Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

innovation DAILY

Here we highlight selected innovation related articles from around the world on a daily basis.  These articles related to innovation and funding for innovative companies, and best practices for innovation based economic development.

Warren Buffet

Warren Buffett and Charlie Munger discussed their iconic friendship, how they approach business, and how they built Berkshire Hathaway in "Buffett & Munger: A Wealth of Wisdom," a CNBC program filmed shortly after the Berkshire annual meeting in May and aired on Tuesday night. The Berkshire Hathaway chairman and vice-chairman also criticized Robinhood, called for tighter regulations after the Archegos Capital fiasco, discussed the remote-working trend, and shared what they learned from the pandemic.


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Capping off our dig into the early-stage venture capital market, we’re taking a quick look at Europe this morning. Previously, The Exchange tucked into the United States’ early-stage market for startup capital, uncovering startups using abundant seed capital to get more done before raising a Series A, while others were using pedigree, team and market size to accelerate their first lettered raise.

Image: Image Credits: Nigel Sussman

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Even though Silk + Sonder had customer traction, Meha Agrawal, its founder and CEO, got many nos—far more than her male counterparts—when raising her pre-seed round for her self-care and mental wellness brand for modern women.

"Forget all the dos and don'ts around fundraising for your pre-seed round," she said. "Know your value proposition and define the investors who are attracted to it." Then, research them and don't be afraid to reach out without an introduction, she commented.


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Neat walk in closet and dressing room.

On a recent Thursday night, I opened my closet for the first time in almost a year. I had to push my partner’s sit-up bench, where we’d heaped towels too dirty for the clean-towel place but not dirty enough for the hamper, away from the door. Inside hung “outfits,” garments I used to wear to work or to an evening out with friends: sweaters in dark colors, the slump of a dress, a pair of tops with their long, pale sleeves twined together. My nice shoes lay under a silky, tunic-like number I’d forgotten I owned, which had slipped to the ground, like the heroine of an opera. The air bore traces of something floral, rich, and oddly threatening. I could not shake the feeling that I’d disturbed a tomb.


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Mark Suster

I recently wrote a post about funding for investors to think about having a diversified portfolio, which I called “shots on goal.” The thesis is that before investing in an early-stage startup it is close to impossible to know which of the deals you did will break out to the upside. It’s therefore important to have enough deals in your program to allow for the 15–20% of amazing deals to emerge. If you funded 30–40 deals perhaps just 1 or 2 would drive the lion’s shares of returns.


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Cursor and Notification Center

From Elon Musk to Jeff Bezos, it’s tempting to think that the world’s most successful entrepreneurs are born with an innate ability to innovate.

But according to former space engineer-turned-entrepreneur, James Chin Moody, there are patterns at play in innovation that mean even the most inexperienced entrepreneurs have a good shot at identifying new business ideas.

“Innovation is not a noun, it’s the process of technological change,” he told CNBC Make It.


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Hannah Taylor

The "Consumer Safety Technology Act” (H.R. 3723), sponsored by Rep. Jerry McNerney (D-CA), recently passed the House. The final vote tally was 325-103.

The Act would require the Secretary of Commerce, in conjunction with the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), to study and report on the use of blockchain technology and digital tokens and the potential benefits of blockchain technology for limiting fraud and other unfair and deceptive acts and practices, including:


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Go pakh your cahr, Boston. Grab some granola, California. It’s D.C.’s moment in life sciences. 


For years, the Washington metropolitan area has been one of the nation’s fastest-growing and largest life sciences markets. Growth during the pandemic and the market’s singular location are launching it into a whole other stratosphere. 


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Entrepreneurs who require funding for their startup have long counted on self-accredited high net worth individuals (“angels”) to fill their needs, after friends and family, and before they qualify for institutional investments (“VCs”). The many crowd funding platforms on the Internet, led still by Kickstarter and IndieGoGo, were expected by many to put regular people in charge of funding new opportunities, and kill the need for angel groups.


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Since 2005, the Small Business Capital Investment Incentive has generated early-stage funding for more than 200 Arizona businesses, including my company, Qwick. I moved from California to Arizona to launch Qwick, an on-demand staffing platform for the service industry, because I know that new companies need these early investments to succeed.

As Arizona lawmakers finalize the fiscal 2022 budget, they can support new businesses by extending this incentive that’s commonly known as the angel investor tax credit. The program has made a $1.38 billion economic impact over the past six years alone.

Image: Jamie Baxter QWICK

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Scott Meacham in front of i2E's logo

Of the nearly 3 billion base pairs in the human genome, about 99% are the same in every human being — however, it is the sequence of these DNA pairs that makes each of us who we are genetically.

It’s like that with entrepreneurial DNA — every state has it.

Our country was built by entrepreneurs. It’s just that from state to state, our DNA is “sequenced” differently.


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Mark Suster

Being great as a startup technology investor of course requires a lot of things to come together:

  1. You need to have strong insights into where technology markets are heading and where value in the future will be created and sustained 
  2. You need be perfect with your market timing. Being too early is the same as being wrong. Being too late and you back an “also ran” 
  3. You also need to be right about the team. If you know the right market and enter at this exact right time you can still miss WhatsApp, Instagram, Facebook, Stripe, etc.


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page of text with a graph on it.

The research report studies the Immersive Virtual Reality market using different methodologies and analyzers to provide accurate and in-depth information about the market. For a clearer understanding, it is divided into several parts to cover different aspects of the market. Each place is then elaborated to help the reader comprehend the growth potential of each region and its contribution to the global market. The data analysts have used primary and secondary methodologies to consolidate the information in the report.. They have also used the same data to generate the current business scenario.


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HTF Market Intelligence released a new research Study of 75 pages on title ‘United States Blockchain Technology Market (2021-2026) ‘with in-depth analysis, forecast and business moves. The market Study is segmented by key a region that is accelerating the marketization. The study is a perfect mix of qualitative and quantitative Market data collected and validated majorly through primary data and secondary sources. The study covers key regions that includes North America, Europe or Asia and important players such as IBM (US), AWS (US), Microsoft (US), SAP (Germany), Intel (US), Oracle (US), Guardtime (US), Digital Asset Holdings (US), Chain (US), BlockCypher (US), Symbiont (US), BlockPoint (US), AlphaPoint (US), Factom (US), SpinSys (US), ConsenSys (US).


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According to Blockchain in Telecom Market report 2030, discusses various factors driving or restraining the Blockchain in Telecom market, which will help the future market to grow with promising CAGR. The Blockchain in Telecom Market Research Reports offers an extensive collection of reports on different markets covering crucial details. The Blockchain in Telecom report studies the competitive environment of the Blockchain in Telecom Market is based on company profiles and their efforts on increasing product value and production.


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Today’s economy is fundamentally driven by data – we already have more bytes than there are stars in the observable universe. Businesses are required to rapidly adopt technology to utilize this data and improve products and services.

This challenge has been dramatically amplified by COVID-19, creating a global health crisis as well as a supply and demand shock in many industries. While market forces will eventually bring back equilibrium, this may take years and have a significant negative social and economic impact, calling for novel mitigation strategies and innovation in business across industries.


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Innovation is tricky. Failure rates are high—often in the 90% range. We have already learnt a great deal about more successful approaches from Amazon’s PR/FAQ and Curt Carlson’s NABC developed at SRI International.

Another interesting contribution comes from the 2016 book, Jobs to be Done: Theory to Practice by Anthony Ulwick. I hadn’t paid too much attention to the “jobs-to-be-done” writing, after reading Christensen’s book, The Innovator’s Dilemma (2003), which waxed lyrical about the job-to-be-done by a McDonald’s milkshake. To me, as a term, “Job-To-Be-Done” is clunky and misses the thrill of making actual innovation happen. But on reflection I can see now that Ulwick’s book is interesting, particularly if you translate “job-to-be-done” as “function,” and start thinking about the components of innovation systematically.


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On june 14, 1940, the day the German army invaded and occupied Paris, a small group of scientists marched to the White House with grave news for President Franklin D. Roosevelt. U.S. military technology, they said, was utterly unprepared to take on the Axis powers. They urged the president to create a new agency—a dream team of techies and scientists—to help win the war.


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The entrepreneurs I see are always talking about “disruptive innovation” ideas, but the plans I read are more often linear extensions of a current hot offering, like one more social network with the best of Facebook and Twitter, one more dating site dimension, or another “must-have” accessory for smartphones. Perhaps hard questions need to come before ideas, rather than after.


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On a recent morning at Morgan State University in Baltimore, a small group of friends were chatting about their summer jobs.

“I was up until 4 a.m. working on a financial model. They sent off two term sheets last week,” master’s student Ime Essien said, referring to documents that outline a potential business combination. 


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