Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

innovation DAILY

Here we highlight selected innovation related articles from around the world on a daily basis.  These articles related to innovation and funding for innovative companies, and best practices for innovation based economic development.

Innovative business technology W88UAF4

Regions across the country, striving to foster dynamic, diverse growth, are launching initiatives aimed at supporting the scale up of the technology and advanced-economy companies that inordinately drive the economy.

Yet, technology startup formation remains heavily skewed toward Silicon Valley, New York City, and Boston.

At the same time, regions that were previously anchored by sectors such as manufacturing and industrials sorely need more of such growth.


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They say that you shouldn’t waste time reinventing the wheel — don’t fix what ain’t broken, right? But that’s exactly what Michelin is trying to do. The major Cursor and Notification Center anufacturer of automobile tires has for over a decade been working to create airless tires, which it believes could last longer and offer significant environmental benefits to boot.

Image: Michelin 

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Johnson and Johnson Innovation

Nearly 4% of the world’s population is affected by one of more than 80 different autoimmune diseases, according to the National Stem Cell Foundation, and incidence is rising.

However, of the 30 million patients diagnosed with moderate-to-severe forms of chronic immune diseases, only 5 million receive advanced therapies and only 2 million experience adequate responses.[1] A key barrier to the development of novel therapies and treatment paradigms has been the complexity and heterogeneity of these diseases, which consist of different disease states with distinct unmet medical need and biology.


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Image Credits: Nigel Sussman

Somehow the third quarter of 2021 is coming to a close. Instead of a period filled with family and friends and fun, in many parts of the world, the COVID era dragged on, leaving us largely working from home and executing more phone calls than impromptu brunches. Alas.

But in the last handful of quarters, COVID and its impacts have proven to be attractive periods for both startup fundraising and growth. The second quarter, for example, saw huge sums of private capital disbursed around the world, partially predicated on underlying performance from startups themselves, and partially thanks to inexpensive capital bolstering venture coffers.

Image: Image Credits: Nigel Sussman

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Hand putting coins in jar with money stack step gr J2JTNREWhen the word “angel” comes to mind, one might think of an alleviating presence that guides and assists in accomplishing a goal. When paired with the term “investing”, the role of the angel becomes more financial in spirit. When navigating the uncertainty of the financial realm, especially as an up-and-coming business owner, it can be crucial for a person to have an angel investor backing their endeavors.


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Professor Terry Sejnowski at the Salk Institute for Biological Sciences and the University of California San Diego. TERRANCE J. SEJNOWSKI

Terrence J. Sejnowski is the Francis Crick Professor at the Salk Institute for Biological Studies, where he is the Director of the Crick-Jacobs Center for Theoretical and Computational Biology, and Professor of Biological Sciences (Division of Neurobiology) at the University of California San Diego. He is also Co-Director of the Institute for Neural Computation at UCSD. He is a pioneer in the areas of computational neuroscience and artificial neural networks. Among a number of major awards and honors, Professor Sejnowski is a member of all three United States National Academies (the National Academy of Engineering, the National Academy of Sciences, and the Institute of Medicine). He was also a member of the Advisory Committee to the Director of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) for the Brain Research through Application of Innovative Neurotechnologies (BRAIN) Initiative, announced by President Obama on April 2nd 2013.

Image: Professor Terry Sejnowski at the Salk Institute for Biological Sciences and the University of California San Diego. TERRANCE J. SEJNOWSKI 

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Conference Splash Graphic

MIAMI, Sept. 27, 2021 /PRNewswire-PRWeb/ -- MIAMI Association of Realtors Commercial (MIAMI Commercial) will bring together 15 top speakers to explore the innovations and other rapidly evolving changes impacting commercial real estate including blockchain/cryptocurrency, FinTech and other initiatives, that will continue to transform South Florida CRE today and into the future at its 21st annual Commercial Conference at 8:30 a.m. Friday, Oct. 1 at The Biltmore Hotel.


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People Talking

In a corporate environment, the focus of a job interview has long been demonstrating your match to the skills and experience outlined in the job description. In my experience with startups, that is still necessary, but not sufficient. Today’s business world has become totally customer driven, so customer-centric and people abilities really make the difference between winners and losers.


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Copyright infringement PMVJ9P7

September 28, 2021 RESTON, Virginia—During a year of unprecedented reliance on intellectual property rights to solve massive global challenges through business collaborations, namely the ongoing pandemic of COVID-19 and its profound disruptions of personal and business lives, today the Licensing Executive Society (USA & Canada) announced  that it is making a President’s Award and three Deals of Distinction™  Awards, along with the Frank Barnes Award. The Deals of Distinction Awards are given each year, to recognize major business transactions involving licensing, that exemplify best practices and creativity to achieve strategic business objectives, with a significant impact on advancing innovation in the industry Sectors that comprise LES.  Similarly, the Frank Barnes Award is given each year to celebrate an exceptional individual who embodies the highest cultural values of LES by selflessly investing their time and expertise in developing the careers of others – an outstanding mentor. 


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If the pandemic made anything clear, it was that mental health support and treatment are severely limited. However, just as research into Covid-19 accelerated efforts for treatment for other physical illnesses, it also provided a need and opportunity for mental healthcare innovations.

One such exciting development in mental health support comes from Fisher Wallace and its brain stimulation wearable. This FDA-cleared technology helps treat some of the most common and debilitating mental illnesses like depression, anxiety and insomnia. Wearables like what Fisher Wallace is producing are the next stage for healthcare innovation because they effectively treat the problem without the frustrating and often painful side effects that come with many medications.


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Banking MWJMC3Z

Not that long ago putting customer information in a public cloud was unthinkable. Now, financial institutions large and small are taking the plunge, enabling them to respond to customer expectations 'like a fintech.'

In the middle of the pandemic when the government instituted Paycheck Protection Program loans, Live Oak Bank asked its then-legacy core provider how quickly it could make the changes needed to ramp up PPP lending on a large scale. The answer: It would take six months to change the code.


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People working in a group setting

Bringing innovation inside an established firm, even one that has created novel ideas in the past, is not as simple as just purchasing bundled external knowledge and expecting it to work wonders at headquarters right away.

Enel CEO Francesco Starace’s mandate was to create long-term sustainable value for all stakeholders. For the energy giant to incorporate novel products and ideas from outside its own business units, Chief Innovability Officer Ernesto Ciorra used open innovation, which required systemic changes in the culture and structure of the multinational. Ciorra’s innovability teams – blending innovation with sustainability – were integrated into each business line.


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Female entrepreneur YVRTLY5

As a CEO and founder of a successful and ever-growing business, I am constantly being asked what tips I could give others to scale their own companies. Sitting down in reflection, I began to think of the most effective advice that I could give to encourage those who are trying to scale their business and bring forward more success. A few of these tips I was fortunate enough to be given when I was first starting out, and I am happy to be able to share them with you today.


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Pexels/Kelly Lacy

If the topic of life sciences comes up, people probably think of gene sequencing and other sophisticated biotechnology research.

What probably doesn’t immediately come to mind is steam. Yet scientists involved in energy-intensive bioscience R&D depend on reliable access to high-pressure steam to both sterilize equipment and maintain optimum temperatures in labs. 

Vicinity Energy, a Philadelphia-based provider of district energy solutions, is using combined heat and power — or CHP — to not only supply the thermal energy needs of high-tech customers, but also to help support the city of Philadelphia’s mission to curb carbon emissions.

Image: Pexels/Kelly Lacy (Philadelphia)

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Mental health disorders anxiety abandonment issues 58QA4BU

Recent instances of high-profile athletes prioritizing their mental health, along with organized efforts from the sports industry, have triggered an important shift in the narrative of mental health in sports. There is much that company leaders can learn from the sports world’s mental health momentum. The authors present four strategies for leaders seeking to support their employees’ mental health. Stop making assumptions about people’s well-being — instead, just ask. Hiding your vulnerabilities can reinforce the stigma around mental health. Recovery is as important for mental health as it is for physical health. And fostering support networks can unlock a virtuous cycle of employee and organizational growth.


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A woman picking up garbage plastic bottles into a JGVJKAF

Our planet and everything that lives on it is buckling under the weight of all the plastic waste we're producing. The volume of these non-biodegradable materials discarded after use is only increasing, so we need new ways to tackle them, and fast.

A new study demonstrates the proof-of-concept of an entirely new approach to plastic recycling, inspired by the way nature naturally 'recycles' the components of organic polymers present in our environment.


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Remember the frenzy in 2017 when over 200 cities and towns across the U.S. bid to house the second headquarters for Amazon? Northern Virginia in the D.C. region won that bid ultimately.

But cities, states and regions might want to dust off those bids to enter a new $1 billion competition by the U.S. Economic Development Administration (EDA) that promises more winners across the country in applied science areas to help make the U.S. more technologically competitive and inclusive. Thankfully, this competition will look more like the Olympics with many gold, silver and bronze winners compared with the winner-take-all approach of Amazon HQ2. 

EDA will grant $500,000 in technical assistance to 50 to 60 regional coalitions to develop and support three to eight projects to support a regional growth cluster this fall. Next year, EDA will award 20 to 30 regional coalitions $25 million to $100 million to implement those projects from among those that were successful in Phase One.

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Time for Change

In my role as a business advisor, I find that most still resist change, especially change they can’t control and did not choose, rather than accept it as the norm, and seek to capitalize on it. I believe that that by adopting a more positive change mindset, you can actually make surfing the waves of change much more manageable, and even make your business and career fun again.


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The meditation on cliff YDHLL23

Most people don’t know this about me, but I have a master’s degree in psychology with an emphasis on mindfulness. Most people know me as an Instagram influencer and entrepreneur, but my roots lie in understanding not only the human brain, but also the power of energy, consciousness, and manifestation.

Some in the business world might argue that these studies don’t apply, but I’m a firm believer that entrepreneurship is truly a form of self-actualization, and when you raise your consciousness and energy in the world, this only adds to your business success.


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Covid 19 Vaccine Vial

We're going to widen our lens here to talk about how to help the rest of the world cope with this crisis. Almost 50% of the world's population has received at least one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine, which doesn't sound too bad when you consider there are more than 7 billion people on the planet. But when you take a closer look at the picture, you see that it's skewed. Citizens of wealthy nations make up an overwhelming proportion of the population of the vaccinated. In most poorer countries, only 2% of the people have received a dose.

The Biden administration has pledged to donate more than 1 billion doses to the global vaccination push, so we're wondering if that will make an impact and what else would. To talk about that, we called Dr. Saad Omer. He is the director of the Yale Institute of Global Health. Dr. Omer, thank you so much for joining us once again.


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