Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

innovation DAILY

Here we highlight selected innovation related articles from around the world on a daily basis.  These articles related to innovation and funding for innovative companies, and best practices for innovation based economic development.

Aclock major source of stress for many is the pervasive feeling that there is never enough time. In response, many of us turn to time management. We try to squeeze hour-long meetings into half-hour sprints by being “more efficient” or we slot smaller tasks into gaps in our calendar to minimize unproductive time. And yet, paradoxically, time management often increases the stress we face instead of reducing it. As we become more efficient, we make room for even more tasks and feel even more pressure. When we are feeling overwhelmed, we are better served by attacking the root causes: the sheer volume of tasks, decisions, and distractions.


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BioForward Wisconsin The Collective Voice of the WI Biohealth Industry

MADISON, Wis., June 23, 2021 /PRNewswire-PRWeb/ -- BioForward Wisconsin, the collective voice of Wisconsin's robust and comprehensive biohealth cluster, representing more than 220 member organizations, has announced the winners of the sixth annual Wisconsin Biohealth Awards.

These awards showcase leadership and innovation in Wisconsin's biohealth industry and specifically recognize scientific and business successes that have made Wisconsin a leader in integrated health solutions.


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Universities are incubators for many of our nation’s most popular produce items — from the HyRed cranberry developed at the University of Wisconsin-Madison to the Honeycrisp apple created at the University of Minnesota. Universities also have created corn hybrids, soybean varieties, drugs for humans and livestock, and countless other inventions.

Image: WAITING FOR DECISION: HyRed cranberries were developed at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. If the Biden administration decides to weaken the Bayh-Dole Act, which was signed into law 40 years ago by then-President Jimmy Carter, many fear the commercialization of university research will come to a grinding halt across the U.S.

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Riebana E. Sachs

Even though the coronavirus pandemic had a tumultuous impact on the global economy in 2020 that caused an economic downturn, which the International Monetary Fund described as “the worst recession since the Great Depression,” nothing could be further from the truth for the U.S. venture capital industry. As the global community is managing divergent economic and social recoveries, the U.S. venture ecosystem ended 2020 with a record year, proving itself to incredible resilience and breaking industry records.


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cloud comuting - laptop computer.

Moderna CEO Stéphane Bancel made the decision to build his mRNA research-and-development platform on public cloud to create what he calls “software for life.”1 He used the cloud as a means to accelerate therapeutic discovery and development. When the COVID-19 pandemic hit, this strategy proved prescient. The company was well positioned to quickly design research experiments and to harness its automated laboratory and manufacturing processes and enhanced drug-discovery pipeline.


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Electric Car Owners Switching to Gas Because Charging Hassle Study

In roughly three minutes, you can fill the gas tank of a Ford Mustang and have enough range to go about 300 miles with its V8 engine.

But for the electric Mustang Mach-E, an hour plugged into a household outlet gave Bloomberg automotive analyst Kevin Tynan just three miles of range.

"Overnight, we're looking at 36 miles of range," he told Insider. "Before I gave it back to Ford, because I wanted to give it back full, I drove it to the office and plugged in at the charger we have there."

Image: Mustang Mach-E GT Performance Edition. Ford

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The space industry is a really exciting industry to build in and I believe there’s a special energy that comes with being an entrepreneur in this industry that is propelling humanity forward. I believe that highly technical entrepreneurs must make a habit of identifying long term goals and are making progress along those goals. One is forced to think in terms of decades, plan in terms of years and execute in months - which gives a fresh outlook on how to build a resilient company.


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Ashira Prossack

Whether you’re a seasoned entrepreneur or just getting started on your entrepreneurial journey, there’s always room to grow and lessons to learn.

I spoke with award-winning entrepreneur Ashley Black, founder of FasciaBlaster to share tips on how she created her multi-million dollar business. Here’s the advice she shared to help entrepreneurs build their own successful businesses and companies:


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WASHINGTON, DC – The National Venture Capital Association (NVCA) opposes the Platform Competition and Opportunity Act of 2021 (H.R. 3826), which would bar acquisitions of many venture-backed companies and therefore foreclose a key liquidity pathway for entrepreneurs.

“Acquisitions contribute to the health of the startup ecosystem by allowing entrepreneurs to realize liquidity,” said NVCA President and CEO Bobby Franklin. “These entrepreneurs often go on to create new companies or invest in others, a dynamic that has supported the vibrant entrepreneurial ecosystem that sets our country apart. If acquisitions are made more difficult it will chill the creation of new high growth companies that produce new American jobs. We urge lawmakers to reject the Platform Competition and Opportunity Act.”


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When SoftBank announced its first Vision Fund back in 2017, TechCrunch gawked at the size of the fundraising vehicle and its $100 million minimum check size. Noting a few of its early deals, we wrote that “the party is just getting started.”

Little did we know how accurate that quip would become. The Vision Fund poured capital into a host of companies with big plans, or what could at least be construed as grandiose hypotheses about the future. And after deploying $98.6 billion in a blizzard of deals, SoftBank left the venture capital market changed.

Image Credits: Nigel Sussman

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lightbulb suspended above hand

I feel that the top three traits of a successful entrepreneur are tenacity, creativity and resilience. Business owners have to be very tenacious and driven- not stopping until they get to where they want to go, or achieve what they’ve set out to do. As an entrepreneur, you must also get creative and consistently think of new ways to market and present things. That is how you will continue to innovate and promote your company for the long haul that it will take to thrive. You can never sit still in business.


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Raleigh NC at night.

Apple announced in April that it plans to invest more than $1 billion in North Carolina and build a new campus and engineering hub in the Raleigh-Durham area.

The move will create about 3,000 new jobs in machine learning, artificial intelligence, software engineering, and other fields, the company said. As part of the investment, Apple plans to set up a $100 million fund to support schools and community programs across the state. The company will also contribute more than $110 million for infrastructure, including broadband and roads.


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At the beginning of the pandemic, employers quickly shifted almost every aspect of their business, including the onboarding of new employees, to take place remotely. Research from Glassdoor shows that organizations with strong onboarding practices improve employee retention by 82% and productivity by more than 70%. Yet, according to Gallup, only 12% of employees feel that their organization does a great job onboarding new employees — and this is under “normal” circumstances.

Image: Illustration by koivo -

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It is with enormous pride and excitement that we announce that Aifred Health is #2 in the WORLD in the Global @IBM Watson AI XPRIZE!  

I could not be prouder of the entire Aifred Health team and especially the four co-Founders Robert Fratila, Kelly Perlman, Sonia Israel and David Benrimoh, MD.,CM., MSc. whose vision and passion started us on this journey. 

The US$1M prize will be used to accelerate the delivery of our AI technology in the field of #depression and to begin the work to apply our tech to other disease indications where personalize treatment choice is needed to deliver better outcomes to patients. 


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It's rare to find any of us that enjoy our commute, and the removal of it as so many have had to work from home during Covid has been one of the undisputed perks of Covid life. As you might expect, however, things are seldom as straightforward as they seem.

For instance, research from the University of Cambridge highlights how our commute can provide us with a great way to clearly demarcate our professional and personal lives.


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Doctors and nurses performing surgery.

As healthcare business leaders strategize for the post-pandemic world, one thing is evident: Digital transformation has just begun.

In fact, 81% of healthcare executives say the pace of digital transformation for their organization is accelerating, and 93% report that they are innovating with a sense of urgency and call to action this year, according to the Accenture Digital Health Technology Vision 2021 report.

"We are in a radically changing world marked by rapidly evolving healthcare consumer expectations, location-agnostic care needs, and a rise in new ecosystem partnerships that are accelerating the industry several years forward," Dr. Kaveh Safavi, a senior managing director in Accenture's Global Health practice and one of the authors of the report, said in a statement.


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Crises tend to give rise to remarkable innovations and insights. Today is just such a moment, raising challenges to many long-held beliefs about how companies should operate. In this episode of the Inside the Strategy Room podcast, McKinsey’s global leader Kevin Sneader talks with senior partner Celia Huber about the eight trends that will shape the post-COVID-19 economy, which he writes about in his recent article. Their conversation took place during a recent virtual event featuring conversations with business leaders around the world. This is an edited transcript of the discussion. You can listen to the episode on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or Google Podcasts.


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2021 National SBIR Week kicks off in just 28 days! Taking place July 19 – July 23, the event will connect entrepreneurs working on advanced technologies to the country's largest source of early stage funding – the Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) programs, which provide over $4 billion in funding to small businesses each year in a wide variety of technology areas. We want innovation to help all people, so we must get all people involved in creating those innovations!  


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