Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

innovation DAILY

Here we highlight selected innovation related articles from around the world on a daily basis.  These articles related to innovation and funding for innovative companies, and best practices for innovation based economic development.


GlaxoSmithKline CEO Emma Walmsley made history in 2017, when she became the first woman to head up a major pharmaceutical company.

In her first company presentation at an industry conference as the CEO of GSK, Walmsley was asked about female leadership in the pharmaceutical industry. She responded not by talking about gender, but by running through how she thinks about her responsibilities as CEO.

Image: Emma Walmsley of GlaxoSmithKline poses in this undated photograph released in London. Reuters via handout

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If there’s one thing we can agree on, it’s that nobody agrees on how to create economic growth. That shouldn’t be surprising — successful and sustainable economic development is a monumental challenge. In St. Louis, we’ve primarily used public place-based investments — like tax increment financing — to revitalize our city.

But at Arch Grants, we’ve chosen venture philanthropy, a people-based development model that combines the principles of venture capital with charitable giving in order to address big societal issues. Our investments in our entrepreneurs reflect our confidence in their ability to substantially improve lives and solve problems around the world, and to transform the economy of St. Louis and spearhead the next wave of economic development in our region.


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Once heralded as a centerpiece of DC’s tech scene, start-up incubator 1776 proved less revolutionary than its name.

February 2013 Tech-industry veterans Donna Harris and Evan Burfield launch 1776 with a $200,000 grant from the District. They invest in a first crop of more than 40 budding companies and invite them to open shop in a slick co-working space.

Image: Photograph of 1776 by Andrew Beaujon.

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Successful startups will look different from one company to the next, but some habits of the owners are similar and help push the startups to success. If you are a startup owner or considering starting a small company, there are some common things successful startup owners do you should know about.


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Even the most tech savvy among us have a hard time wrapping their heads around Bitcoin. It's a hot topic and a frequent point of discussion among investors, entrepreneurs and stock traders, so you should want to know all about it.

For starters, here's an overly simplified explanation of Bitcoin: It's a digital currency (there are more than 800 now) that isn't controlled by a central authority such as a government or bank. It's created by "miners," who use computers and specialized hardware to process transactions, secure the currency's network and collect bitcoins in exchange. Supporters say it allows for more secure transactions over the internet.


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If you're an entrepreneur, you will fail. It might not be a complete meltdown, but you will experience a failure of some aspect of your venture at some point.

My first business failure occurred during my mid-20s. I tried to launch a product I invented, which was a durable, pocket-size strap that carried different kinds of recreational sports gear.

After determining the market need and securing piece-work manufacturing, as well as retail packaging complete with trademarked logo, I had several thousand units in hand.


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Your Photos of A Solar Eclipse s Journey Across America The New York Times

One of the challenges with a discussion on value-based care is thinking about where to start. Given the country’s trillion-dollar healthcare industry, cost tends to be the first issue that people gravitate to. How do you reduce costs in an industry that is so complex and huge?

In a discussion at the StartUp Health Festival this week, panelists with backgrounds in hospital administration, surgery, pediatric medicine and government shared initiatives they are undertaking to focus on value with the hope that those efforts would reduce costs in the long term.


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People don’t quit a job, the saying goes — they quit a boss. We’ve heard it so many times that when we started tracking why employees leave Facebook, all bets were on managers. But our engagement survey results told a different story: When we wanted to keep people and they left anyway, it wasn’t because of their manager…at least not in the way we expected.


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More than 60 countries are represented at CES, the giant consumer electronics show taking place this week in Las Vegas, and the large international presence is a testament to the interest worldwide in entrepreneurship and technology.

But while many governments say they support a homegrown innovation economy, policy decisions may hamper entrepreneurial growth, according to a report out this week by the Consumer Technology Association (CTA), which puts on the marquee Las Vegas technology show.

Image: LG delivers an immersive OLED TV experience to CES 2018 attendees during this year's International CES, in Las Vegas, Nevada, Jan. 9, 2018. 

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Angel investors pump $25 billion into startups annually. Who is the American Angel investor? The American Angel study by the Angel Capital Association (ACA) set out to answer that question by surveying 1,659 angels nationally, the largest such study ever conducted.

They asked the angels 40 quantitative questions and four qualitative ones then conducted empirical tests to ensure the quality of the results.


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Recently, Duolingo hit a milestone that we are very proud of: our incoming software engineer hires from universities have reached a 50:50 gender ratio.1 This is a significant achievement in light of the historical gender imbalance in the tech industry. However, it didn’t happen by chance. Instead it was the result of a new recruiting strategy that required changes to how we approach hiring software engineers.


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Is this the dawn of the multi-day laptop battery?

“Always connected personal computers” — or ACPCs — refer to a new breed of Windows laptops with three key features: a battery that can last multiple days; instant-on access when you open the lid or touch a key; and an optional high-speed cellular connection, to avoid hunting for a Wi-Fi hotspot to get online.

In other words, your laptop is going to behave a lot more like your smartphone.

Qualcomm – the world’s largest smartphone chip maker — is largely spearheading this emerging category. This marks the San Diego-based company’s second foray into the computer space, after the Windows RT mobile operating system failed to catch on after it debuted in 2012.


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In their early stages, start-ups generally pay less and provide fewer employee benefits than companies in the corporate world. However, they still attract their share of talent as start-ups typically offer a vital environment that allows for exponential learning and development. But what happens when a venture founder turns out to be a micro-manager? It can kill morale, growth and soon the start-up itself. Having co-launched over 20 start-ups, I have seen it first-hand.


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Every year, the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) brings us countless new products. Of course, most of them don’t matter or even make it to market. Most of them are just, like, shoe polishers with 3D glasses and Netflix support. But look closely and there are always gems hidden among the thousands of products that launch during this one week in Las Vegas.

Image: Razer, Lenovo, Toyota -

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2tarot cards017 was full of surprises–some of them more welcome than others. There’s no reason to expect this year won’t also hold its fair share of unexpected events. But the fact remains that every CEO is by necessity a futurist, charged with setting a course based as much on prior experience and current trends as on a best-guess forecast of what’s to come. So Fast Company reached out to 10 CEOs across a wide range of industries for their predictions on the top issues, ideas, challenges, and changes business leaders will be discussing this time next year. Here’s what they said.


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amazon alexa

When people arrived in Las Vegas to attend CES this week, one of the first things they noticed was Google’s massive promotional campaign for its Google Assistant service. There are ads hanging on the sides of buildings, painted on trains, and splashed on the screens of hotel room TVs.

The effort is one of many signals that artificial intelligence is a huge theme at this year’s show–mainly in the form of digital assistants like the Assistant, Amazon’s Alexa, and Apple’s Siri. Google wants those ads to create the vibe that its Assistant is the go-to choice for consumer electronics companies looking to build a brain into their device.


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John Austin is a man with a mission: to revive the Rust Belt. The former president of the Michigan State Board of Education, he is also a researcher at the Brookings Institution and has been the director of multiple nonprofit organizations and government commissions. In 2006 he produced a plan for Rust Belt regional revitalization. Now, in a series of blog posts for Brookings, Austin has been evaluating which local development strategies have worked, and which have failed. 


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Wmentorhen First Round launched its Mentorship Program in 2016, we didn’t know what to expect. We’d heard from a number of people in our community that mentorship remained an elusive, missing piece in their careers. Younger people said it was intimidating and difficult to find a mentor. Their older counterparts said they weren’t sure if their advice truly mattered. But everyone said they believed in mentorship’s transformative power. So we set out to fix it.


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Video from onboard the cruise that traveled through the bomb cyclone

Nothing like a completely avoidable disaster to totally ruin your expensive cruise.

The massive cruise ship Norwegian Breakaway departed New York on Dec. 29, 2017, as it does nearly every week. But this time was different, thanks to the massive bomb cyclone winter storm that rocked the East Coast.

Traveling through the storm was completely avoidable, but Norwegian Cruise Line powered on to its original itinerary, heading directly through it. 

YouTuber RedCurtainEnt was on that journey and managed to compile some of the more exciting moments from the cruise — like flooded hallways, snowy decks, a ton of leaking ceilings, passengers struggling to walk upright, and a whole lotta wind and rough seas. 


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