Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis


VC deal volume in the US dropped to a seven-year low of 2,197 in the second quarter of 2020, according to a recent report from KPMG. However, deal value remained remarkably stable at $34.3 billion, buoyed by large investments in late-stage companies.

Globally, VC-backed companies raised $62.9 billion across 4,502 deals, nearly equaling investment in Q1 2020 and only slightly below Q2 2019, which saw $69.9 billion invested.

The five largest deals were in the US and China: California-based Waymo ($3 billion), Shenzhen’s MGI Tech ($1 billion), Hangzhou-based Didi Bike ($1 billion), San Francisco-based Stripe ($850 million) and Beijing-based Zuoyebang ($750 million).
