Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

innovation DAILY

Here we highlight selected innovation related articles from around the world on a daily basis.  These articles related to innovation and funding for innovative companies, and best practices for innovation based economic development.


An all-too-common question I get from startups and small businesses is “Which is the right social media platform for my business?” Is it Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, or one of the other 200 active platforms vying for attention these days? The right answer is that not all of these are worth your attention, but it’s probably more than one.


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Whether they’re approaching investors, accelerators, contract opportunities or even potential employees, founders are constantly pitching their startups. Here’s how to ace every meeting.

For many founders, raising capital is a key part of growing their businesses — and it’s a good time to be pitching investors. According to a July 2021 CB Insights report, in the first six months of the year, Canadian founders had already raised more than two times what they did in 2020. What’s more, a TechCrunch+ analysis of the data found “Canada’s venture capital results now rival those of the entire Latin American region… [But] notably, no Canadian startup deal in the quarter was worth more than $500 million.” According to TechCrunch senior editor Alex Wilhelm and reporter Anna Heim, that’s good news because it indicates that, instead of being dominated by a few companies that raised billion-dollar rounds, Canada’s investing landscape is “performing well more generally.”


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An all-too-common question I get from startups and small businesses is “Which is the right social media platform for my business?” Is it Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, or one of the other 200 active platforms vying for attention these days? The right answer is that not all of these are worth your attention, but it’s probably more than one.


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(Bloomberg) -- Consider this scenario: An investor at a venture capital firm pulls out his personal checkbook and makes a bet on a small but promising startup. Later, the VC firm he works for comes along and backs the same startup—increasing its value tenfold.


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Attention please 2021 08 30 05 52 28 utc

Today, you intended to sit down and knock out a bunch of work. However, with one ping from your phone, you can have your attention stolen by a notification or even an employee looking for one of those not-so-quick meetings.

Nowadays, the battle for your focus and attention is far beyond what anyone could have imagined. So when you can build up this skill, you will have a huge advantage in today's marketplace.


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Dr. James Crowe, Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Nashville, Tennessee

Monoclonal antibodies have become one of humanity’s most powerful, multi-use tools in biology and medicine. Once the field of immunology established that they could be produced to bind very specifically to almost any suitable substance, science has had a means of detecting and/or purifying those substances or, in the case of viruses, identifying the antibodies that will serve as effective treatments. And in these times of pandemic, tools to detect viruses such as SARS-CoV-2 at the point of care and produce novel vaccines are more important than ever. 

Image: Dr. James Crowe, Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Nashville, Tennessee

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Our internal 24-hour circadian clock regulates many aspects of physiology, including the response to infectious disease and vaccination. A new study published in the Journal of Biological Rhythms demonstrates that antibody levels are higher when people receive the SARS-CoV-2 vaccine in the afternoon versus the morning.


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Question mark on white background.

Ditching the startup mentality and adopting a venture capitalist mentality implies that instead of cultivating a great idea, you should bet on as many as possible.

In other words, CEOs should think of themselves as funders, not startup founders within their own companies. This involves thinking big, taking risks, and taking a broader, more objective view of opportunities based on insights from data.


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Businessman building a successful financial graph 2021 08 26 22 39 46 utc

Silicon Valley immediately springs to mind when people think about the heart of technology innovation.

But it turns out that investors looking for returns from fast-growing tech startups might be wiser to start hunting for those in London, Berlin, Stockholm, or Madrid. The returns from European venture capital investments have exceeded those from similar investments in the U.S. in every time period for the past two decades.


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The conversation started with a look at where NIH SBIR grant funding — one of the earliest types of funding for a new company — flows geographically across the nation.

The follow-on piece traced medical device start-ups from ‘first money in,’ and considered in detail the discrepancy between where Angel-funding was being deployed and where formal venture capital investments were being made.


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This 1985 file photo shows 79-year-old Rear Admiral Grace Hopper. The National Science Foundation has named its innovation maturity model after the trailblazing pioneer. (AP PHOTO)

A nascent team is developing platforms that are enabling new discoveries and insight sharing across the federal agency.

Dorothy Aronson isn’t simply the National Science Foundation’s chief information officer—she’s also the agency’s chief data officer, as well as an artist and an innovator.

“To be in the federal government, or to be in any [information technology] field, you have to be an innovator,” Aronson told Nextgov in the latest episode of the Critical Update podcast. “There's no standing still.”

Image: This 1985 file photo shows 79-year-old Rear Admiral Grace Hopper. The National Science Foundation has named its innovation maturity model after the trailblazing pioneer. (AP PHOTO)

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MIT Logo

Upon successful completion of your course, you will earn a certificate of completion from the MIT Sloan School of Management. This course may also count toward MIT Sloan Executive Certificate requirements.

You'll leave this course able to:

  • Create, identify, and evaluate new venture opportunities 
  • Interpret customer needs and quantify the value proposition 
  • Start and build a successful technology-based company 
  • Understand how the process of starting new ventures may vary geographically and culturally 
  • Develop winning business plans 
  • Scale startups to be globally successful 
  • Navigate the venture capital investment process 
  • Obtain feedback on personal entrepreneurship skills 
  • Enhance and expand their networks


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Carrying over the “bect” in its logo as a nod to Becton, Dickinson and Company, embecta will maintain international manufacturing sites that previously produced around 8 billion injection devices annually. (BD)

BD has settled on a new name for its new company, the independent spinout that will house its billion-dollar diabetes care business. 

Embecta is set to launch as its own, publicly traded brand in the second quarter of 2022 after almost a century of supplying a portfolio of insulin pens and syringes under the BD banner. The diabetes division contributed about 6% of the company’s revenues in the 2020 fiscal year, or nearly $1.1 billion, by serving about 30 million users worldwide.


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Hand putting coins in jar with money stack step gr J2JTNRE

It is turning into a problem of plenty for some startups as venture capital has been flowing in fast in recent weeks. The rapid inflow of funds is leading to some significant problems for certain startups.

Several founders and top executives of startups have brought up this issue during a discussion at Half Moon Bay in California.

Tejas Konduru, CEO and founder of Via, a mobile startup says that the pace of fundraising ensures that the initial investment or the seed round takes just weeks to finalize.


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Mattoon recommends different cookies recipes to get students through finals period.

If I had it my way, the Christmas season would never overlap with final exams, but there is one advantage to having the busiest time of the year with the most wonderful time of the year: stress-baking. Whether as a study break or a post-exam celebration, the sound of my hand mixer beating butter into creamy peaks is always a cathartic experience. In addition, having too many cookies for one person to eat is the perfect excuse to drop off some snacks for friends who might be in study mode.


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The future of work demands adaptable thinkers. Building a "career path" is no longer the singular accepted route to success in the workplace. Rather than following a linear progression of roles and titles, the strongest professionals today are curating a "career portfolio."This is a broad set of skills, experiences, and traits that might seem unrelated. But together, they make up your unique set of superpowers, which demonstrate versatility and a genuine passion for lifelong learning.


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A rendering of Gattuso's speculative life sciences project at 2500 League Island Blvd. in the Philadelphia Navy Yard.

On Dec. 3, Gattuso Development Partners announced it has begun construction on a speculative, 130K SF biomanufacturing, lab and office building at 2500 League Island Blvd. in the Philadelphia Navy Yard. The project is backed with joint venture equity capital from Boston-based The Baupost Group and a construction loan from Citizens Bank for what Philadelphia Business Journal reports will cost upward of $50M.

Image: A rendering of Gattuso's speculative life sciences project at 2500 League Island Blvd. in the Philadelphia Navy Yard.

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