Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

innovation DAILY

Here we highlight selected innovation related articles from around the world on a daily basis.  These articles related to innovation and funding for innovative companies, and best practices for innovation based economic development.

98 Accelerating Water Quality Improvements through P3 and Technology YouTube

Stormwater runoff is the second largest, and still growing, source of water pollution into the Chesapeake Bay, our nation’s largest estuary. Solutions to reduce stormwater runoff have typically been expensive and difficult to implement across large areas. To help address this issue and accelerate improvements, water quality trading markets have been developed and have been active in Maryland, and other regions within the Chesapeake Bay watershed, for many years. However, credit trades have either occurred between point source dischargers (wastewater treatment plants) or in the agricultural sector, with little to no engagement from private industry to help address impacts of urban stormwater runoff.


This report provides in depth study of “Venture Capital Investment Market” using SWOT analysis i.e. Strength, Weakness, Opportunities and Threat to the organization. The Venture Capital Investment Market report also provides an in-depth survey of key players in the market which is based on the various objectives of an organization such as profiling, the product outline, the quantity of production, required raw material, and the financial health of the organization.


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VC deal volume in the US dropped to a seven-year low of 2,197 in the second quarter of 2020, according to a recent report from KPMG. However, deal value remained remarkably stable at $34.3 billion, buoyed by large investments in late-stage companies.

Globally, VC-backed companies raised $62.9 billion across 4,502 deals, nearly equaling investment in Q1 2020 and only slightly below Q2 2019, which saw $69.9 billion invested.

The five largest deals were in the US and China: California-based Waymo ($3 billion), Shenzhen’s MGI Tech ($1 billion), Hangzhou-based Didi Bike ($1 billion), San Francisco-based Stripe ($850 million) and Beijing-based Zuoyebang ($750 million).


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Top Tips for Selecting a Custom Manufacturing Partner Technology Networks

Outsourcing has long been in the armory of forward-thinking companies. Initially, it was most often a short-term option to reduce cost, or perhaps to cope with a new product or a large order but, as time has passed, it has become a core part of commercial strategy for many businesses. Today, the trend is to look to an outsourced partner to deliver expertise and services in areas that are considered core to the success of the organization. With life science industries facing increased competition, global regulatory demands, and pressure to shorten time to market, outsourcing part – or all – of manufacturing is becoming increasingly prevalent. But what should be considered in choosing such a custom or contract manufacturing partner?

Image: Pixabay

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ANewImages an advisor to entrepreneurs, one of the most common requests I get is for an evaluation of a next startup idea. I try to explain that even the most innovative idea will fail if it is not a good fit for you at this time, so the question I ask them is “why you now” rather than “why this solution now?” The right person can make any idea a business success, and the wrong one will always struggle.


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10 college degrees that will be increasingly desirable in the 2020s Business Insider

Throughout spring and early summer, the story was relentless: Colleges and universities were dithering and hedging over their fall plans, just as tweedy professors could be expected to do. Students and parents wanted answers, but campuses (ill-equipped to deal with anything more consequential than homecoming) didn’t have them.


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Banners and Alerts and 3 Chicks on Green Grass Free Stock Photo

During our formative years, we learn to create different, compartmentalised versions of ourselves to fit into different situations. This shifting of our personas is perhaps most obvious in our educational or work environments. To be authentic, on the other hand, is to integrate these different versions of ourselves and to just act like ourselves, in accord with our core values, beliefs and motivations, regardless of the situation.


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Lightning Photography Free Stock Photo

We’re in the midst of a climate crisis. Our forests are burning, communities are flooding, our oceans are choking with plastic and earth’s surface temperature is rising. It’s not too late to save our planet, but it requires urgent action.

Each of us are responsible for our own actions, and we can all make adjustments to create a more sustainable way of living. Reducing travel, eating local produce, choosing green energy sources and consuming only what we need, all help to reduce our carbon footprint and create a more sustainable world for future generations.


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Venture capital is still soaring but the business is changing The Boston Globe

If you wanted to look for a part of the economy that is having a totally normal 2020 — actually, better than normal — look to the venture capital firms that put money into fledgling and fast-growing companies.

“The venture business has been like the stock market this year — somewhat divorced from the real economy,” observes Antontio Rodriguez, an investor at Matrix Partners in Cambridge.


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Photo Of People Holding Each Other s Hands Free Stock Photo

Some people are better networkers than others. Most of us can identify the person in our department who seems to know more people, know more about people, and know information sooner than their colleagues. But for the first time, I and my fellow researchers have been able to quantify connectedness at work and more accurately identify its benefits — and pitfalls.


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Startup Professionals Musings 7 Success Factors When Your People Are The Solution

The critical success factors for a product business are well known, starting with selling every unit with a gross margin of 50 percent or more, building a patent and other intellectual property, and continuous product improvement. If your forte is a service, like consulting or web site design, it’s harder to find guidance on what will get you funded, and how you can scale your business.


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Hearing Aid Induction Loop Deaf Free vector graphic on Pixabay

After months of working remotely from home, many of us have found that the daily routine of virtual meetings saps our energy. It is difficult to maintain continuity, connection, and coherence. We are prone to speak too little or too much, repeating things unnecessarily. Our attention wanders, and we tune out. Not moving from one conference room to the next as we transition between meetings enervates us and bores us with its lack of variety.


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Purpose and profit How to recreate innovation in five steps

The rebound of global share markets offers mild optimism that the pace of recovery from the pandemic could be swift.

Even so, most industries will require innovation at a faster rate and more cost-efficiently than ever before.

By re-creating the five core components of the innovation process — how you innovate, where you innovate, who you innovate with, what you innovate, and why you innovate — your business could profit from opportunities over your competitors. 


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Sustainability is fast becoming a core investment focus. Here’s what the industry can learn from the most successful climate impact funds.

Globally, climate change has dominated the public space in the past couple of years. A vast increase in climate change articles in the last two years, emerging ‘climate idols’ such as Greta Thunberg and climate-related pop culture (e.g., flygskam being FT’s Word of 2019) have been just some of the indicators of this megatrend.


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Is Telemedicine Here to Stay

Telemedicine is having its moment. Over the last few months, millions of people have relied on video or telephone calls to talk to their doctors. But as the pandemic moves across the United States, and eventually recedes in some places, how long will the moment last?

Image: While David Collins of Houston appreciates the ease of telemedicine, he sometimes prefers an in-person doctor’s visit. “If you break your arm, an e-visit isn’t going to help you at all,” he said.Credit...Callaghan O'Hare for The New York Times

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One of the characteristics that every good investor looks for in an aspiring entrepreneur is resilience, or the ability to learn from and bounce back after a failure. You don’t have to have previous startup problems to show resilience – everyone should have a story of tackling a tough challenge with minimal success, but using the failure to move on and achieve an objective.


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Sohail Khan

With the economy in a holding pattern and businesses shutting down, you may be wondering if a crowdfunding campaign can succeed right now. Are people going to be interested in funding your next cool gadget or product?

Kickstarter’s numbers reveal that backers are still showing up to support their favorite projects. Indiegogo crowdfunding campaigns are also thriving.


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The last thing America’s colleges need during the pandemic is for their students to hug each other. But in March, shortly before being sent home, many students said goodbye with an embrace, and you can bet many of them will greet one another the same way when they are reunited in the fall.


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california white house

It now seems like ancient history, but only a few months ago, California’s economy was roaring.

“By any standard measure, by nearly every recognizable metric, the state of California is not just thriving but, in many instances, leading the country, inventing the future, and inspiring the nation,” Gov. Gavin Newsom boasted in February’s state of the state address.


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Jennifer Butler, Executive Vice President and General Manager, Innate Pharma US Inc. joins Rich Bendis on BioTalk to discuss her career, bringing Innate from France to the US, and goals.

Listen now on Apple, Google, Spotify, TuneIn, and YouTube Audio


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