what if you stopped all that networking? What if you distilled your business development to the bare minimum and still managed to grow your company? What if -- instead of getting out there -- you could simply stay in?


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high dive

Quitting your job is always a scary thing. But it can be downright terrifying when you don’t have another one lined up. The nerves build up to the surface from the moment you hand in your resignation notice. “Where are you going?” is typically the first question your boss and coworkers will ask. Saying you’re not sure will undoubtedly lead to quizzical glances and perhaps even snickers of “you’re crazy.” But here are seven times when quitting with no backup plan is the right thing to do for your career.


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If your small business has an online presence, content marketing has to be part of your overall online marketing strategy. But creating the content which resonates with your audience and marketing it so it can reach as many people as possible is a challenge. A new infographic by Branex, titled “7 Biggest Challenges of Content Marketing That Every Content Marketer Should Be Aware of” highlights some of the most common challenges you have to overcome to benefit from the content you create.


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Being responsible is a good trait, right? It means you get things done and people can count on you. However, being responsible for too much can backfire. More things on your plate means your attention and energy must be dispersed, and that can prevent you from focusing on tasks that are critical, says Dorie Clark, author of Entrepreneurial You: Monetize Your Expertise, Create Multiple Income Streams, and Thrive.


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After a record amount of money gushed into China’s technology sector and fueled eye-popping valuations for many private companies in recent years, venture capital is said to be drying up and startups should brace themselves for what some industry insiders describe as a “capital winter.”

That’s the view held by several China-based venture capitalists and research firms. Speaking on the sidelines of Forbes Asia’s Under 30 Summit in Hong Kong, a number of young investors and honorees from this year’s list say valuations for private companies in China will return to “more reasonable” levels in the second half of this year.

Image: Workers use computers at their desks inside a co-working space for start-up companies in Beijing, China. (Photo by Tomohiro Ohsumi/Bloomberg)

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girl running at night

Most of us are open to new job opportunities. In fact, a survey by the specialty recruitment firms Accounting Principals and Ajilon found that 80% of people are passively or actively looking. But how do you know it’s time to stop window shopping and pull the trigger and quit?

“Quitting and finding new work can be terrifying,” says Jill Gugino Pante, director of the University of Delaware Career Services Center. “Not everyone likes change. People sometimes need a push or reason to quit, whether it be the prospect of a new job, personal health, or an incentive from a boss to resign.”


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Despite enthusiasm for digital manufacturing, few companies have realized its potential at scale, according to our new survey. Six success factors can help.

The global race for innovation leadership in digital manufacturing is picking up pace: two-thirds of industrial companies worldwide say that digitizing the production value chain is one of their highest priorities (Exhibit 1). That’s according to our latest research in the area, which we explore in a new report, Digital manufacturing—escaping pilot purgatory.


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