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This 1985 file photo shows 79-year-old Rear Admiral Grace Hopper. The National Science Foundation has named its innovation maturity model after the trailblazing pioneer. (AP PHOTO)

A nascent team is developing platforms that are enabling new discoveries and insight sharing across the federal agency.

Dorothy Aronson isn’t simply the National Science Foundation’s chief information officer—she’s also the agency’s chief data officer, as well as an artist and an innovator.

“To be in the federal government, or to be in any [information technology] field, you have to be an innovator,” Aronson told Nextgov in the latest episode of the Critical Update podcast. “There's no standing still.”

Image: This 1985 file photo shows 79-year-old Rear Admiral Grace Hopper. The National Science Foundation has named its innovation maturity model after the trailblazing pioneer. (AP PHOTO)