Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

innovation DAILY

Here we highlight selected innovation related articles from around the world on a daily basis.  These articles related to innovation and funding for innovative companies, and best practices for innovation based economic development.


Many of the entrepreneurs and new business owners I advise have a primary vision of becoming millionaires or greater, per the model of Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg, Amazon’s Jeff Bezos, and many others. They don’t realize that achieving this dream involves far more than having a great idea and making it happen. In fact, much of the success will have nothing to do with money.


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european union flag

A provocative study published earlier this month in the journal Science and Public Policy contends that Europe lacks the cutting-edge science long seen in the U.S., and increasingly published in Asia: “Europe lags far behind the USA in the production of important, highly cited research,” co-authors Alonso Rodríguez-Navarro, Ph.D., of Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, and Francis Narin, Ph.D., founder of CHI Research (now The Patent Board).


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Today marks a milestone of in the American innovation economy. Back in 1836, the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office issued patent No.1 under the current numbering system. It took 155 years to get up to patent No. 5 million and then just another 27 years to issue 5 million more. Patent number No. 10 million was issued this afternoon for something called "Coherent Ladar Using Intra-Pixel Quadrature Detection." The technology is owned by Raytheon, and it was invented by Joseph Marron, a principal engineering fellow at the company's Space and Airborne Systems division. He talked with Marketplace host Kai Ryssdal about his invention. The following is an edited transcript of their conversation.


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An open office is supposed to have many benefits: fostering collaboration, creativity, and reducing unnecessary digital communication. But as many Fast Company readers pointed out, the layout brings a set of problems. “Nonstop distractions. I can hardly ever work uninterrupted for more than a few minutes at a time. It takes me twice as long to do my work than if I were able to work in solace,” one reader wrote.

Image: Rami Niemi

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Though tensions are rising between President Donald Trump and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, relations between Canadian startups and US-based venture capital firms are thriving.

Historically, the lion's share of venture capital has been funneled into companies in close proximity to Sand Hill Road, the famed street that's home to some of the most renowned venture capital firms. And though Silicon Valley still receives the largest portion of VC, more and more funding is being poured into Utah, Colorado, Texas and other geographies that were once infrequently visited by VCs.


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As the co-founder of AOL, Steve Case made a name for himself as an entrepreneur years ago. He now supports other entrepreneurs through the venture capital firm Revolution where he works as the chairman and CEO. The company recently launched a job board to highlight the many great startup opportunities throughout the country.

The Revolution job board uses a platform called Monday, based out of Boulder, which aggregates open positions for all of Revolution’s over 125 investments around the country. The site shows available jobs across New Orleans and Louisiana, as well as other locations outside of Silicon Valley.


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When most people think of being an entrepreneur, they picture the perks (i.e. financial freedom, unlimited vacations, flexible schedule) without considering the process (long nights, a string of rejections and setbacks etc.)

The truth is, entrepreneurship is hard. It can take years before making a profit and achieving financial success. Not everyone's cut out for it, but if you're thinking about starting a company, ask yourself these questions first, as suggested by President and CEO Tom Portesy:


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If you're reading this, you're probably online, which, you know, good luck. But have you ever wondered exactly what type of online you are?

It takes all sorts to make an internet, from the fighters to the lurkers to the people who don't really understand the internet at all. In our opinion, discovering your internet personality is kind of like the famed Myers-Briggs test — it relies on four main divides. 


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Vitamin C has a reputation for being a feel-good nutrient, so it will come as no surprise that this list is full of foods with high levels of it. In the body, vitamin C behaves as an antioxidant, which means it protects cells from free-radical damage. Consuming it also helps the body better absorb iron, which is critical for normal immune-system function.


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no smoking

Smoking rates among U.S. adults have hit an all-time low, new estimates say.

Approximately 14% of American adults said they were smokers last year, according to data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS). While that’s still a significant number, encompassing more than 30 million Americans, it’s down from 16% the year before and roughly 20% in 2006. It’s also a significant drop-off from rates recorded around 50 years ago, which topped 40% by some estimates.


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NLC Logo

WASHINGTON and MENLO PARK, Calif., June 19, 2018 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Today the National League of Cities (NLC) announced a new program, City Innovation Ecosystems, dedicated to helping cities thrive in the modern economy. The program marks a major new push by NLC to support regional entrepreneurship, innovation and STEM pathways in a time when too few cities are fully participating in the high-tech, global economy.


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When the internet was founded it was about freedom What happened Quartz

When the World Wide Web came online, the world was mesmerized by the almost endless possibilities that unfurled in front of us. This new tool for global collaboration enabled anyone to access once-reserved knowledge and to communicate with people anywhere, instantaneously. Rather than walling off power exclusively with the elites in the center, the web pushed decision-making and agency out to the edges. Freedom, openness, and decentralization were now values that could help normal humans.

Image: Reuters/Shailesh Andrade

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The internet provides a vast sea of knowledge about finding success. There are how-to articles on starting and growing a business, YouTube videos that walk you through setting up a website, Facebook Lives that provide an opportunity to email in a question. But sometimes you need more. Sometimes you need the dedicated, one-on-one attention that you can only get when talking to someone directly.


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Rose Leadem

Since the rise of Bitcoin over the past few years, cryptocurrencies have been all the hype. And if you’re interested in hopping on-board the crypto-train, it’s important to know what you’re talking about. Just like the pool of investors and the market itself have grown considerably over the years, so has the culture, along with new slang and memes popping up everyday.


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Joseph Allen

I got the news that EPA’s Water Technology Innovation Cluster was dead during the webcast of the final public meeting of the Administration’s ROI Initiative. About two hours into the program a speaker mentioned it during his three-minute statement. The two of us may have been the only ones listening that knew about this project.  Just a few years ago I’d called it a “model technology transfer program.”  Now it was gone, taking down several public-sector entrepreneurs with it.


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Business partnering, education and networking was the focus of 18,000 biohealth industry leaders who attended the BIO International Convention (BIO) Conference earlier this month in Boston.  At the event, BIO set the GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS title for the Largest Business Partnering Event with 46,900 partnering meetings.  Many of these meetings took place in the pavilion hosted by the Maryland Department of Commerce which included space for meetings BioHealth Innovation, Montgomery County Economic Development Corp (MCEDC), Rockville Economic Development (REDI), the City of Gaithersburg, Viva White Oak, PIC-MC (Montgomery College), University of Maryland Ventures, Johns Hopkins University, Fina BioSolutions, Integrated Pharma Services,  Pharmaceuticals International, Inc., Emergent BioSolutions, AsclepiX, and US FDA’s Tech Transfer Office.  Others from the BioHealth Capital Region who attended included:  ABL, American Gene Technologies, AstraZeneca / MedImmune, Altimmune, BioMarker Strategies, Bytegrid, Children’s National Health, CRBE, Creatv Microtech, GlycoMimetics, IDT Biologica, Immunomics, Intrexon, Leidos Health, MacroGenics, Maryland Tech Council, MaxCyte, Newport Board Group, Novodux Paragon Bioservices, REGENXBIO, MacroGenics, Neuronascent, Scheer Partners, Smithers Avanza, TEDCO, the University of Maryland Baltimore, and the University of Maryland’s Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology Research.



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A couple of years ago, on a mission to hack his team-scaling efforts, Itamar Goldminz suppressed an eye roll and picked up a new book, sure he’d be putting it down just as fast. Maybe it was over-the-top language like “breakthrough” and “extraordinary” on the cover. Maybe it was just Goldminz’s own aversion to anything that smells too much like self-help — after all, he’s an engineer by training, a staunch fan of provable ideas.


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In 2012, I was working on a master’s degree in food studies with one goal in mind: I wanted to teach people to cook at home, with more pleasure and confidence, in the hopes of supporting local growers, sustainability, and families’ well-being in the process. People bond and connect when they eat together, but modern life doesn’t always leave enough opportunities to do that. The target customer for the business I decided to start, in order to change that, was a busy New Yorker with limited time and kitchen space but a desire to reconnect with real food and to gather the skills and inspiration to fulfill it.


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Fledgling biotechs and medical-technology startups in the U.S. and Europe have found a new source of funding for their costly research: China.

Foreign health-care investments by Chinese venture-capital and private-equity firms reached a record $3.5 billion last year, up from $500 million four years earlier, according to Bain & Co. Much of the new money has gone to buying stakes in U.S. and European firms.


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