Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

innovation DAILY

Here we highlight selected innovation related articles from around the world on a daily basis.  These articles related to innovation and funding for innovative companies, and best practices for innovation based economic development.

Man wearing suit

For young startups and businesses, finding the capital to get up and running is one of the biggest challenges. Before delving into the seven recommendations, I would like to encourage you to always adapt your funding needs and requests to the business stage you are currently in. For example, you might ask family and friends to contribute to seed capital in the early and middle stages of getting started. However, during the growth stage, corporate finance from an angel investor or a venture capitalist is usually more appropriate. I would also encourage you to always continue applying for funds. You will be rewarded eventually and get the opportunity to build your own company!


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Wikipedia - Adena Friedman

From disrupter to incumbent and back—that’s been the 50-year journey of the Nasdaq (also known by its more formal name, the National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotation system). It was the first electronic market exchange when it launched in February 1971; it later established itself as the listing home of technology lions such as Apple and Microsoft; and now, Nasdaq itself is a provider of market technologies, such as data and analytics services, for other exchanges worldwide.

Image: Wikipedia - Adena Friedman

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Report Cover

The global pandemic has put resiliency on the agenda of every company in the world. As they cope with the seismic changes brought about by COVID-19, businesses of all sizes and types have needed to adapt to remote work, reconfigured physical workspaces, and revised logistics and supply networks. They’ve also changed operating procedures to cope with the pandemic’s risks and effects. The fallout has been enormous and has demonstrated in the clearest way the direct connection between operational efficiency and economic prosperity.


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Creating university communities of innovation is AURP’s core expertise. And as university innovation communities evolve, AURP announces university innovation community builders’ latest professional development opportunity — Innovation U Virtual Seminars. We’ll be featuring information and knowledge about the latest trends in innovation and university districts — the why, the how-to and “the who is doing it and where?”


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Amazon Logo

It isn't a surprising statement to say that Amazon has leveraged unique business practices and leadership perspectives over the years — ones that have enabled it to launch successful product after successful product, from AWS and the Kindle, to Prime and a studio that produces films.

You've likely read about Jeff Bezos' "two pizza rule." Or heard about how Amazon leaders spend the first 30 minutes of a meeting reading six-page memos in complete silence. With the constant coverage of the company's trajectory, there seems to be an endless appetite for more details like these — the ones that promise to spill the secrets behind the success.


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KITAKYUSHU, Japan -- Toto, a Japanese company best known for toilets with heated seats and built-in bidets, is taking its technology to a whole new level to help people better manage their health through automated monitoring and analysis of urine and stool.

Toto is working on a toilet outfitted with sensors in the seat and other health-monitoring technologies that look for signs of health problems. The Wellness Toilet, which the company hopes to roll out in a few years, will scrutinize people's daily waste output to look for various disease markers.


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people in meeting around a conference table.

In 2020, venture capital (VC) firms and investors were hit by some of the most substantial and unprecedented changes they’ve had to contend with yet: widespread market uncertainty, fewer funding rounds and less face-to-face interaction with clients. The sum of all these conditions could have made quality investment difficult or even impracticable, yet digital technology and culture change have proven, once again, that the restrictions of yesteryear need not interrupt modern business.


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The world begins 2021 with a COVID-19 vaccine and the hope of physical recovery from the virus. Now, as we work towards social, economic and fiscal recovery, we can’t forget a crisis we faced even before the pandemic took centre stage—a crisis for which there is no immediate solution. Climate change, manifesting itself in fires, storms, floods and droughts, has continued to trouble leaders of governments and businesses as they’ve worked to address the pandemic. The economic impact alone from climate change is estimated to reach almost US$8tn by 2050, with a disproportionate impact on low-income and vulnerable countries.


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Chair - Kevin Van Aelst

It’s fair to say that 2020 rocked many organizations and business models, upending priorities and plans as business leaders scrambled to navigate a rapidly changing environment. For many organizations this included responding to the social justice movements, shifting to a full-time remote staff, determining how best to support employees’ wellbeing, managing a hybrid workforce, and now addressing legal concerns around the Covid-19 vaccine.

Image: Kevin Van Aelst

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Person disinfecting countertop

The world’s attention is rightly focused on news of COVID-19 vaccine updates, from eligibility to supply. But we will make a critical error if we ignore the need for treatments as well as vaccines. Vaccines may not reach everyone for many years. Vaccines will not protect everyone. And as infection surges threaten to overwhelm hospitals and nursing homes, immediate remedies are needed. So, it is vitally important we continue to research treatments to limit and cure COVID-19.


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Fish swimming near reef

The ocean soundtrack of the popular imagination is a largely silent one, interrupted only by the mournful aria of migrating whales or the acapella vocalizations of dolphin pods.

In fact, the underwater realm sounds more like an orchestra warming up, the cetaceans hitting their high notes while other marine mammals clear their throats against a background of breaking waves. 


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Kim Perell

Think about what the stereotypical entrepreneur looks like. Can you see him clearly?

He’s in his 20s. He’s techy. He’s drinking a Red Bull, wearing a hoodie. And yeah, he’s definitely a he.

When you don’t fit into that Silicon Valley box, it can be hard to picture yourself as an entrepreneur… even if you would make a great one.


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Healthcare Ventures Logo

As a specialist digital health fund, Sydney based Healthcare Ventures will invest in early stage and growth companies transforming healthcare via digital health technologies.

The investment strategy focuses primarily on Australian companies going global, led by visionary founders, that are redefining how healthcare is provided and consumed whilst delivering better outcomes for all.

The Healthcare Ventures team brings investment, medical and digital health expertise to the table. All are entrepreneurs in their own rights:


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The facility in Esch-sur-Alzette offers work space to companies and start-ups from the biomedicine sector.

On Thursday, Minister of the Economy Franz Fayot met with Esch-sur-Alzette Mayor Georges Mischo and Jean-Paul Scheuren, who is the administrator of the House of Biohealth. Their discussions revolved around the new "bio incubator" and the role of the sector in the age of the pandemic.


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Virginia Tech Corporate Research Center President and CEO, Brett Malone, Ph.D., joins Rich Bendis on BioTalk to discuss regional expansion plans, strategic partnerships, and success stories.

Listen now via Apple, Google, Spotify, and TuneIn


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ROCKVILLE, MARYLAND, February 8, 2021 – BioHealth Innovation Inc., (BHI), announces the addition of Renée JG Arnold, PharmD, RPh, President & CEO, Arnold Consultancy & Technology, LLC, John P. Reinhart, CPA, MBA, Co-founder and Board Member of the Thrive Center in Louisville, Kentucky, Don Rose, Ph.D., Special Advisor to Hatteras Venture Partners, and Kwame Ulmer, Principal at Ulmer Ventures to the growing Entrepreneurs-in-Residence (EIR) team. The Entrepreneur-in-Residence Program at BHI aims to ensure that disruptive technologies receive all the resources required to transform the technology from a discovery into a commercially relevant product and eventually have a measurable impact on human health. The program was created to support scientists, early-stage startups, and licensed technologies to provide them with access to these resources. These four additions to the team will be working with the National Institutes of Health (NIH), specifically the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI), and the National Institute on Aging (NIH).


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Most entrepreneurs I meet are reluctant to disclose anything about their idea to investors before getting a signed confidential disclosure agreement (CDA). Professional investors and advisors, on the other hand, usually refuse to sign these agreements today due to the risk of litigation and administrative workload, and will walk away. How can you make this a win-win opportunity?


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This online application pertains to the National Foundation for Cancer Research’s (NFCR) next Salisbury Award Competition for Entrepreneurial Translational Research.

Submitted project applications for scheduled Salisbury Award Competitions will be reviewed by NFCR. Selections will be made based on the quality of responses, and submitters will be informed in a timely manner.

A maximum of 30 minutes will be allocated per project, including segue and question and answer periods, and visual presentations (such as PowerPoint) will be required.


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