Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

innovation DAILY

Here we highlight selected innovation related articles from around the world on a daily basis.  These articles related to innovation and funding for innovative companies, and best practices for innovation based economic development.


The University of Pennsylvania announced today a collaboration with Johnson & Johnson Innovation LLC to open the first JPOD location in the United States, JPOD @ Philadelphia. The JPOD will be located at Pennovation Works, within the Pennovation Center, the University’s two-year-old full-service business and technology incubator located at 3401 Grays Ferry Ave. The JPOD @ Philadelphia will serve as a regional resource amplifying the programming and engagement of the JLABS ecosystem by tapping into the existing nexus of science, laboratory, and entrepreneurial efforts taking place at the Pennovation Center and the regional life sciences community.


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Eden Strategy Institute has issued its study and ranking of the Top 50 Smart City Governments.

The Top 10 Cities identified as the World’s Best City Governments, according to the Eden Strategy Institute study, are: London, Singapore, Seoul, New York, Helsinki, Montreal, Boston, Melbourne, Barcelona, and Shanghai. In addition to New York and Boston making the Top 10, there were 12 American cities who earned Top 50 ranking, and are: San Francisco (11), Chicago (17), Seattle (18), Charlotte (20), Washington, DC (21), Columbus (25), Los Angeles (26), Atlanta (35), Kansas City, MO (38), Philadelphia (43).


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UNION, N.J., July 18, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- Today, the Institute for Life Science Entrepreneurship (ILSE) announced the publication of its report highlighting life science incubator space and innovation trends in the Garden State.  Entitled "Recent Advances in Laboratory and Innovation Space in New Jersey", the paper includes profiles of major biopharma incubators and innovation spaces in New Jersey and perspectives from leaders of successful industrial and academic incubators as well as the recognized biopharma industry organization, BioNJ, all who support prioritizing investment in infrastructure for biopharma start-ups.


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A Goldilocks Framework for Attracting Funding INSEAD Knowledge

How social enterprises and non-profits can demonstrate their impact.

Last year, an Asia-wide contest for social enterprises drew 1,080 entries from 31 countries. Participants were vying for a share of the total prize money of US$130,000, underscoring the stiff competition for funds.  

The 2017 winners of the DBS-NUS Social Venture Challenge Asia, which seeks to support ventures that could best benefit society, include a producer of biodegradable bioplastics in Indonesia, a firm which aids Bhutanese women weavers and a company that uses the internet to help impoverished Indians apply for government and private financial aid.


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Mark Zuckerberg

“We’re not kids in a dorm room anymore, right?”

That’s what Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg told Kara Swisher, co-founder of Recode, in a recent podcast interview. The full transcript is available here, but we pulled out some of the key takeaways -- including the company’s plans for regulating “fake news,” its new AI tools for monitoring content, Zuckerberg’s own mentor and what he sees as the new frontier for technology.


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The art of storytelling is getting lost in the era of instant digital communications. But it is a vital skill that has served society well since ancient times and it can be retaught. Murray Nossel, an Oscar-nominated documentary filmmaker, explains why a good narrative has the power to transform businesses in his book, Powered by Storytelling: Excavate, Craft and Present Stories to Transform Business Communication.

Nossel also is an executive coach at Columbia Business School and co-founder of Narativ, which teaches storytelling techniques to executives. His clients include Disney, Time Warner and Radisson Hotels. Nossel recently joined the Knowledge@Wharton radio show on SiriusXM to talk about his book.


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red flag

While one can never predict the outcome of an interview, there are some surefire ways to shoot yourself in the foot and earn yourself a rejection. These five behaviors will send off red flags to hiring managers and likely prevent you from landing your dream job!


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Business accelerator IndieBio plans to open a location in New York City next year after securing $25 million in funding from the state.

The accelerator will work with 20 startup companies a year, providing each with an investment of up to $2 million as well as mentorship and business training. The program is part of a broader push by economic development officials to boost the state’s biotechnology, biomedical and pharmaceutical industries.


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In recent decades, Ohio has created JobsOhio, Third Frontier and the Edison Technology Center to help boost the state’s economy.

Now, a research group affiliated with the Ohio Chamber of Commerce is calling for a new statewide campaign aimed at strengthening the state’s innovation economy.

“Ohio is moving forward, but it should move forward more quickly,” said Brian Hicks, president of the Ohio Chamber of Commerce Research Foundation, which provides research for state policymakers.


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With all the talk about the disease-fighting, life-extending superpowers of the Mediterranean diet, a lot of people are trying to cram more seafood into their meals. But while there are endless articles extolling the healthful glories of fatty, omega-3-rich fish like salmon and mackerel, there’s not much talk about shellfish—or whether these sea creatures deserve space on your shopping list.


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High-profile investors led by billionaires Bill Gates and Leonard Lauder are throwing their weight behind a “venture philanthropy vehicle” offering more than $30 million in grants for new biomarkers and early diagnostic tests for Alzheimer’s disease.

In collaboration with the Alzheimer’s Drug Discovery Foundation, the new Diagnostics Accelerator will aim to back promising research that may not guarantee an immediate commercial return—hoping to take more risks than a traditional VC fund, while also focusing on products being developed for market, over basic science research.

Image: The accelerator says a lack of validated biomarkers has stalled the development of treatments for the disease. (CC BY 2.0/Ben Fisher/GAVI Alliance)

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red flag

How confident are you that your analytics initiative is delivering the value it’s supposed to?

These days, it’s the rare CEO who doesn’t know that businesses must become analytics-driven. Many business leaders have, to their credit, been charging ahead with bold investments in analytics resources and artificial intelligence (AI). Many CEOs have dedicated a lot of their own time to implementing analytics programs, appointed chief analytics officers (CAOs) or chief data officers (CDOs), and hired all sorts of data specialists.


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Every business starts with a plan, whether it is one mapped out in your head, jotted down on a paper napkin or formalized into a business plan. A business plan essentially describes your company, what you plan to do and how you plan to do it. It expresses your company’s objectives, goals, strategies, potential problems and how to address those problems, and what it takes financially to run your business (think a SWOT analysis on steroids).


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The moon is a very patient place. It once was a very busy place. Early in its long history, a constant bombardment of space debris left it with great lava bleeds that formed its so-called seas and tattooed it with thousands of craters that endure today. The shooting eventually stopped and the moon fell quiet, and for billions of years it did more or less nothing at all, while the blue-white, watery world just next door bloomed and thrived and exploded with life.


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Jessica Stillman

The truth is, no one is good at their job on the first day, What sets super achievers apart from middling performers is the speed at which they learn. So how do you maximize how fast you get better at whatever it is you're doing?

There are tons of tips out there on how to learn more quickly and efficiently, but Auren Hoffman, the current CEO of SafeGraph and a serial entrepreneur who has built five companies, says one rule stands above all others. When someone asked "What is the best thing a CEO could teach an entry level employee?" on question-and-answer site Quora recently, his answer was a principle that could be called "the 70-percent rule."


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When architecture students at Auburn University’s Rural Studio first started working on the 20K initiative in 2005, they had a straightforward–if ambitious–goal: to design a high-quality house for people living in rural Alabama that would provide local construction jobs and cost no more than $20,000 to build.


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One of the biggest challenges facing management scientists has been the struggle to produce knowledge that is both academically rigorous and applicable to practicing managers. In an Academy of Management Journal editorial, we described two problems that contribute to this challenge.


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