Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

innovation DAILY

Here we highlight selected innovation related articles from around the world on a daily basis.  These articles related to innovation and funding for innovative companies, and best practices for innovation based economic development.


As a startup advisor, I see many aspiring entrepreneurs whose primary motivation seems to be to work part time, or get rich quick, or avoid anyone else telling them what to do. Let me assure you, from personal experience, and from helping many successful as well as struggling entrepreneurs, that starting a business is hard work, and doesn’t come with any of the benefits mentioned.


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As the COVID-19 pandemic spreads across the world, forcing major cities and entire countries to enter a state of indefinite lockdown, many people are being encouraged or ordered to work or learn remotely, conducting meetings, conference calls and classes online in isolation. But is the Internet itself ready for the sudden surge in activity? And what about the millions of Americans who lack high-speed Internet access in the first place?


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500 Startups moves to rolling admissions instead of cohorts TechCrunch

500 Startups is scrapping its cohort model for accelerating companies and moving to a rolling admissions process, the accelerator said during its latest demo day.

One of the progenitors of the accelerator model in the US along with Techstars and Y Combinator, 500 has been a cornerstone of the early-stage company building platform.


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If you're decades away from retirement, your strategy won't look much like that of earlier generations who leaned heavily on Social Security to carry them through their golden years.

Recent reports show the Social Security trust — the government-run program that provides benefits to retirees, the disabled, and their families — will be underfunded as soon as next year, and experts believe changes to the program are imminent.


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Do you try to learn new things at work?

Do you ask your boss to coach or mentor you?

Do you often take on more tasks than your role formally requires?

If you answered “yes” to these questions, you are probably already job crafting, which is defined as the ability to make your job more meaningful by aligning it with your interests and values. This notion is consistent with well-established scientific evidence on the benefits of matching people to a role that is a good fit with their abilities, personalities, and beliefs.


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It is unpleasant, frightening and often lonely to be living in the time of a global pandemic. But as the coronavirus’ continuing spread contains people across the world in isolation in our homes, good citizens of the internet have stepped up to help fill the void of physical human connection. In fact, the closure of physical venues has made it a boom time for online content: musicians are live-streaming free shows from their living rooms; zoos are offering an animal’s-eye view into a world without humans; celebrities are showing us their unvarnished selves, with PSAs tucked in; and meme-makers are discovering a new frontier of viral humor.


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Home office

Much of the American workforce is now working from home due to self-isolation. Most of that group will feel complacent, as they're being just productive enough to get by. But you're not "most of the American workforce," you're an entrepreneur, and it's in your DNA to go above and beyond. That said, why not use this time to learn some new skills that can help you start climbing the career ladder when you return? Here are 10 of the top in-demand skills worth your time.


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Headed into 2020, startups accustomed to years of plentiful venture capital faced leaner times. Then came the coronavirus pandemic.

The paralysis in travel and business caused by efforts to contain the disease has proven too great a stress test for some companies, especially ones that rely on the travel and hospitality industry. Startups like Hipmunk and Service shut their doors this quarter after efforts to extend their capital lifelines fell through. With the U.S. headed into recession, more are likely to follow.

Image: Coronavirus has led to further tightening of venture capital for startups. © 2020 BLOOMBERG FINANCE LP

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SSelective Focus Photo of Young Girl in Red Dress Playing with Building Blocks Free Stock Photoavvy managers understand the fundamentals of crisis management, at least on the theoretical level. Their careers rise and fall on an individual’s ability to rally their teams, project deliberate calm and empathy, take decisive action, and communicate effectively. The most fortunate among them have not had to face a crisis like the coronavirus pandemic now rampaging through the global community to devastating effect.


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Startup Yale 2020 Yale School of Management

Startup Yale brings together Yale’s biggest entrepreneurship awards in two days packed with pitches, prizes, and world-changing ideas.

Yale innovators will join community leaders, investors, and practitioners to reimagine the future. Grounded in inclusivity and impact, Startup Yale is a crossroads for a new kind of innovation ecosystem. This year, Startup Yale is going virtual: tune in April 16-17, 2020.

Startup Yale includes  Yale's biggest entrepreneurship prizes:


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ike grocery store clerks and Amazon delivery drivers, they’re among the essential workers of the coronavirus pandemic: the biopharma employees who must still go in to the lab or the manufacturing plant. But for these employees, going to work means facing elevated risk that they might be infected while taking public transportation, passing a colleague in the hallway, or peering over a Petri dish.

Image: ADOBE

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Novel Coronavirus SARS CoV 2 Coronavirus disease 2019 Wikipedia

The EIC is organising a special ePitching-session in the light of the current COVID-19 outbreak in an effort to mobilize EIC projects. All EIC-backed SMEs that can contribute to possible solutions to help combat the current pandemic and its consequences and are looking for investment are welcome to apply. 


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Today we held a virtual Pediatric Pitch, powered by MedTech Innovator for the National Capital Consortium for Pediatric Device Innovation, an FDA funded consortium, led by Children's National Hospital and University of Maryland + great partners BioHealth Innovation, Inc. Archimedic, MedTech Innovator


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While navigating constant change Is a necessity for early stage companies, the intensity of the current environment requires a new level adaptability.  Please join Victor Gutwein and Pat LaPointe as they share with angels and entrepreneurs how they are advising their portfolio companies during this time.

*ACA Webinars are always free to members. There is a small fee for non-members to attend and receive the archive. Learn more about our new webinar pricing and the annual subscription option.


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Syringe Pill Capsule Free image on Pixabay

There is a desperate need for new medicines to treat Covid-19, the disease caused by the novel coronavirus that has shut down much of the world. A vaccine to prevent infection entirely would be even better.

Drug companies and medical researchers are making heroic efforts to deliver new medicines. Several dozen are now in development, and you can see highlights of those efforts here. Studies so far are mostly small and lack real control groups, making it hard for researchers to be sure of their conclusions. 


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A ten-point preparedness plan for our communities...

As the dreaded coronavirus rips across the globe, city after city has locked down, transforming urban business centers, suburban malls, and other public spaces into ghost towns. This is not the first time this has happened—since time immemorial, cities have been epicenters of communicable diseases.


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