Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

innovation DAILY

Here we highlight selected innovation related articles from around the world on a daily basis.  These articles related to innovation and funding for innovative companies, and best practices for innovation based economic development.

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Two commercial real estate firms with a significant presence in the marketing of life sciences properties have issued reports over the past 12 months that illustrate the growth in industry employment in recent years.

One life sciences segment, “Research and Development in Biotechnology” (NAICS code 541714), has largely driven that growth, with its number of jobs more than doubling over the past decade, to 204,800 as of 2019, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) data cited by Cushman & Wakefield in “Life Sciences 2020: The Future Is Here,” a report released February 6. Between 2010 and 2019, biotech R&D employment grew 5.1%, compared with 1.6% for total employment. Most of the increase, more than 70,000 jobs, occurred between 2013 and 2019.


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 Bill Schaninger

January 20, 2020In recent years, nudging has been hailed as the latest trend in HR and a novel, new scientific management approach. And for good reason: using nudges has improved everything from customer retention and employee safety to organizational commitment and innovation. When nudges are executed with care, they have remarkable results. However, in many cases there is a misconception about what a nudge actually is – organizations often launch initiatives that either miss the mark or are just reminders in disguise. When that happens, the nudge is actually a nag, and it risks losing its impact and becoming downright annoying. What can you do to ensure you’re using nudges and not nags? If your nudges check the three boxes below, you’re well on your way.


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Greg Norman

The Census Bureau says there are more than 327 million people living across America’s 50 states, but not everyone is crammed into cities or living in the suburbs.

Here are the top five least populous states in the country:

5. South Dakota

South Dakota, the first entry on this list, is only slightly more populous than its northern neighbor. The Census Bureau says 882,235 people call South Dakota home. Its best-known tourist attraction is Mount Rushmore, which gives the state its official nickname. The scenic Badlands National Park also draws visitors here. Since 1959, the National Geodetic Survey has designated a point outside the city of Belle Fourche as the geographic center of the U.S.


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Living paycheck to paycheck is not an uncommon phenomenon in the US.

According to 2017 survey results from Career Builder, a job listing and career resource website, 78% of Americans were living paycheck to paycheck, which means many are not able to save money for long-term financial goals or social activities.

And a new study shows just how hard it is for many Americans to get ahead. The average American spends roughly $1,272 per paycheck on living expenses — with the majority of expenses coming from housing and utility bills — according to a recent Clever Real Estate report using Bureau of Economic Analysis spending and income data and IRS state tax data. 


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Fastest growing cities around the world according to the UN Business Insider

The world population is expected to grow to 8.6 billion in 2030, and African metro areas are leading this growth.

According to a 2017 UN press release, population growth will mainly occur in nine countries, including five African countries — Tanzania, Congo, Uganda, Nigeria, and Ethiopia. The 15 fastest-growing cities, all located in Africa, are projected to almost double their populations by 2035.


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Though innovation departments are expected to accomplish big goals, their teams don't need to be equally big — and, in fact, they shouldn't be, for reasons that go far beyond the obvious reduced costs and simplified management structure.

In an op-ed for Fast Company, tech entrepreneur Aytekin Tank posited that "when there are too many voices involved in decision-making, innovation goes out the door." He went on to outline four benefits of building a small innovation team of highly and widely skilled individuals:


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Selling services has always been about relationships, but the challenges of building relationships with services clients have exploded. Customers today extrapolate their relationships not only from personal contact, but from every aspect of their interface with your company, including web site and social media interactions, access to peer reviews, as well as the actual services experience.


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Amazon founder Jeff Bezos announced Monday he would donate $10 billion to combat climate change, marking one of the largest individual philanthropic commitments ever to the crucial environmental challenge.

The details: "This global initiative will fund scientists, activists, NGOs – any effort that offers a real possibility to help preserve and protect the natural world," Bezos, the world's richest person, said in an Instagram post unveiling the Bezos Earth Fund.


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Pete Briskman, an Executive Managing Director with JLL, leads the Tenant Advisory and brokerage business for JLL in Maryland, sits down with BioTalk Host Rich Bendis to talk his role with JLL, his focus on Life Sciences, and vision of the BioHealth Capital Region

Pete Briskman works with many of the regions' most exciting and fastest growing Life Science Companies assisting them with their real estate and site selection strategies for Headquarter transactions, relocations, build-to-suits, renewals, expansions, and consolidations.


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ROCKVILLE, MARYLAND, February 12, 2020 – BioHealth Innovation, Inc. (BHI) announced that its Board of Directors unanimously has approved the appointments of six new board members...

“I am privileged to welcome these new members to our board,” said Richard Bendis, BHI President and CEO. “The addition of their leadership experience in the BioHealth Capital Region and beyond ensures in BHI’s ability to have our finger on the pulse of innovation and fresh viewpoints. I also would like to thank Rip Ballou of GSK, Robert Caret of the University System of Maryland, Doug Liu of QIAGEN, Ashish Kulkarni, of Avantor, and Beth Meagher of Deloitte Consulting LLP for their many years of service on our Board of Directors.

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Don t Make A Prison Of Entrepreneurship

Like so many other entrepreneurs, I left corporate America to own my life. I wanted to own my day: take yoga at 10 A.M., have long lunches, work with people of my choosing, and not have meetings about nothing. I longed to work in environments that did more to foster my productivity. I wanted to work from home or even from a park. Owning my day, looked like having my own business.

Image: Photo credit: Brian Asare / Unsplash

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In 2016, the distinguished economist Robert Gordon published a landmark tome on the U.S. economy. The Rise and Fall of American Growth looked back admiringly on the explosion in economic output in the decades after the Civil War and lamented the subsequent fizzling out in more recent times. Among contemporary economists, Gordon has become a standard-bearer for those who believe the U.S. economy’s best days are behind it. Now, in the new book Fully Grown, an economics professor at the University of Houston, Dietrich Vollrath, tackles the same issue. But he reaches a very different conclusion. Vollrath believes that the slower economic growth since 2000 should be seen as a badge of honor, and that its main causes are consequences of the economy’s success, not its failure.


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Being a working parent is no easy feat. And when you run your own business, the challenges can be significantly heightened. Children and businesses both require a great deal of care, time and attention in order to grow healthy and successful. This makes prioritising between the two a very difficult job.

So just how do you go about getting these two precious priorities just right?

The answers lie in our list of five tips for balancing parenthood and entrepreneurship.


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Frederic Kerrest

It's hard to believe the 2010s are over and we're already two months into 2020. The start of a new decade gives us all an opportunity to reflect on where we've been and, more important, plan for what's ahead. As an entrepreneur and avid reader, I've always believed books can have a powerful influence on the way we think about our goals and achievements.


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Cincinnati, Ohio (Tuesday, February 11, 2020) – Speaker, thought leader and CEO of MOFI, Shawn Nason, announced a new adventure in the world of innovation and disruption, with the acquisition of Innovation Excellence, the acknowledged online home of the global innovation community.

Since 2006, founders Braden Kelley, Julie Anixter, Rowan Gibson and Dean DeBiase have grown Innovation Excellence into the popular crowd-sourced innovation platform, with a roster of over 32,000 subscribers and 47,000 connections on LinkedIn.


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The streets of Wuhan, China — the epicenter of the coronavirus outbreak — are empty and quiet except for the sound of loudspeakers squawking quarantine instructions to its sheltered-in-place residents. Flights to some Chinese cities have been terminated. A Tokyo, Japan-based travel agency has canceled nearly 20,000 of its Chinese package tours. 


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BGN Technologies, the technology transfer company of Ben-Gurion University (BGU) of the Negev, Israel, is introducing the first all-optical “stealth” encryption technology that will be significantly more secure and private for highly-sensitive cloud computing and data center network transmission. Joining us in this special Research Saturday is BGN's Dan Sadot who helped pioneer this technology. - See more at:

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We’ve all dreamt it. Starting up a hustle on the side of your regular 9 to 5. You see a new business thrive and think to yourself: ‘I could do that.’ 

Many people have great ideas but never take the next step (or steps) of turning those ideas into reality. There are plenty of reasons why those steps are never taken, some real, but mostly imagined.

A few years ago, I took the plunge and started my little bit on the side. It hasn’t been easy, but then again, it has not been as impossible as I once imagined. Here are the top five things I wish I knew before starting my side-hustle.


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